The Bible The Quran And Science by Maurice Bucaille.pp167-168.
How could people 14 hundered years ago Know this:-
1. On the expansion of the universe: The following verse of the Quran(sura 51, verse 47) where God is speaking, can be compared with modern ideas:
" The heaven, We have built it with power. Verly. We are expanding it." ie to make wider, more spacious, to extend, to expand.
2. On the conquest of space:
(a) Sura 55, verse 33:
" O assembly of Jinns and Men, if you can penetrate regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! you will not penetrate them save with a power."
There can be no doubt that this verse indicates the possibility men will one day achieve what we today call (perhaps rather improperly) 'the conquest of space'. Note exploration of Heavens and also the depths of earth.
(b) sura 15,(verses 14 and 15). God is speaking of the unbelievers in Makka:
"Even if We opened unto them a gate to Heaven and they were to continue ascending therein, they would say: our sight is confused as in drunkenness. Nay, we are people bewitched."
The above expresses astonishment at a remarkable spectacle, different from anything man could imagine. Of a spectacle the unbelievers in Makka will never see in their time. the event will however be seen by others ie our time. Indeed this is what we seem to feel today, after traveling long distances by plane. And this is exactly how astroauts have experienced this remarkable adventure since the first human spaceflight around the world in 1961.
Here again, it is difficult not to be impressed, when comparing the text of the Qur'an to the data of modern science, by statements that simply cannot be ascribed to the thought of a man who lived more than fourteen centuaries ago.
3. The Sequence of Day and Night: -sura 31, verse 29:
"Hast thou not seen how God merges the night into day and merges the day into night."
-sura 39, verse 5:
"...He coils the night upon the day and He coils the day upon the night."
It is easy for the human understanding to grasp these notions nowerdays because we have the idea of the Sun's (relative) immobility and the Earth's rotation. This process of perpetual coiling, including the interpretation of one sector by another is expressed in the Qur'an just as if the concept of the Earth's roundness had already been conceived at the time-which was OBVIOUSLY not the case.
I must end the message here, but, believe me there is more..........than this. Was it realy God that was speaking or someone from the future who had time travelled and given them all this information.
How could people 14 hundered years ago Know this:-
1. On the expansion of the universe: The following verse of the Quran(sura 51, verse 47) where God is speaking, can be compared with modern ideas:
" The heaven, We have built it with power. Verly. We are expanding it." ie to make wider, more spacious, to extend, to expand.
2. On the conquest of space:
(a) Sura 55, verse 33:
" O assembly of Jinns and Men, if you can penetrate regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! you will not penetrate them save with a power."
There can be no doubt that this verse indicates the possibility men will one day achieve what we today call (perhaps rather improperly) 'the conquest of space'. Note exploration of Heavens and also the depths of earth.
(b) sura 15,(verses 14 and 15). God is speaking of the unbelievers in Makka:
"Even if We opened unto them a gate to Heaven and they were to continue ascending therein, they would say: our sight is confused as in drunkenness. Nay, we are people bewitched."
The above expresses astonishment at a remarkable spectacle, different from anything man could imagine. Of a spectacle the unbelievers in Makka will never see in their time. the event will however be seen by others ie our time. Indeed this is what we seem to feel today, after traveling long distances by plane. And this is exactly how astroauts have experienced this remarkable adventure since the first human spaceflight around the world in 1961.
Here again, it is difficult not to be impressed, when comparing the text of the Qur'an to the data of modern science, by statements that simply cannot be ascribed to the thought of a man who lived more than fourteen centuaries ago.
3. The Sequence of Day and Night: -sura 31, verse 29:
"Hast thou not seen how God merges the night into day and merges the day into night."
-sura 39, verse 5:
"...He coils the night upon the day and He coils the day upon the night."
It is easy for the human understanding to grasp these notions nowerdays because we have the idea of the Sun's (relative) immobility and the Earth's rotation. This process of perpetual coiling, including the interpretation of one sector by another is expressed in the Qur'an just as if the concept of the Earth's roundness had already been conceived at the time-which was OBVIOUSLY not the case.
I must end the message here, but, believe me there is more..........than this. Was it realy God that was speaking or someone from the future who had time travelled and given them all this information.