Everything (Including Time) Changes Once...

Creedo agrees with iqbalgomar.

Dark matter must be correspondent with the movement of the universe.

So there is probably a plan for dark matter.

As a power source, Element 115 has been shown to have promise, as by say on the web, it has finally been produced by our people.

The Pleiadeans might be using 115, in their reactors, as all a Zeta Reticulan ship is, is an smaller sized Pleiadean ship.
Hi Iq,

Any thoughts? Intriguing? Pure baloney?
Well, my thoughts are not necessarily aimed at your thoughts, but rather at the "establishment" from which many of your thoughts seem to be derived.

To be brutally honest with my thoughts, it is my belief that the "establishment" that physicists have built is THE modern day Tower of Babel. It is quite clear from the current "standoff" between the two primary theories that neither of them are really convincing. Furthermore, when you look at the history, the "solution" to new problems that pop-up is simply to throw a NEW glob of clay on the "masterpiece" that they have been building. All I hear are more and more new terms, and less and less simplification of those terms. I see a greater chasm being created between the common man (and even the reasonably educated man) and those "high priests" who have built this Tower of Babel. And how pertinent it is to call it a Tower of Babel, when you monitor some of the theoretical physics discussions on the net (as I do often), and you see these theoreticians constantly arguing, where it is quite obvious that neither understands REALLY what the other is saying. My put on this is that it is due to "too many levels" being built on the Tower. Rather than simplify, they seek to increase complexity by adding new terms, new subtheories, and (gag!) yet new "particles". This is what really makes me puke, is the knee-jerk reaction that whenever something new is discovered that cannot be explained, theoreticians will typically rush-to-judgment that "it must be a new type of particle". Reductionism at its absolute worst!

I have done enough work in engineering (quite different than theoretics, because you always know if you are correct for the simple fact that the product works!) and enough research into ancient mystical traditions, that I am quite happy in my belief that most "mainstream" theoreticians are making a grave error by ignoring this large body of ancient knowledge, just because it is couched in spiritual/religious terms. To me, the Tree Of Life adequately explains the universe. (And oh my! 10 sephira could very well be equivalent to the 10 dimensions of string theory...although you will never hear a string theoretician even imply that link, for then "his work" would not be "new and novel"). To me the observable fact that the physical reality we call Space is 3-dimensional seems to beg the question "so why should we think that Mass and Time are different?"

As a controls specialist, I have yet to find any stable, physical effect that could not be described and modeled as a balance of two polar opposite, interacting "fields" (Lift/Drag, Current/Voltage, Gravity/Magnetism, etc.). The concept of wave superposition is one very good example: Take two individual waves that may appear to be nothing more than "random walks", and when you overlay the two, suddenly their mutual interaction reveals a stable phenomenon from which information (energy) may be extracted.

So why not a possibly simpler explanation? Since Baryonic Matter is much smaller in content than either Dark Matter and Dark Energy, why not theorize that Baryonic Matter (that which we can observe) is nothing more than the result of the superpostion of the "field effects" of Dark Matter and Dark Energy? And indeed, it would be easy with such a theory to then show that the "tension" between DM and DE is possibly responsible for all universal motion of Baryonic Matter.

I think we live in the time where the Tower of Babel that physics has constructed is going to fall. And there are going to be a LOT of people with egg on their faces when it does. And the people I feel most sorry for if this does happen will be the "common man" with "less than average scientific intelligence". For that type of person may be subject to panic and thoughts like "now who do I look to to do the really 'deep' thinking that I cannot do?" Such people will be lost, and not even attempt to understand the ultra simplicity of how the universe works, and how they can Create anything whatsoever.

So those are just my idle mind-turds! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Any more thoughts?

The concept of wave superposition is one very good example: Take two individual waves that may appear to be nothing more than "random walks", and when you overlay the two, suddenly their mutual interaction reveals a stable phenomenon from which information (energy) may be extracted.

