Experience of time in relation to size


Temporal Novice
I'd really like to hear other's opinions on this.

Does a being's size affect its experience of time?

Now I don't mean "Does an NFL lineman experience time differently than a horse jockey?" I'm talking about huge differences in size.

Remember the final scene in "Men In Black"? The shot pans out and shows our entire galaxy contained within a marble that some huge intergalactic being is playing with in a collection of tons of such marbles. It just "feels" to me that what I experience as a year (or even a decade) would be a mere instant to a being of such immense size.

Do others have this feeling, or have scientific knowledge or opinions about this? If not here, is there a better forum for such a question? (I realize it's not a time travel question I ask, but still related)

from my experiences in life i can tell that the smaller man is usually very much faster than the bigger man, but at the same time, the bigger man is usually stronger. at the same time there are exceptions to this.

i know this isnt what you meant, but it is relative. for instance, a fly moves at warp speeds compared to us. the fly must think that we are slow cumbersome beings. the lifespan is also very short, so i would consider our perceptions of time extremely different. such is the case for the "big man little man" scenario too.
I remember that scene from "Men In Black."

There is a relationship between time-rate and size which I call the "gauge rule."

Suppose, like zooming a lens on a movie projector we suddenly all became twice as large. A man named Boscovich proposed an idea of this sort many years ago. But, returning to the example, what would the speed of light come out to? It might seem to be only half of what we would expect it to be. To make it come out right, our "second" would also have to expand by the same amount. We would need to stretch it out.So we can say, in fundamental terms, "size/length of second= a constant." This is the "gauge rule." The bigger the clock, the slower it runs.

Since our units of measurement are arbitrary, we can make the constant "c" the speed of light. So, we could say change in length/change in length of second=c.

But the subject is tricky. If we expanded to twice our size, would the material of our bodies be detectable to someone who didn't expand?

But our seconds are "units" of time, not the speed of time, which we think is an observational velocity of 3x10^8 m/s

But still, galaxies seem to run by galactic 'time.' planetary systems have a faster time, and atomic-sized phenomena have a very much faster time.

The above is derived from my own perspective on the nature of things, and is not an exposition of Relativity.