Temporal Novice
Hey yall, long time no talk. I've been lurking these forums for the last few months. However life altering changes in my life, work, school, domestic problems and trying to pick up the peices of having three feet of standing water destroy many of your belongings in a hurricane have kept me from posting. However I have been following RMT's posting on Intent being the dominent force ruling over information in this universe. And I have to agree on most of everything he says. I don't have much time tonight but I thought that I'd start off this thread by asking what are everbody's view on Electronic Voice Phenomenon? EVP is a phenomena in which the audio recording of random noise generation, white noise or in some cases pure silence produces intelligent human like dialog on play back.
One thing is certain, there is truth behind it. Whether or not what is communicating is dead spirits ;which is the most common explanation, it is fascinating and unlike most controversial things can be done by anyone, anywhere. Some have tried to claim that out of the random recordings our minds try to find reason, in the same way that people staring at clouds will find faces. Other theories are that the recordings are simply radio broadcasts gone astray and picked up by accident. While some cases can be attributed to this I have to say by account of my own experiences/experiments it goes much deeper. I'm going to part with a few links before opening this discussion:
ITC PICTURES (Cause I know everybody loves pictures )
One thing is certain, there is truth behind it. Whether or not what is communicating is dead spirits ;which is the most common explanation, it is fascinating and unlike most controversial things can be done by anyone, anywhere. Some have tried to claim that out of the random recordings our minds try to find reason, in the same way that people staring at clouds will find faces. Other theories are that the recordings are simply radio broadcasts gone astray and picked up by accident. While some cases can be attributed to this I have to say by account of my own experiences/experiments it goes much deeper. I'm going to part with a few links before opening this discussion:
ITC PICTURES (Cause I know everybody loves pictures )