John Thomas
Temporal Navigator
People may not be able to travel back in time right now.
But every time you rewind video or audio, you are making that video and audio travel back in time.
That is a fact.
And because you can rewind video and audio, it stands to reason that you might one day, rewind the natural video and audio of life you are experiencing right now.
If you can imagine it, it is possible.
It is all possible because all worlds are potentially real.
I just happen to think that they don't actually become real until you create them with your choices.
But every time you rewind video or audio, you are making that video and audio travel back in time.
That is a fact.
And because you can rewind video and audio, it stands to reason that you might one day, rewind the natural video and audio of life you are experiencing right now.
If you can imagine it, it is possible.
It is all possible because all worlds are potentially real.
I just happen to think that they don't actually become real until you create them with your choices.