RE: He\'s a form of food.To TTA:
I know you’re a little excited about the new MIB moving coming out, but please try and restrain your self. You’re a grown man for Pete’s sake.
well that’s what I am assuming you are anyways.
<<There is nothing that you can do about this either.>>
Oh well… thanks for the tip. But I think I’ll try anyways
. I’m the TTA, remember?
<<My problem, is that I'm torn between two cultures and don't know what to do.>>
Yeah, I’ll say
. Who do you want to pledge your allegiance to, humanity or the extraterrestrials?
What has either one of them done for you lately?
Who do you feel you belong with better?
You said you wanted to be an ambassador and speak for the Aliens. But now you’re changing your tune about joining them. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?
Maybe after losing so much, you discovered that selling out humanity was not going to be a winning side for you to be on. Especially once the TTA takes ‘em down
<<I did everything by the books and still no movement by formalized government.>>
Maybe to much reading, and not enough critical analysis
? I don’t know, just a guess.
<<Insects TTA, all insects.>>
Uhhh, okkaayy *shifts eyes to the side and around :confused
Bugs ehh? Interesting, very interesting
, please do say more.
<<Could it be that Earth is one big compitition coloney to these beings and they must infiltrate it, in order to conquer?>>
Maybe you fell asleep watching Star Ship Trooper cartoons with your kids one to many nights
<<I don't know, however for some reason, they like me and I don't know what this is?>>
Geee, that’s so weird,
. But I think I can make a guess or two. How about you Cat
<<Did you know that the prototype clones in Southern Califorina, of the 1980s, all died of intestinal problems?>>
No, I had no idea. I must have been really busy that year to notice, much less care
… Duh, I was being born.
<<So then alien made clones only had a life expectency of one to two years, then expired.>>
The bugs?
What type of bugs?
<<I wonder what the Angelic heiarchy thinks of the clones that are being snuck in and how do you recognize them?>>
So their not bugs? I’m confused
, I thought you said that they were.
If they are, all you gotta do is spray them with “Raid†kills them on contact. Until you leave and turn off the lights, and come back and there gone
You mean those 3D viewing binoculars or whatever they’re called
? Hey I used to play with those when I was a kid, they were lots of fun. My favorite were Sesame St. and Gummy slides
<<Insects do not have the depth to get mad.They just make contingency plans and then act on these plans.>>
, so I guess I can kill those little buggers feeling guilt free.
<<Do you have screans over your windows, when you sleep at night, in order to keep flying insects out?>>
Funny that you mention it. Just before I turned out the lights and closed my blinds, there was this nasty roach by my window
. I am tempted in closing the window, but it sure hella hot over here.