As usual you seem to have put something into words that caught my attention again. You see I came across this information independantly while running a visual simulation through in my mind. But your words are just a condensed version of what you are actually describing. If you do know what I mean then don't elaborate. Personally, I think the expanded version of your statement is too dangerous to release to the public. The reason being is because I believe this is the basis for a Tesla earthquake machine. There are too many irresponcible people to entrust with this information. Which is probably why Tesla never told anybody either. But I don't know if you realize that the basic concept could also be applied toward the creation of a time machine. The basic principle involved can be applied to all kinds of wave phenomena. And it does seem to be very obvious to me that this is the basis for quantum theory as well. But the science community doesn't seem to realize this. And that has me very suspicious. It appears to me that it's almost as if there are a select few in control that do have access to this information and are holding back. The information by itself is useless unless you do something with it. But the concept of actually constructing a time machine by using this information is very intriguing to me.
Hello Einstein, welcome back! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But your words are just a condensed version of what you are actually describing.
If you do know what I mean then don't elaborate.
I do, and I will not.
Personally, I think the expanded version of your statement is too dangerous to release to the public.
Agreed. But looking at the news of the past few years, one could surmise that such technology is already in the hands of someone. Which "side" they are on...that is the more difficult conclusion to arrive at.
But I don't know if you realize that the basic concept could also be applied toward the creation of a time machine. The basic principle involved can be applied to all kinds of wave phenomena.
Of course. And if you've read any of the posts that myself and some other gentlemen have been making about the Merkaba, then you might infer that it is the superposition of two, counter-rotating beams of light that we are pursuing to make this vehicle a reality.

I often like to point out to people that Einstein (you!?) never said that one could never travel faster than the speed of light, but, in essence, what he claimed was that no one in an inertial frame would be able to see someone do it. I think this is where the envelope of the Merkaba effect and the reports of UFOs come together. Such an envelope of light is what is causing spacetime to change, both inside AND outside the envelope. If my colleages and myself are on the right track, we might be close... how close remains to be seen as we work towards building this thing.

In superstring theory, we have six (or seven) additional dimensions of the universe which can be thought of as "space-like", as opposed to "time-like". These dimensions curl back around on themselves over very tiny distances, around the Planck length, and are collectively the venue upon which the most basic quantum interactions of universal force play out.
Another side thought that just came to mind this morning, Iq:

It is my belief that the 10 dimensions of superstring theory are the correct number, but that they are not quite describing them accurately. As you are likely aware, I have continued to describe a 9-dimensional, integrated, interwoven Matrix of Massive SpaceTime (Mass, Space, Time, each of which are 3 dimensional). The 10th dimension is, necessarily, the dimension of the observer that is immersed within the physical Massive SpaceTime Matrix. We might call this 10th dimension the non-physical Mind/Soul/Spirit. This certainly would correspond to thoughts and theories about the universe being a "self-observing, closed-loop experience" (ever see the Oroborous?).

One thing I have asked many people (here and elsewhere) to try to do is to falsify my Massive SpaceTime Matrix theory. So far, I have not yet had anyone that can do it, except for the lame attempts where someone says "but your theory does not adhere to the standard, accepted principles of modern physics." And my response to this is always: "Just because my theory does not adhere to current mainstream theories does not mean my theory is falsified. Copernicus was correct, and no one could falsify his theory, even though it was clear his theory did not follow the accepted mainstream beliefs."


I often like to point out to people that Einstein (you!?) never said that one could never travel faster than the speed of light, but, in essence, what he claimed was that no one in an inertial frame would be able to see someone do it. I think this is where the envelope of the Merkaba effect and the reports of UFOs come together. Such an envelope of light is what is causing spacetime to change, both inside AND outside the envelope. If my colleages and myself are on the right track, we might be close... how close remains to be seen as we work towards building this thing.

