Everyone is immortal


Chrono Cadet
Everyone is immortal. Here is my theory:

-The multiple worldline theory is correct.
-You never die on your worldline. However, you can die on other peoples' worldlines. (In other words, don't kill yourself to test this out :P)
-There can be multiple ways to achieve immortality. At least one way is needed and it is inevitable. This can include someone on your worldline: inventing an anti-growth pill, being put into a self-sustaining life support system, inventing an alternate dimension-traveling machine in order to retrieve immortality-achieving machines, etc.
-You CAN control your destiny by choosing how you will become immortal.

Let's say that you intend to jump off of a building. On your worldline, something prevents this from happening and you don't die (you can't on your own), but on others' worldlines, you do die if you decide to go on with it and nothing prevents "your" death.

If you have a question, feel free to ask.

Everyone is immortal.

Nice theory. I am also interested in the same theory.

We can travel back to the past and meet any one who is dead. This means no one is dead, which means everyone is immortal.

My point would be everyone lives through their time, die and reborn as themselves in their own timeline. But by the way we control our actions, infinite possibilities arise and each time “how” we die or “when” we die depends upon our decisions.
I have wondered about this as well. I was in a very bad car accident in the late 80's and pondered if to others I did indeed die in that crash. But in "my" timeline, I still continue to live.

This all goes into the POV theory. From the person living in our past, from their POV we dont exist yet. From our POV, they are dead. Viewed from outside the timeline, we all exist within it at the same time.

I heard an analogy of this...as though we are watching a parade go by. We sit on the curb and watch as the moments ( particpants ) in the parade march past. They turn the corner and are gone, just as the moments of our time. We cant see the moments ( participants ) of the parade coming until they are in our point of view. In essense, they dont exist in our moment yet.

However, if you were to be able to ascend above the parade, and view it from a distance, you would be able to see the entire parade, from the start ( beginning of time ) to the end ( of time ).

If the parade was non-linear, and circled the city blocks, from the street level, the moments would come and go, but from above, you would be able to see the entire parade go on and on. POV!
Then perhaps things like ghosts and UFO's are just our POV passing close or through someone else's world line, kind of like if you stand away from a net curtain all you can see is the net curtain, but if you move closer you can see faint images of what is going on on the otherside of the window through the net curtain.
Again i'd raise the issue, that the initial post in the thread makes the assumption that all doubles are inhabited by the same oversoul. Which is likely not the case if you take into account what multiple worldline theory implies.
Hi Iq:

Don't just dismiss this as metaphysical claptrap. Examine your own perceptions and see that it is true. This is not a mystical postulation, it is the obvious conclusion of any fully aware individual. Sure, it's out of the realm of science, but that doesn't make it false.
Oh I for one certainly do NOT dismiss it as claptrap. And I have good news for you! (And no, it is not that I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico). The good news is that these theories CAN BE and HAS BEEN framed within a scientific framework. I've done so not only on this forum, but elsewhere on the internet. The scientific framework deals with closed control loops and how we use information to modify energy usage in such control loops. This is my engineering specialty, so I cna guarantee that I know more about this than most who might want to call it claptrap!

The upshot that applies to the theories expounded on above is that THERE IS ALWAYS AN OUTER LOOP that is operating on the loop you can observe. I have described the outer loops of our physical body (which close the control loops of our body via information) as the Mind (Conscious), the Soul (Subconscious), and the Spirit (Unconscious). Not suprisingly (for those who know me), these three, nested, hierarchical loops align with the configuration of the Tree Of Life. The Conscious Mind is the first outer loop with respect to the physical body, as it uses information (from our body's sensory devices) to help us command states changes to our "physical plant". The Soul is the next outer loop to the Conscious Mind, which closes the Mind's conscious loop via higher level (more abstract) information. This aligns with how many people say the Soul operates not on words, but on "raw" symbolism. Finally, the Spirit is the outermost loop that closes the subconscious loop of the Soul. This level cannot even deal with symbols, it has to deal with the basis of any form of reality, namely "truths".

I can go on and on (and yes, I know, I often do), but I wanted to make you aware that there ARE scientific foundations for these principles. And indeed, as we delve further into the relationship between physical energy and physical information, and as we investigate non-linear control with respect to Aritificial Intelligence, there will be more scientific evidence to support these theories.

No it doesnt quite blow my mind.

When you start talking about your mother on a different line having kids by a different man and that genetically different offspring still being a 'double' of you, you start talking about realities that are starting to move away from a parallel. Although, sure there is no reason why this couldnt not be the case.

I believe that the oversoul, inhabits thousands of different lives. Many of which are probably not based on this planet.

The problem i have with the same oversoul inhabiting all doubles is a problem of universal evolution. Not physics. I understand the principles and implications (in terms of physics) with 'The Two Slit Experiment' I except the results and applaud the efforts made to interpret this on a deeper level of how this can be worked into multiple worldline thoery. It does very firmly indicate that all possibilities play out accross the superuniverse.

However to say in terms of 'linear time', that the soul learns in one life, then is destined to make the same mistakes and experience in the next, is very flawed in terms of wisdomic evolution. Inhabiting all doubles that play out all possible actions (right and wrong). then dying and inhabiting another set to carry out all possible events (repeating the same negative lessons over and over again) seems very flawed in my opinion.

