Fact: Time Travel Exists Now

John Thomas

Temporal Navigator
People may not be able to travel back in time right now.
But every time you rewind video or audio, you are making that video and audio travel back in time.
That is a fact.
And because you can rewind video and audio, it stands to reason that you might one day, rewind the natural video and audio of life you are experiencing right now.
If you can imagine it, it is possible.
It is all possible because all worlds are potentially real.
I just happen to think that they don't actually become real until you create them with your choices.
But every time you rewind video or audio, you are making that video and audio travel back in time.
That is a fact.

Well, no. The only thing that is fact here is that you are using vague language and literal misinterpretation of what a technology does to make an unscientific claim. In no way does the video and audio "travel back in time." It is a representation of what happened in the past, but I think you are smart enough to know that it is certainly not making the video go back in time.

But every time you rewind video or audio, you are making that video and audio travel back in time.
That is a fact.

Rewinding a VHS tape is no more causing the content on the tape to travel back in time than is retracing your path to work to go home after work. In both cases you've just reversed course.

Reversing the sign of a position vector does not imply time travel. That's all you did by rewinding the tape or going home after work - you simply reversed the sign of a position vector. Time travel to the past imlies an ability to reverse the cause-effect relationship of an event.
Playback of a VHS/CD/DVD/HD digital video/audio clip is physical time travel.
You're not time traveling. The footage is physically time traveling.
It is not the same thing as going back home the same way you came.
If you do not realize this, how are you going to understand advanced time travel?
What say the other members here?
Is playback of your life on the camera physical time travel of that footage or not?
If you do not realize this, how are you going to understand advanced time travel?

"If you do not realize this" implies you know something scientific which others do not. How about we stick to science and not in-your-face platitudes which are definitely not scientific?

What say the other members here?

I see, so it is "science by consensus" for you. You must be a climate scientist, eh?
Probably what Thomas is implying that "philosophically" the universe can be re-experienced by rewinding a recording (something I am verily confused at everytime I try to rewind by old VCR or attempt to program it) on a tape. However, the main problem with this is that when we travel forward or backwards in time there is a un-natural movement on behalf of the traveler on the fundamental temporal axis of timespace.

When we rewind a recording the traveler or viewer is rewinding himself/herself the recording but at the same time still moving towards the future (as we all do in regular timespace) at the particular predetermined rate. So in fact the traveler or viewer is not traveling backwards, but perceiving a scene from the past.

This would not be interpreted as time travel. Experiencing the past through a series of perceptory notions would not be different than watching a photo album, reading a chronicle or studying the ancient Atherian ruins of Meldovar III. Time travel, as defined so far, is to be able to move physically backward, forward, sideways or phaseforth on the fundamental temporal axis of the timespace manifold of this reality.

Nonetheless, if we were to rewind such temporal construct, somehow, we would be able to play it back and experience it. As such I understand your point of view Thomas, but not by rewinding a recording and seeing it, since the traveler is not himself/herself inserted upon it.

There was a movie in 1983 that has a plot similar to what you're presenting in this thread, John. Brainstorm - with Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken - "A team of scientists invents "the Hat", a brain/computer interface that allows sensations to be recorded from a person's brain and converted to tape so that others can experience them. "

Actually, in the movie, it is more than just the sensations that are recorded, but the entire event, with sensations - a 'you are there' experience.

In today's computer environment, seems that instead of a tape, as used in the movie, a portable device that can be plugged into a USB port to upload recorded experiences would accomplish the same.

Would imagine that if we had such technology available - simply putting the 'memory stick' into a USB port, we could "re-experience" any event we wished, anytime we so desired - however, as explained by Transient001 - I wouldn't claim such a method as travelling through time.
Hello Kerr, its always nice to see you around these parts. I agree with your explanation, and as I said before maybe Thomas is referring to the act of seeing the past in the video recorder.
Hello Kerr, its always nice to see you around these parts. I agree with your explanation...

Thank-you Transient001 .

The introduction of the movie "Brainstorm", is not so much an explaination, however, is simply an extension of John's suggestion. Not only does the Brainstorm machine record the experience, but also records the sensations, as well.

...and as I said before maybe Thomas is referring to the act of seeing the past in the video recorder

The way I read John's posts, is not referring to the act of seeing the past, nor an individual traveling in time. It is the act of reversing the tape (the sequence of recorded events/experiences), that may be considered as a method of time traveling.

I can understand how someone could perceive that to be so, however, although the sequence of events & experiences recorded on the tape - "seem to be" - temporally moving in reverse, actually are not.

I believe that is the point Rainman and Darby is trying to get across in their replies to :
But every time you rewind video or audio, you are making that video and audio travel back in time.
That is a fact.
John Thomas... You are a role player. Your presence online is just one giant real life RPG game you are trying to get people into...
John Thomas... You are a role player. Your presence online is just one giant real life RPG game you are trying to get people into...

I'm pretty sure everybody......or at least a majority of the people here are. That's the conclusion I've come to so far anyway. It seems like that's the whole purpose of the site. *shrug*
Not sure what you mean by that. And I wasn't agreeing with what was said about you. I haven't been here long enough to see all of your conversations to know whether I do or not.

But what I meant was that I don't think a lot of people here (if any), are here for serious discussion. From what I've gathered so far, it's either a roleplaying site, as in, it's a game where people are making up characters and stories. "I'm Mr. So-and-So and i'm doing an experiment", but Mr. So-and-So is the character they are playing and there is no actual experiment.

And/or it is a site intended to see how many "crazy" (and I'm not saying there aren't some. Not naming any names.) people the guys that run the site can get here and laugh at. I say this because someone said that in the terms of service or FAQs or somewhere, it plainly states that the site is fiction. I didn't notice that myself, so I'll have to reread them to confirm whether that's true or not. And because one of the admins said "It's fiction. Time travel is fiction." So if the guys that run the site don't even believe in it, it wouldn't seem they would make an entire website geared at discussing it unless they were doing it for a gag. And if that's the case, that's probably why they called it "Time Travel Institute", instead of just something generic like "time travel chat" or whatever. Because "Institute" sounds like something "official", I guess and they thought that would lure more of whatever they consider to be loonies or delusional people or something.

Maybe I'm wrong. That's my take on what goes on here so far anyway.

On what you were saying about the video, there is a video from..1964, I believe of an interview with a guy named George Van Tassel, who claims that watching reruns is time travel. He also claims some spacemen came and taught him how to build a time machine and he is saying that reruns are proof that time travel exists..so..yeah..lol. I was going to post the link, but I lost it.

Who knew that everytime I watched I Love Lucy I was time travelling?