I just use the nickname because it is the only one anyone has ever called me by. But what is really odd is that in my delvings into the reality we all perceive, I seem to be on the identical track as Nikola Tesla. Many things that I have come across and comprehended were also done by Tesla. With the emergence of spacetime technologies it will become apparent that the speed of light is also relative to the spacetime conditions present. So in order to keep everything in balance the speed of light will still be used in computations. There are mathematical rabbits in the hat that I can pull out to keep from violating the speed of light barrier. But the tricks involve actually manipulating spacetime in order to do that. I'm moving off in a different direction than you. My experimental observations have shown that there are gravitational pulses being produced during the operation of my tesla coil. You've seen the video I made. But I did corroborate that observation with an accelerometer. Spacetime is being altered during the pulse emmission. It appears that the dimension of length is being made shorter during each pulse. So naturally I want to move off in this direction to further explore how to develop more control over this phenomena. I've constructed an experimental device since then to further investigate. But the device produces both gravity and antigravity pulses in an uncontrolled manner. I left the device running for an extended period during the antigravity pulse emmissions. When I came back I happened to notice an unexplained increase in temperature of metal objects on my test bench. A metal disk made of bismuth was actually 20 degrees hotter than room air temperature. So with the manipulation of spacetime new avenues for energy aquisition may become apparent. But for right now I am attempting to learn how to stablize the field being produced so that it remains just a gravity field. I just completed another test device yesterday to check out a field stabilization idea I have. I'm going to alter the phase relationship between the pulse emmission of two gravity pulse generators. But today I decided to finish my taxes before further tampering with spacetime. So it will probably be sometime tommorrow that I find out if my idea works. There might be more surprises in store.
Hello Einstein:

I'm feeling quite verbose (and slightly tipsy) tonight...

But what is really odd is that in my delvings into the reality we all perceive, I seem to be on the identical track as Nikola Tesla.
Oddly enough, or not, I can understand this completely as I am on an identical track to another figure of history from pre-1950s era. Not only do I share this person's birthday, but many events in my life have matched those of this person's life back then.
I just completed another test device yesterday to check out a field stabilization idea I have. I'm going to alter the phase relationship between the pulse emmission of two gravity pulse generators. But today I decided to finish my taxes before further tampering with spacetime. So it will probably be sometime tommorrow that I find out if my idea works. There might be more surprises in store.
Assuming your taxes are paid, and the Big Bad IRS has not strung you up by your thumbs, I am wondering how things went with the test device and your idea. I am honestly interested in your work, as I feel it is relates to my own path.

Call it the Tesla-Turing Closed Time Loop!
I wonder: Since we can write in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd persons, I wonder if there is some way we could learn to write in the 0th person?
As a power source, Element 115 has been shown to have promise, as by say on the web, it has finally been produced by our people.

As a person who is well-versed in physics and chemistry, I've never understood this Element 115 hype. Why would element 115 be better for propulsion than - say - uranium or plutonium?

In reply to:

I just completed another test device yesterday to check out a field stabilization idea I have. I'm going to alter the phase relationship between the pulse emmission of two gravity pulse generators. But today I decided to finish my taxes before further tampering with spacetime. So it will probably be sometime tommorrow that I find out if my idea works. There might be more surprises in store.


Assuming your taxes are paid, and the Big Bad IRS has not strung you up by your thumbs, I am wondering how things went with the test device and your idea. I am honestly interested in your work, as I feel it is relates to my own path.

Testing is still ongoing with this device. But I do have some interesting observations that I have made. First of all my original idea to see if I could stabilize the gravity field output and keep it positive, has led me in the right direction. The gravity field output remains positive at all times except when the gravity pulses are in phase. Then the output immediately goes to zero. On my scope the phase angle is adjustable to about 390 degrees. So right when I cross the 360 degree phase angle the accelerometer readings go to zero. Because of the circuit design I built, the phase angle starts at around 3 degrees. So I can put the second gravity pulse from the second generator at any phase angle from 3 degrees to around 390 degrees. At the 360 degree phase angle, the output is zero.

So in about 45 minutes of testing I had this vital piece of engineering data. It took about 20 hours to design and implement this idea into a physical device. So naturally I decided to see if there is any more engineering data to be gained from this device. So I started to watch the gravity output on the accelerometer while changing the orientation of one field coil to the second field coil. BINGO! Some of the orientations send the output to zero. But there was one orientation where the gravity output doubles just before the phase angle reaches 360 degrees. The two coils are at 90 degrees spatial angle relation to each other. One coil was pointing vertical with its north magnetic pole on top. The gravity output doubled. So there is an orientation where I have field multiplication occurring. The actual output measured was 50 milligees. Or 5 percent of one gee of acceleration.

