EXPLAIN yourself RMT!!


Quantum Scribe
Sorry, just a little joke there

RMT, out of everyone here, you probably know how to apply maths to TT theory better then anyone else.

But i just wanted to know what you thought about Orgone energy and scalar E.M. theory being used in Time travel technology?

Or - do you not rate these (scalar because really the theory is only in its infantsy still, and orgone theory) because of their lack of grounding in orthodox (and measurable) maths/science.

Do you think much - for example - about Damanhur (not about their claims - this is not what i ask, i just use them as an example) and their idea that there is enough alternative free energy in the Planet to be used with regards to Time travel. I see a lot of people ranting on about needing these never (practically) obtainable amounts of energy, when we are sitting on a planet contructed from it.

I just wondered what your views were on for example the planetary magnetic grid, orgone/ Wilhelm reich theory etc with regards to them being used for time travel.

well perhaps my question is a bit vague, but you rarely talk of these things, and i was just curious to your thoughts (more then anyone) on them in general.

Do you think that we will achieve dimensional travel (i.e. multiple worldline thoery) before we work out how to tavel up and down the same linear timestream?

kindest regards,
Greetings & Happy New Year Olly,

But i just wanted to know what you thought about Orgone energy and scalar E.M. theory being used in Time travel technology?

Or - do you not rate these (scalar because really the theory is only in its infantsy still, and orgone theory) because of their lack of grounding in orthodox (and measurable) maths/science.
This is close to how I feel, but not quite. I think it is irresponsible (from both a scientific and social standpoint) to make claims about some sort of advanced technology until you can submit it to a mathematical description. As a minimum, repeatability by several reputable scientific establishments is required even if you have not developed a mathematical model that describes what is going on. So yes, I tend to refrain from commenting on such things as they are claims with little to no backing. The reason the mathematical explanation is required is because it shows that the person making the claims has gone through the possible list of other, more mundane explanations for what is going on.

Do you think much - for example - about Damanhur (not about their claims - this is not what i ask, i just use them as an example) and their idea that there is enough alternative free energy in the Planet to be used with regards to Time travel. I see a lot of people ranting on about needing these never (practically) obtainable amounts of energy, when we are sitting on a planet contructed from it.
Again, it is terribly easy to make claims, but much more difficult to back them up, and even more difficult to explain them (mathematically). This is why science is "hard".

well perhaps my question is a bit vague, but you rarely talk of these things, and i was just curious to your thoughts (more then anyone) on them in general.
True, and yet I do talk about things (my Massive SpaceTime theory and Information theory) that are both grounded in science AND (IMHO) have some potential in being able to (someday) mathematically explain some (perhaps) of these claims that other people are making but for which they can produce neither sufficient evidence nor mathematical explanations.

If you have followed, and at least grasp the basics of Massive SpaceTime and how Energy and Information are higher-dimensional metrics of Massive SpaceTime, then you can see that I am trying to develop a scientific (and quantifiable) framework within which aphysical elements of our existence (such as mind, soul, and spirit) can be explained. Just because something is not physical does not mean it obviates the possibility of mathematical description. For example, complex (and imaginary) numbers. The square root of negative 1 has no direct physical instantiation, and yet is serves a VERY large purpose in quantifying physical phenomena (i.e. closed-loop systems, as well as fractal/chaotic processes).

Do you think that we will achieve dimensional travel (i.e. multiple worldline thoery) before we work out how to tavel up and down the same linear timestream?
I have touched on this before, most notably when friend jmpet was intently trying to tear me down. I think we need to become aware of HOW time travel will manifest when we achieve it, and it will most certainly not manifest in the romantic sense that we think of. The simple (i.e. non-math laden) explanation goes like this:

Starting from the scientifically established facts that there are three fundamental physical dimensions that we measure (Mass, Space, and Time), we can clearly see from the laws of physics and the advances of engineering that, in order to travel through SPACE we ALWAYS require a Mass Flow Rate to be present. Mass Flow Rate is defined as the Time rate of change of Mass. This is the fundamental basis of jet propulsion as well as internal combustion engines. So here we see that we leverage the interaction of two dimensions (Mass and Time) as our physical means to achieve travel through the third dimension (Space).

