Events of interest to a time traveler


Staff member
What do you think the most significant event in history would be for a time traveler?

There's quite a lot that has happened throughout history, but I imagine that if I were sitting at some time traveler tracking station, I'd see clusters around specific happenings throughout our past. Some of those would be obvious - 9/11, the assassination of Lincoln or JFK, events in religion like The Flood or the birth of Christ, things like that.

Outside of the obvious ones, what do you think those hotspots would be? If not a specific event, years or eras work too.

The entire World War II atrocity, tribal ethnic cleansing in Africa and the Balkans in the 90's must rate as low points in our timeline as a collective humanity. leaving a worse and more insecure world for our kids than what we grew up in. These are events that time travellers will probably judge us on. Maybe society can learn to make a difference now by exercising less bias, more appreciation. That's what we ALL here at the TTI - to make better futures, fix pasts and hopefully learn.
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I don't think that we can fix pasts but I am sure that we can make better futures.
I on the other hand believe it is possible to change the past. The past, present, and future are all illusions and are relative depending on the individual. Having said that, if it's impossible to change the past, it's also impossible to change the future. And if it is possible to change the future, it's also possible to change the past.

I don't know the date of the beginning of the humanity but I would type somewhere in Europe i guess
I'm sure calculating exact locations will progressively get more difficult the further back you go, considering Earth once consisted of a single supercontinent.

I on the other hand believe it is possible to change the past. The past, present, and future are all illusions and are relative depending on the individual. Having said that, if it's impossible to change the past, it's also impossible to change the future. And if it is possible to change the future, it's also possible to change the past.
It can be possible, yes. I believe that everything is possible. But if you ask to me, we shouldn't change the past. Why, cause if there is something that has happened, it happened because it had to happen. You chose once the things you live now. And if you change the past you can't imagine what could happen. I have terrible memories. Before, I would give my everything to forget them. Because if they hadn't happened, I wouldn't be having tantrums, I wouldn't have panic attacks, I wouldn't be out of breath every day because of my heart squeezing. These are all things from my past. But my past has taught me a lot. I try to go back every day and learn from my experiences. I know the memories I have (doesn't matter bad or good), makes me the person I am now. In a movie there was scene, they traveled to the past only to change one thing, just one thing. They've tried so many times, but they still couldn't stop that thing from happening. Just don't try to change past, learn from the past. It would be the biggest mistake humanity will ever make. Trust me.

What do you think the most significant event in history would be for a time traveler?

There's quite a lot that has happened throughout history, but I imagine that if I were sitting at some time traveler tracking station, I'd see clusters around specific happenings throughout our past. Some of those would be obvious - 9/11, the assassination of Lincoln or JFK, events in religion like The Flood or the birth of Christ, things like that.

Outside of the obvious ones, what do you think those hotspots would be? If not a specific event, years or eras work too.

The signing of the Declaration of Independence

It can be possible, yes. I believe that everything is possible. But if you ask to me, we shouldn't change the past. Why, cause if there is something that has happened, it happened because it had to happen. You chose once the things you live now. And if you change the past you can't imagine what could happen. I have terrible memories. Before, I would give my everything to forget them. Because if they hadn't happened, I wouldn't be having tantrums, I wouldn't have panic attacks, I wouldn't be out of breath every day because of my heart squeezing. These are all things from my past. But my past has taught me a lot. I try to go back every day and learn from my experiences. I know the memories I have (doesn't matter bad or good), makes me the person I am now. In a movie there was scene, they traveled to the past only to change one thing, just one thing. They've tried so many times, but they still couldn't stop that thing from happening. Just don't try to change past, learn from the past. It would be the biggest mistake humanity will ever make. Trust me.
I respect your personal opinion on changing the past, but don't hold your breath that doing so would always be bad. I'm pretty sure history wasn't intended to consistently repeat itself.

Also, whatever movie you saw might be supporting misconception(s) about the philosophy/logic of changing the past. Truth is stranger than fiction.

I respect your personal opinion on changing the past, but don't hold your breath that doing so would always be bad. I'm pretty sure history wasn't intended to consistently repeat itself.

Also, whatever movie you saw might be supporting misconception(s) about the philosophy/logic of changing the past. Truth is stranger than fiction.
I understand you but still something in my heart and in my mind tells me that it is not right to change past.

That would be a cool one. Did it happen as depicted in paintings, with witnesses?

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I'm pretty sure they wouldn't allow women in at the time, so the time traveler would have to be male and really clever getting in.

Wait, there's a guy with a cowboy hat. LOL..... wtf?
