Everyone is immortal. Here is my theory:
-The multiple worldline theory is correct.
-You never die on your worldline. However, you can die on other peoples' worldlines. (In other words, don't kill yourself to test this out )
-There can be multiple ways to achieve immortality. At least one way is needed and it is inevitable. This can include someone on your worldline: inventing an anti-growth pill, being put into a self-sustaining life support system, inventing an alternate dimension-traveling machine in order to retrieve immortality-achieving machines, etc.
-You CAN control your destiny by choosing how you will become immortal.
Let's say that you intend to jump off of a building. On your worldline, something prevents this from happening and you don't die (you can't on your own), but on others' worldlines, you do die if you decide to go on with it and nothing prevents "your" death.
If you have a question, feel free to ask.
-The multiple worldline theory is correct.
-You never die on your worldline. However, you can die on other peoples' worldlines. (In other words, don't kill yourself to test this out )
-There can be multiple ways to achieve immortality. At least one way is needed and it is inevitable. This can include someone on your worldline: inventing an anti-growth pill, being put into a self-sustaining life support system, inventing an alternate dimension-traveling machine in order to retrieve immortality-achieving machines, etc.
-You CAN control your destiny by choosing how you will become immortal.
Let's say that you intend to jump off of a building. On your worldline, something prevents this from happening and you don't die (you can't on your own), but on others' worldlines, you do die if you decide to go on with it and nothing prevents "your" death.
If you have a question, feel free to ask.