Now just use the same paradigm, but shift the players around the triangle. If we wish to travel through Time, then we are going to require some specific interaction between Mass and Space to take place in order to achieve our goal. Mathematically, we use the derivative "dM/dt" to represent Mass Flow Rate, which is our key to Space travel. Therefore, we ought to be able to express the primary calculus derivative for Time travel as the derivative "dM/dS" (i.e. change in Mass per unit Space). Alternately, we could require "dS/dM" (change in Space per unit Mass). This is what leads me to my conclusion that the romantic view of time travel (wherein the vehicle and its occupant retain their form in Mass) cannot happen. This is the basis for Popper Falsifiability of my theory. Rather, the vehicle that I believe will achieve time travel (the fabled Merkaba) will actually have to undergo transformation of its Mass and Space if it is to be able to travel through Time. And this does not guarantee that when you arrive at the Time you wish to travel to that you will be comprised of the same form of Mass and certainly you will be in a different form of (or location within) Space.

Perhaps you, as a person who understands concepts of aphysical spirituality, can see that this mathematical approach I am taking is pointing towards the ability to travel through the aphysical dimensions as a means to achieve the transformation of Mass and Space necessary to achieve TT.

Comments or thoughts? Be well,
Yo rains,

Don't get me wrong, it was not an attack - quite the opposite. I just wondered (and yes its incredibly easy to point this out) if there are forces that current science has not caught up with that need to be used. therefore cannot be used in equations for achievable time travel. if this is the case - can we achieve time travel yet? i don't think we can. Its like trying to invent a way of talking to people that are in a foreign country. Everyone is trying to write the maths for the theory, but no-one has discovered Radio waves yet. they are just using conventual sound physics and trying to make a noise as loud as they possibly can, in hope that eventually they will devise a means so loud the people in the other country can hear it. But even when it is discovered people still are at a lost to explain it 100%.

I'm sure that it would be fun to contruct an infinitly long tipler cylinder thats rotating close to the speed of light floating out somewhere in space. But really what is the chance of this ever happening.

Has anyone looked at the potential forms of energy that exist (or are focused) when an Merkaba is set up to the correct dimensions and the subsequently charged space within it. Are there any scientists that seriously researching this - or are they all afraid that they'd be laughed out of the scientific community. Assuming they even got the funding in the first place.

If for example it were discovered that new radiation (or energy forms) were generated through sacred geometry that pointed towards it being multi-dimensional, when its focused in a localised area - what effects does this have on the physicality within it? How does it effect the frequency and state of the mass within it? and does this effect help with overcoming some of the difficulties in writing the equations of practical time travel senarios. Sure i understand where you come from when you talk of fanstastic notions of time travel. But telling a victorian that in a century we'll be thinking of manipulating light frequency generated and focused by Laser beams to potentially kill off diseases - would possibly also sound fantastical. Then again maybe its also because they have never heard of Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and the effects it can generate.

Just as an example;

If me and 3 other men rammed a spear into the weakest part of your lower neck that had no protection, and we used all our bodies combined muscular force, the pounds of pressure - against that pin point surface area of human tissue/muscle - would exceed in (terms of scinece) its calculated potential for with-standing the force and not breaking down (or resisiting the greater force that is against it). In other words no matter how tough the tissue and skin has the potential to be. That spear would always sail right on through.

Yet the Warrior monks of shoalin have been doing this sort of thing for a long time. If they claim to use chi (or orgone energy), then surely in terms of science - this force that is not yet measurable, is having an outward effect on mass. In terms of physicallity - there seems to be a slight change in how generally physics can be used to explain the whole process. As in terms of physics - The equation for the force exerted and maximum resistance of the subject, general maths would break down.

I'm just wondering if there are other forces that have a completely different signature of physics and effects on mass. Obviously Mass/space/time forming a triangle, potentially if you effect one you have the potential to effect the others. In this case the effect of ogrone on mass, is not an outward force, it has to be working internally on a sub-quantum level (of course now we get down to this level you could start to wonder about its potential to effect space too - space and time are unconditionally linked). Maybe i'm reading into it a bit. But theres an effect on mass. In an orgone box or pyramid constructed to mathamatical equations (as you'll know yourself), fruit breaks down more slowly....therefore you could also say that ths force is effecting the usual link that mass has to the flow of time. Obviously a fridge effects food on a different level. This is a little more then that.