This bit of information leads the way to the next test device design. Because 3 dimensional space has three 90 degree phase angles that can exist. I'm only using two of those phase angles with my present design. So the next gravity amplifier I build will have 3 gravity field generators with adjustable phase control. I'm hoping to see if there is further field multiplication that can be gained with the third field. There is something else that is just a bit puzzling. When the gravity output goes to zero. Out of all the phase angles I can choose, there is just one particular setting on the adjuster where the output goes to zero. It's actually harder to make it zero. It has to be tuned in to a very narrow setting. Like tuning into a channel on a radio dial. But what does it tune into when the gravity outputs zero out? I have to spend more time investigating this zero condition as well. It could be that I am looking right at a key to the flow of time and don't even know it.

Today I am assembling another accelerometer. I got two accelerometer microchips off ebay. I used one already to make the present accelerometer I am using to make all the gravity field measurements. This was really quite a successful little test instrument I put together. So it occurred to me that a second accelerometer taking measurements could also prove usefull in my investigations. I have two panel display meters that I am incorporating into the accelerometer. The microchip measures acceleration on two axis. If time permits, I will start to breadboard together the circuit for the tri-phase control gravity field generator.

Also I wanted to point out that the reason the gravity field output stayed positive with this design is beacause both gravity field generators are running at the same frequency. So with my first design I had changing frequencies on each generator. By changing the frequency on one generator with a second generator in operation, the gravity ouput goes negative. Once it goes negative I can't get it to go back positive. But going back for testing the next day usually corrects the negative field problem. It's like I disrupted the normal flow of spacetime and it takes a while for the flow to realign itself to surrounding conditions. Now this little bit of information does tend to parallel some reported observations of UFO behavior. I've read that apparently when a radar dish is pointed at a UFO while in operation, it causes the UFO to crash. It seems as if the radar emmissions do the same thing to the gravity field generators on the UFO craft as do my out of synch gravity field generators. Once the gravity fields go negative, recovery is not possible.

Now here are some interesting abstract thoughts I've had about this tri-phase gravity field generator. In 3-D space it only takes two right angle planes of rotation to position an object at any point in 3-D space. So what is the third right angle plane of rotation used for? Could the third plane be used for positioning an object at any point in time? Possibly by the end of this week I will be in possession of a tri-phase gravity field generator. So I may actually be able to answer those questions by the end of the week. I should probably post the plans for the tri-phase gravity field generator I plan on constructing. Just in case it works and you never see or hear from me again.

As a person who is well-versed in physics and chemistry, I've never understood this Element 115 hype. Why would element 115 be better for propulsion than - say - uranium or plutonium?

Bob Lazar is the key to your questions. Apparently element 115 emmits an antiproton which when it combines with a proton releases a much larger quatity of energy than any other combination of elements that we can use. I suspect that this energy source is only used as a catalyst though. Kind of like a battery and a starter in your car. It's only used for starting purposes. Probably a very reliable way to start a gravity engine. But once started I suspect the gravity engine self perpetuates its own operation.
Element 115 acts as a spatial flow engine.

This is the flow of difference which is utilized for power.
Interesting. Can you write the power equation for this production process? Seeing as how I am teaching my students the power equations for the Otto and Brayton cycles this quarter, maybe I could also include the Creedo cycle equation!

And when you use the term "flow difference", then I assume you are speaking of this Element 115 as if it provides a source of momentum, yes? If so, all you really need to show me is the momentum equation for this production process... I think I am smart enough to take it to an equation for power from there. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Most impressive, Einstein!
(And that is nowhere near as sarcastic as it may sound!)

The gravity field output remains positive at all times except when the gravity pulses are in phase. Then the output immediately goes to zero. On my scope the phase angle is adjustable to about 390 degrees. So right when I cross the 360 degree phase angle the accelerometer readings go to zero. Because of the circuit design I built, the phase angle starts at around 3 degrees. So I can put the second gravity pulse from the second generator at any phase angle from 3 degrees to around 390 degrees.
Rotational kinematics are an amazing, and near "magickal", part of our existence, are they not? The relationships between Time, Phase, Frequency, and Rotational Kinematics are key to understanding Massive SpaceTime physics (IMO) and certainly key to making time travel possible.