As ths will likely carry on for as long as you inhabit the 3D universe. So through 'linear time', If you cannot learn to evolve (as you are destined to keep making the same mistakes) in real time. Then whats the point of climbing up the wsdomic ladder of the physical universe.

I'm not saying that no doubles are inhabited by the same oversoul. I'm just stating the fact that multiple worldline theory would dictated that all doubles are playing out all possible actions across the multiverse. Many are bound to be making mistakes that are below your current wisdomic level. Hence cannot be connected to the same oversoul as the ones that aren't.

This is one of the reasons i found 'Titors' thinking in many regards to be too linear and missing out on the overall bigger picture. he just thought, "well if i see doubles in parallel worldines and they share genes/looks - then hey - they must all be 'me'".

I think you should keep the topic on prarallel realities. Otherwise you start talking about near infinite combinations, that are two many in number to focus on.
Hello again Iq:
It makes me glad to know that there are at least a few people really delving deeply and empirically into the nature of consciousness instead of just writing it off as an epiphenomenon of matter.
More people than you might guess. And some of them actually make science their business. Dr. Jack Sarfatti is one of them who is trying to crack the underpinnings of consciousness as it relates to cosomology. There are more and more folks of science willing to "come out of the closet" with regard to these strange and wonderful issues.

Science has become such a rigid and calcified edifice that truly fresh ideas can rarely gain ground. It's Galileo and the Church all over again, except this time the Church is embodied in the scientific community itself. Science as dogma, man, what a disturbing idea!
I do agree to some extent (and I am sure some on this board might be surprised that I do). However, at the same time you cannot simply "throw away" the precepts of science without some evidence to back up the need to get rid of it. IMO, there are two camps of "dogma", the Church (and that goes for Jewish/Muslim faiths...all those who DICTATE such dogma), and the "dogma" of established Science. Each camp wishes to use the other to "prove" their point, but then each camp also wishes to throw away the other camp's dogma that does not fit their beliefs, wishes, dreams, etc. This is why it has always been my view that these two camps must be justifiably reconciled. And by that I mean we need to use the tools of each to reach the common goal of both! I see you use quote from Frater Perdurabo, so I think you know what I am scratching at here!

I predict that when the true nature of consciousness is demonstrated to the world, everything is going to change. It's going to be bigger than nuclear power, relativity, electronics, and metallurgy combined. When science lights upon the truth of mind, we're going to have to remake our entire model of reality from the ground up!
I wholeheartedly agree! And IMO that point is what will hallmark the events of the year 2012. Folks in both the camps of Science and Spirituality are working on little bits of the problem all over the world right now. We live during the time of the "Grand Unification". If we don't kill ourselves off, then the ONLY solution is that the schools of Science and Spirituality MUST merge to form a new view of reality. It is the only practical way we can move beyond the stasis we have reached in each camp individually.

Being part of the problem is being part of the camp that refuses to integrate the teachings of the opposing camp. Being part of the solution is being a unifier... one who sees the truth of ancient teachings and how these same truths are reflected in the findings of modern science. There are several of us on this board who feel this way. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Iq

I've just thought of something else along this theory,

All Predictions are right.

because they are only glimpsing potentialities of the future which will come true, just not to the world line that you would neccessarily follow

Those people privelidged enough to have extreme foresight (I say extreme as I beleive that everyone has foresight to some degree) are really looking into possible futures, and so therefore the prediction in the other thread about the horse not winning the kentucky was right as would someone making the same prediction at the same time but claiming that the horse WOULD win the derby.
I have termed the practice Wavefunction Sculpture, because it is really more a structuring than a collapse, consciousness not being constrained by entropy as matter and energy are.
An interesting offshoot thought here, since you mentioned entropy as it relates to matter and energy:

Are not the processes of mind and consciousness essentially negentropic processes? IOW, consciousness (via the mind) seeks to create order out of chaos by ordering information, rather than the natural entropic processes of the physical universe which proceed from orderly to chaotic. This is a fundamental observation that has lead me along the research path towards the understanding that information and physical energy are intimately linked (and opposing universal elements). What I really need to come up with now are the direct transformation equations that allow one to exchange Energy for Information. IMHO, such a breakthough would be one of the big ones needed to not only understand the structure of Massive SpaceTime, but also how to manipulate it at Will.

It has been awhile, hasnt it?

Good questions that are at the root of most searches of purpose. Why, What, Where, When and Who?

If one is to put belief into the principle that everything is but a reflection of the original 1, the Creator...it is possible to have multiple worldlines; a good example would be when we hold two mirrors facing each other, the reflections of each mirror seem to go on and on.

If creation follows a similar construct, then perhaps there are many versions of ourselves. Each version on a different ripple of reflection. Variations in "The Glass" may cause slight differences of each reflection. In one reflection, I did indeed perish in the crash. In others, other scenarios play out, depending on the 'substance' of that particular 'surface'.

Perhaps, this is also why our dreams can be so unusual...shared information from other "selves" that are in close proximity to the wave we are riding upon.