And that despite the fact some of these are comming to public attention, they are still being shunted because of stigma and the fact they require different thinking to the conditioned theory people spend years learning.

Obviously reading your posts, I realise that you are balanced and very much interested in most things that a lot of other scientists would generally scoff at or ignore completely.

I just find that there are viewable effects out there that are not looked into because people favour what they already know is reality and that which they spent 10 years and thousands of dollars learning. When infact all it does is delay what they want to achieve, because it makes them skeptical to lesser known things. Skeptical is good, but never when it gets to the point you ignore something completely.

As you know, i certainly respect the scientific community but i think that science will truely step up when there is a balance of science and science philosophy embedded in each scientist (i'm not talking religion - though it might indirectly lead to spirituality) that gives them the motivational and unbiased mindset to research new and non charted

I think that M-thoery is a good start. However even this gets lost up its own behind in the end. in peoples desperation to discover the theory of everything and the origin of matter, they just land them selves at even even bigger and more complex reality of matter as they continue on the circle. But hey, At least its a good start, or rather, shift in consciousness.

I think that science is still has to generate missing knowledge that is not currently known to the mainstream before it creates or makes possible the brilliant TT senarios that it eventually will. That certainly is one sure thing.

kind regards,
Hi Olly,
Don't get me wrong, it was not an attack - quite the opposite.
No worries, friend. I did not interpret it as such. And I am sorry if you felt my response was some sort of deflection of a perceived attack. I do enjoy discussing such topics with you, as you can see both sides of any argument.

Just as an example;
If me and 3 other men rammed a spear into the weakest part of your lower neck that had no protection, and we used all our bodies combined muscular force, the pounds of pressure - against that pin point surface area of human tissue/muscle - would exceed in (terms of scinece) its calculated potential for with-standing the force and not breaking down (or resisiting the greater force that is against it). In other words no matter how tough the tissue and skin has the potential to be. That spear would always sail right on through.
Gee... I didn't know you had such strong feelings for me and my opinions! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Just kidding...couldn't resist given the discussion above!

Yet the Warrior monks of shoalin have been doing this sort of thing for a long time. If they claim to use chi (or orgone energy), then surely in terms of science - this force that is not yet measurable, is having an outward effect on mass. In terms of physicallity - there seems to be a slight change in how generally physics can be used to explain the whole process. As in terms of physics - The equation for the force exerted and maximum resistance of the subject, general maths would break down.
I understand. And yet I would not say that general maths "break down". Rather, I would claim that they are simply incomplete, which should come as no surprise. All theories are incomplete. To me the joy in science is understanding how current theories are incomplete and how they can be extended to encompass phenomena that are currently not described by the existing theories.

And your example could speak directly to how I have felt our current mathematical description of matter is very incomplete. I have this gut feel that Mass is much more than the scalar that we treat it as. To address your example: We already know, and are aware of the fact, that the external characteristics of Mass are affected by the chemistry of how elements bond with each other. Furthermore, we know that chemistry is based on the electromagnetic phenomena of the electron and how it interacts with its internal fields (protons and neutrons) as well as combining with other electrons in other elements. This understanding, while it is modeled in current theory to a certain extent, certainly leaves the door open to other means by which matter can be modified. And indeed, who is to say that the shaolin monks are not willfully affecting (and therefor modifying) the mass of their neck in some specific, electromagnetic manner?

What I am getting as is the following: While we may not currently understand the mechanism that is responsible for the effect you describe, that does not mean it is immune to investigation via classical or semi-classical means. My initial guess would be that somehow the monks are, indeed, altering the composition or reactivity of the mass in some manner, and yes I do understand that it could well be with their minds. The hardness (and therefore resistance to penetration from other matter) of an element is dependent upon its electomagnetic chemistry. We know this is true. And so if one were to really wish to investigate how the monks utilize their chi (or orgone energy) one would wish to somehow instrument that part of the body which has been somehow morphed to resist the spear.

