Existential intelligence services

Anon ymous

Temporal Novice
I have been away for a month back in my time December of 220715. As I have promised I have returned. I can see from reading responses to my previous thread that some of you have concerns as to whether I have violated TOS rules. If I have, I sincerely apologize and just want to make clear. My host has directed me to this website and i have come here under his orders. My host arrives every 13th of every month and follows all proper procedures when hosting. His orders are simple. Collect intelligence and at times release future intelligence. None of the intelligence released here are meant to, or are even capable of changing the future, instead they are meant to strengthen the future rise of the EIS who will properly declare their existence in October of 2017, it is them who believe in the existence of the RRA or Resurrection Recovery Agency and it is them who supply the RRA with information that they need. The you tube channel existentialintelligenceservice can be found by typing Existential intelligence Service in the search bar for google. The RRA recognize any and every code communication transmission or CCT that exists on the internet which uses 20th and 21st century Military alphabet.
Tango hotel india sierra India sierra Alpha november Echo India Sierra Mike echo sierra sierra alpha golf echo
The recruitment of more members into the EIS is my primary objective. To the new members I have recruited through this website, now that I am back you will be contacted and directed on how to collect for us "existence intelligence"
Currently we are seeking visual information we can provide to the RRA of those who have become missing persons and are presumed dead, who have existed in the 20th and 21st centuries. We would like to submit this information on our You tube channel for the purposes of using remote photo telepathy technology.
Thank you all for reading these messages and providing us with your careful consideration when choosing to participate with the EIS, and or any demonstrations of remote host telepathy technology. Technology will prevail and one day provide each living man, woman, and child with personal salvation and a self awareness experience after death, either through a future residence on the omni-web, or through the many future medical programs created for resurrection infants.
This next message is a response to TRANSIENT's question.

TRANSIENT: What is the purpose of communicating with the standard military alphabet code? Still need more clarification on the concept of the host. I read your declaration. Many of its concept are similar to many other forms of religions, meditational practices, oriental thoughts and heliotheogonical. That's fine with me, however you state that you communicate with hosts from the future, that is the base of your belief, are they telling you to start this new belief into this world. Are they telling you what to write in the Book of the Age of Resurrections?

My belated answer to this question is yes. My hosts have very specific information pertaining to three ages of time that have yet to come the age of "Transmission Correspondence" the age of "telepathy technology" and the age of "human resurrections."
The purpose of Military code communication pertains to a technology not in existence yet that detects all CCT codes ever used, that are existent on the internet.
The standard military code used now will not change for centuries. We use it to identify EIS messages eminating from the 21st century.
I'm a writer and have written many and I'm about to write another book soon. Some of it is my reality and some of it is pure fiction. I don't know if my writings would help you. Would they?

Keep in communication.

Guy (not my real name)
None of the intelligence released here are meant to, or are even capable of changing the future, instead they are meant to strengthen the future rise of the EIS

If it is intended "to strengthen the future rise of the EIS" then it is, by definition, intended to change the future.

What is the purpose of communicating with the standard military alphabet code?

It's purpose is to make clear, when transmitting information by voice over a radio/telephone net, the exact intentions of the sender as well as to make clear the the meaning when spoken words have different meanings based on their spellings or numbers and letters that can be misinterpreted by the receiver when spoken. It is both silly and completely at odds with its purpose to use it to communicate with the written word. The entire purpose of the written word is to communicate clarity that the spoken word cannot.

It's also a way to communicate a joke, i.e. "The guy is a real sierra hotel."

I think your "host" is trying to communicate the message, "I'm a military man because I know the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet (aka the NATO Phonetic Alphabet)." I rather doubt that either NATO or the NATO Alphabet will survive the next 200,000 years. The original "standard" military alphabet didn't survive from WWII through Viet Nam, 25 years.
All of this is beside the point. These sequences when transmitted to the internet are detectable to the RRA. I couldnt say for sure exactly why this is, all I can say is it is. Thank you for your response though, it was very interesting.
All of this is beside the point. These sequences when transmitted to the internet are detectable to the RRA. I couldnt say for sure exactly why this is, all I can say is it is. Thank you for your response though, it was very interesting.

So, 200,000 years from now the Lyndon B. Johnson theory for astronauts (professional wrestlers and stock car race drivers) is still in force, but used for time travelers, meaning otherwise ignorant people with a knack for athletics who don't need to know anything - they just need to be there? (And that was Johnson's take on wrestlers and race car drivers - not mine.)
All of this is beside the point.

It may be beside the point to you but, obviously, the post was not intended for your consideration. It was intended for the consideration of the forum as a whole. I doubt that it was entirely "beside the point" for them.
The point I was trying to make to the forum is that the RRA recognizes the military alphabet as a kind of signature used by the EIS. It is capable of detection in the very distant future. The purpose of the alphabet currently is irrelevant.
The point I was trying to make to the forum is that the RRA recognizes the military alphabet as a kind of signature used by the EIS. It is capable of detection in the very distant future. The purpose of the alphabet currently is irrelevant.

But you said the purpose is that "the RRA recognizes the military alphabet as a kind of signature used by the EIS." So it isn't currently irrelevent.

The LBJ Principle in action: A time traveler who doesn't quite understand the implications of time travel.
This is obviously disturbing to you, and somewhat amusing to me that it is disturbing you this much. Furthermore, we do not use information to change the future, we use information to enable resurrection recovery efforts. Being that you are former military man you should know that fallen soldiers are one of the most important objectives in future recovery efforts.
200,000 years from now the internet will be referred to as the OMNI-web and will serve as a place of residence for the deceased. The primary objective for human beings existence at this time will shift towards assuming the responsibilities of total recovery of life (both living and dead) from planet earth. The reason for this comes from the collective global recognition that the point of our existence is to outsmart the death of our sun and recover all that has lived on it, and assume the responsibility of being the representatives of planet earth after it perishes. The earth wont perish for another five and a half billion years after this point in human history however mankind will begin to address the problem and prepare for it at this point during the "age of human resurrections".
Tango hotel india sierra India sierra Alpha november Echo India Sierra Mike echo sierra sierra alpha golf echo
Perhaps you should read my thread from a month ago the last time I was here. Or maybe you would like to participate in a demonstration of remote-host telepathy technology.