At the 360 degree phase angle, the output is zero.
In closed-loop control theory, of course we equate 360 degree phase (control output to control input) to 0 degree phase. So yes, indeed, your results are saying that you are sensing (and controlling?) gravity with absolutely no phase lag since your zero response shows up at 360 (0) degrees...in phase.

But there was one orientation where the gravity output doubles just before the phase angle reaches 360 degrees. The two coils are at 90 degrees spatial angle relation to each other.
And need I make the obvious connection to the gyroscopic effect, which is the principal physical mechanism by which angular momentum (and therefore rates...time...frequency) are sensed for motion control applications (such as aircraft)? When a spinning body experiences an acceleration it generates a torque in a plane at 90 degrees orientation to the acceleration. In the older spinning mass gyros, this torque was the thing used as feedback to stabilize the aircraft platform with respect to the horizontal reference plane. In today's technology we use the ring laser gyro to space-stabilize a platform. And the connection between the geometry of the Merkaba and the ring laser gyro are what have me following that angle for TTT (Time Travel Tech).

Because 3 dimensional space has three 90 degree phase angles that can exist. I'm only using two of those phase angles with my present design. So the next gravity amplifier I build will have 3 gravity field generators with adjustable phase control. I'm hoping to see if there is further field multiplication that can be gained with the third field.
Without a doubt. A 3-D, 3-axis design will allow for excellent experimentation for 3-axis control of the gravity effects. I know a thing or two (or three) about 3 axis control...

So with my first design I had changing frequencies on each generator. By changing the frequency on one generator with a second generator in operation, the gravity ouput goes negative. Once it goes negative I can't get it to go back positive.
Interesting. I think I might have to play around with some equations tonight to see if I might be able to explain that. Intriguing to say the least.

Gotta run to meet someone for dinner. Keep up the good work!
Oh yeah, one other thing... Check out my next post in the "space/time map" thread. There's plenty of experimental data "out there" that suggest there is more to rotational dynamics and 90 degree spatial angular offsets than is commonly understood!

Element one fifteen, in quantity, may not have to be produced?

This is so, as there might be both other manufacturing techniques and or utilization methods, which might bypass one fifteens efficacy in remote applications.

What you want and it is published as plain as paint, is the Text, UFO Contact From Reticulum, by Stevens.

Goto diagram on page- on Zeta Reticulan reactor.

Three pie shaped wedges sit in an exploded fashion, below a globe based reactor, which has a constant use chemical slurry.

Electrically activate that slurry over these three pie shaped wedged pieces, and you gain the difference engine, which supplies power.

Goto Lazar, Testor's Models et al. and you have other appliances attached to the central use ogf this reactor.

These uses are two phases of anti-gravity boost, off-world and close to any planet.

This acts like a gravity pump, or a rope-like configuration, which pulls the by vehicle along a said rope, from points A. To B.

If you take a density artificially produced, by using already gained high density materials and then do a series of scenarios of how a difference engine can be achieved, via slurry compounds, held via cylinders, then you may be able to alter the flow of both electrons, which yield power.

Other elements of the anti-gravity set, or highly machine rotary sets, which counter-rotate, which negate gravity.

These sets can comes in twos, threes, or more, for any use?

Steel and lead or other heavy elements combined, via as per micro-ball construction, under the influence of electrical accelerator bombardments, could change and alter the nature of a super heavy elements, in a lower faze approach, rather than have to need a constant expensive bombardment from higher grade machine.?

Protons, neutrons and orbiting electrons, are not really as in the Bohr teaching model.

This is nice and I'm very proud of you all?!

However electrons set valances, are more like nats on drugs, jumping from points A to C in some cases.

So frequency is of importants here.

Examples are, what is a balan which is steel placed near an antenna?

Right' it influences passage of those series of free electrons, which condu up the wire, to carry signal with them.

So what is the effect of a series of altered metals, combined in aerospace spheres manufacturing, passed under electron bombardments, that are not highly radioactive?

This should be worth looking into.

Special thanks to W.C. Stevens and the Zeta Reticulan Empire, for their disclosure within Steven's book.