It is my belief that my theory which seeks to treat Mass as a vector/tensor, rather than as the simple scalar quantity that we currently see it as, COULD possibly lead to a scientific and mathematical explanation for such examples as you have laid out. IOW, I seek to treat all Mass as a field effect. Furthermore, if Mass is a field effect, then it will exhibit much more complex characteristics when that field of Mass ineracts with other fields (such as Space and Time) in an orthogonal manner. Such an explanation could well support the idea that mental fields can modify not only Space, but Mass and Time collectively to produce the effects we see in events such as you have outlined in your example.

In summary, I do not deny that the phenomena you describe are possible. However, just because current science cannot adequately describe them does not lead me to a conclusion that this is something "beyond physical explanation." Rather, it leads me to the thought that our current models of physicality are somehow incomplete, and that a further expansion of those models are in order such that we can (potentially) explain what is going on in such situations. And if we are successful in expanding current theory to explain such one-off phenomena, imagine how many more wonderful things we could come to understand about our universe by such an expansion of our physical models?

We still don't REALLY understand exactly what an electron is... and yet it is responsible for virtually everything we know about Mass! As I have said many times, the reductionist approach to defining ever more, and smaller, particles is pretty much exhausted. While many traditionalists refuse to let go of the reductionist model, it is becoming clearer and clearer that INTEGRATIVE effects are poised to become the "new standard". The most glaring example that this is true should be visible in how we can no longer speak of only "electrical field effects" as separate and distinct from "magnetic field effects". They are mutually orthogonal field effects where a change in one begets a change in the other. Mark my words that this same theory will come about for how we define Mass, and Matter, and Motion, and eventually Time and Tense. I am not arrogant enough to think that I am going to be the one to quantify this new approach completely... but I do have some ideas, and I have developed some of the tensor math to help validate these ideas! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


We still don't REALLY understand exactly what an electron is... and yet it is responsible for virtually everything we know about Mass! As I have said many times, the reductionist approach to defining ever more, and smaller, particles is pretty much exhausted. While many traditionalists refuse to let go of the reductionist model, it is becoming clearer and clearer that INTEGRATIVE effects are poised to become the "new standard". The most glaring example that this is true should be visible in how we can no longer speak of only "electrical field effects" as separate and distinct from "magnetic field effects". They are mutually orthogonal field effects where a change in one begets a change in the other. Mark my words that this same theory will come about for how we define Mass, and Matter, and Motion, and eventually Time and Tense. I am not arrogant enough to think that I am going to be the one to quantify this new approach completely... but I do have some ideas, and I have developed some of the tensor math to help validate these ideas!

I kind of look at the electron as a pencil. It seems to be mother natures tool to write reality from instant to instant. I believe I have branched off in a different direction in my quest for understanding. I decided quite a while ago that I would like to comprehend everything in terms of time and length. This approach is definitely giving me an edge over other approaches. I want to point out that magnetic and electric fields being orthoganol to each other, don't really influence each other without the presence of some connecting agent. That connecting agent being the electron of course. An electron in motion generates both a moving magnetic and electric field. But an electric field can be made to move without the corresponding magnetic field. Without the presence of moving electrons in a moving electric field, no magnetic field would be present.

Of course we also seem to be able to make magnetic fields without the presence of electric fields as well. A superconductor falls into that category.

The reason I brought up these facts is because I believe mother nature puts these magnetic and voltage fields together in specific arrangements to create mass and the reality we exist within. But because of the independant nature of electic and magnetic fields, I believe there are other combinations of these two fields that need further exploration. We might be able to manipulate mass and charge in specific patterns to induce time travel.
Yes i agree - i was wrong to say that current maths would "break down", you are correct - rather it would just be "incomplete".

If it was the case that they are almost re-assigning the specific mass different properties. Do you think that this means there might be substance behind the idea that scalar radiation can be programmed with mental energy, Or rather conscious intent. And used as an instant connection to whatever mass its directed toward effecting. Also would no doubt be done many times over the speed of light. Perhaps even instantly, manifesting effects outside of dimentions of time.

I think that the theory goes that nothing exists (physicality wise) outside the based scalar vaccum. As this is behind the basis of all time/space/mass. So in theory via scalar magnetism - you might be able to effect the information contained within the characteritics of an electron.

In which case anything broacast under scalar radiation (which is probably also possible with the brain), might be what some of the ancient spiritual mystics used to describe as using the sea of ether.

I don't know, perhaps now am forcing you to have to speculate rather then used grounded physics. And this may also be (as science teaches us more) where we discover from a technical point of view that all these old Taoist/buddhist/Qabbalist notions of mass being based on consciousness, really dohave some weight. As we start to use our own conscious ability to effect mass.

Maybe (if i'm being cynical) this is some of the reason why the FDA really are hell-bent on screwing over the radionic community. I'm thinking if some of this theory was proven and refined, alot of drug money would be potentially lost in the future.

Its just this is a Time travel forum (i only used the Monks as an example) and i wondered what so of implications this sort of theory had on time travel and some of the problems incountered in the maths, which currently isnt complete to allow us to time travel. At least not how we picture it. There are alot of stone circles sectioned of around most of the planets grid nodes, and sometimes you wonder - what exactly people used to do with them. No-one has to invent timetravel, it only needs to be re-discovered.

Obviously i understand that this isnt and wont be measurable theory for quite some time. But if the whole universe is based on scalar radiation how it is speculated (i understand this is in no way proven) perhaps researching more on this subject is how we are possibly ging to time travel in the distant future.

If we learn to manipulate it under the right conditions - them it could be that whole new methods of time travel will be put forward, that are very different from the current ones.

I realise that you prefer not to comment on unfounded speculation though. So perhaps we should just leave it there.

I would also like to add though, that i think any religious people that view science as pointless in understanding where we came from (that it is all in the 'bible' already) are very wrong. And it is this sort of eventual scientific advancement that will destroy most religions around the world. Eventually exposing the mistruths and give people the real relevations people are loking for. timetravel is just one benefit that will come, to show we are going in the right direction.

I also think that there will also be a certain amount missing - to ensure that only the individual can break through the last barriers in revealing the whole truth.

I certainly predict that as science advances, unlike what the fanatics say, people will not become shallow and totally absorbed by technology. But rather, you will find many people dropping religion for spirituality, Which is where we really will start to see a shift in global consciousness.

I think that those times especially will be fun to watch out for. As they are already begining /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I realise that last bit was slightly off topic.

Kindest regards,
Hello again Einstein:
I decided quite a while ago that I would like to comprehend everything in terms of time and length.
Yes, this is the SpaceTime approach. This is the heritage of your namesake. The accepted view of this approach is described as "Mass curves local SpaceTime, and SpaceTime tells Mass how to move." It is and was correct, but incomplete. It worked for a Time... and it helped us transition from the Age of Energy to the Age of Information. But it is Time for an update... for another piece to be added to achieve a higher level of completeness.

I am going to do something in this post that I do not do very often. However, between this post of yours that I respond to, and the ones from Ollyb in this thread, you are both prompting me to do this. I am going to tell you that I am quite certain in my knowingness that my Massive SpaceTime 3x3 model is "correct". I cannot fully prove it as yet, but I get closer every day. But then again, in the narrow bands of Energy that our physical bodies exist within, there can be no such thing as "conclusive" proof anyway. However, I know I will one day (soon) reach a level of proof that will satisfy most scientists with a mind that is open enough to comprehend the "next piece" I am offering.

Now, I know you likely do not believe me when I tell you that I know my model is "correct". And not only does this not bother me in the least, but your belief or non-belief does not affect the correctness of my model. I only tell you so that you can make the CHOICE (an important concept, as we will come to see) to look into it further, as it will no doubt help you in your own quest. You see, we live within a 3-D reality called Space. The fact that Space manifests to our senses as 3-dimensional means there is really no other "choice" but for both Mass and Time to manifest themselves in the same way... and they do, although we have been taught to view Time as 1-D. Further to this, there is evidence all around us that tells us that you cannot alter two dimensions without in some way affecting the third. The basics of gyroscopic forces proves this to be true: When you rotate any mass within a given plane, you necessarily create a torque that is orthogonal to the plane of rotation. It is a law of nature's 3-ness that cannot be violated. And I tell you that this same principle applies to the overall 3-ness of Mass, Space, and Time in how they interact as a whole, as described by the metric we call Energy.

You see, there is an asymmetry in your namesake's view of Mass as being separate and distinct from SpaceTime. And to resolve this asymmetry, this is where I find it necessary to introduce Matter as distinct from Mass. Matter is what curves SpaceTime, not Mass. And Matter corresponds to a field that is rightly called MassTime. And the contrary phrase then becomes "SpaceTime tells Matter how to move." Another way to state this new understanding of symmetry is as follows:

MOTION is the metric that governs SpaceTime (indeed velocity, acceleration, and all higher derivatives describe Motion as being combinations of Space and Time).
MATTER is the metric that governs MassTime (indeed the quantity we call Mass Flow Rate in physics describes Matter as being combinations of Mass and Time, and further this is the only way we currently know to create an unbalanced thrust force).

How many times have you seen "The Matrix", Einstein? And by that I mean the original movies, not the somewhat "lost" sequels. I would encourage you to watch it several more times, and even read the book Neuromancer (read again if you already read it once). There are a great many truths about physics, force, energy, information and most especially spirituality in this movie. Neo is a conceptual character based in information. And yet Neo is soul... a form of Energy which applies to all of us, each within our own lives. In your life, Einstein, you are The One. You are Neo. You share Neo's purpose just as much as I share Neo's purpose in my own life. And as Morpheus tells Neo, it will be of no help to you and your purpose until you KNOW it is true.

It is all a matter of CHOICE. And CHOICE, and how it applies to the field we call Information, makes all the difference in where we take humanity from this point forward.

I wish to reinforce that I am departing from my usual rigor in this post. The things I have said here I cannot provide "proof" for. And the mathematical work I have done with tensor treatments, while promising, is not yet complete and I will not share it with "the outside world" until it is.

However, in my next post I will address some things that Olly's recent post have caused me to wish to share with you all. It relates to the connection between the universal field of Information (what some call the Akashic Records is very real, even if it is not physically real) and the importance of CHOICE, otherwise known as the human Free Will. We will come to see that it is the Choice embodied within our Free Will that permits us to manifest specific non-physical Information as specific configurations of Energy within our Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.

And I have a feeling Olly probably has a clue as to where this is going. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Rains,

Yes i know where you are going, I certainly would love to read about your view on the 'Akashic records' though.

I think that very few people here, actually understand the whole picture of what free-will is and how its effects us on a universal scale.

I think that most people that have come to know you on this forum will note your objections in writing about this sort of subject matter. However I still think that you should go ahead.

As you probably still have the best knowledge on these areas than most others that post here. And there will be many here that will understand that this potentially is connected to possible time travel theory.

Kind regards,

Now, I know you likely do not believe me when I tell you that I know my model is "correct". And not only does this not bother me in the least, but your belief or non-belief does not affect the correctness of my model.

I don't really approach your theories with disbelief. You may have seen me post in the past that I wish theorists would publish more theories. I do believe there never will be one theory of everything. But our understanding would be greatly enhanced if we could understand our reality from the sum total of all theries. The more theories produced will definitely widen our comprehension.

So if you think you got something. Go with it. I think I have something with this idea I have of what mass really is. If I make a machine that proves it experimentally, then our concept of force may have to be scraped entirely. But this is just one avenue of understanding.
Yes i know where you are going, I certainly would love to read about your view on the 'Akashic records' though.
How about we pick this up in the new thread I started entitled "INTENTION->Information->Energy->Force Creation"?

Do you see the flow there? The Akashic records are at the level of Information... ALL of the information for all events in all universes (or metaverses if you please). And note that (according to my equation) that Information is a measure that is "beyond" Time.

It is human INTENTION that causes a record of Information from the Akashic records to be "fetched" and made manifest as Energy through the use of unbalanced Force.
