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Epochal Historian
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Robots are made, however in either two models, sometimes not fully equipped.Walking anthropomorphic robots, are almost not available.

MP3, is the player of choice for music downloads, that some use today.

Energy savings vehicles, are grudgingly being supplied today.Full electric vehicles are rare at this point in time.

Polymorphic pan sexual situations are available on the world wide web today, as sexual play interest viewing, to human Earth semi-primates is available, as Bill Gates had predicted that it would be, in the book The Road Ahead.*Primates are very curious as to some of the factors, surround personal sexuality.With other species, forinastance, the interests might lie in algae grooming, or farming?

The military has been for some time, developing both a snoop R.V.s and active battle flyable R.V.s due to how lethal the operational combat environment has become for jet aircraft.The new line of logic in aircraft construction, is to build an internal structure, then blend a plastic nonreflective covering over it.aAlso note super-enhanced soldier capabiltries, with human factors greatly exagerited, as proposed in this era?

There is a falibity factor, it seems built into all or most politicians.This seems to come with the territory.

Nanotechnology is starting to invest, in areas of nanocarbon fibules, however other applications are now accepting miniature engineered microstructures.*There is still not the concern of the peril of a rebel micro-colony, which may decide its own life is important and have them succeed from the main colony of man-used nanobots?

Said aliens are sort of a hushed affair, with some to public presentations being very accurate, with blacked out identities, however other public presentations, try to it seems hide earlier full disclosures, for some reason?

Public opinions, are it seems, tried to be directed by media, such as movies and television.In some instance the film might be historically accurate, in others, the movie might have been made to either glorify a way of thinking, or to tell a different story.

Mass transportation is still a controlled mess.

Air pollution has not been solved by the installment, for fully electric vehicles.

A private space industry has been established; however there are no clamshell designs on this vehicle, so that it can earn its keep and deposit satellites into orbit for a fee.

The ocean is being overfished at this point in time.Great white shark attacks, are steadily on the increase.

AIDS the acquired autoimmune disease, is not only on the uprise, however a new potent cross strained form of AIDS has been noted in New York, with onset to full blown AIDS, in only two weeks time.

Computer network stalking, personal stocking, kidnapping, hostage taking, it seems have become new epidemic, due to the worth being at times placed on the individual. And the worth that this capture of the individual can yield, rather than other sources.Please draw lines of comparison to the said past Patty Hurst kidnapping as opposed to the Patricia Smart kidnappings?
All the electronics you need to communicate with people at a distance, one can carry on their person.

School shootings, still seem to be a problem.It seems this phenomenon may somehow be related to the neuro-linguistics programming techniques, known as the Cybervision way of learning at Cal Berkley.*Please note that this said method is a very good way to learn and subject, however the splinter phenomenon yields off of the constant programming video games can give the subject while they view the game subject matter.This later intones to a person animus and the animus is acted out.Nobody has dared to say, whether this is a like predator natural cyclic sort of affair?

Microindustry predictions, are not on the rise it seems in some places in the U.S.
Over-vast relational probabilistic scenarios, have not been it seems plotted by those in academia, as to the nature of modified behaviors?

Sports are almost totally self modified events now, with the players having become heavily subsidized?

The avarice of cooperation as opposed to ego, is not clearly defined as a situational goal in some instance, in the U.S.?

The splintering phenomenon, with respects to in-housed genetic profiles of some humans, may have been tampered with.The overall adjustment to how current genetic sets, as opposed to probabilistic genetic sets, as opposed to figured out genetic sets, per lots of humans, for the most part has not been ventured upon.

There is a curve, to the Alvin Toffler Future Shock syndrome and it follows thussly.>That once input has been made into the species, over what it is accoutered to, then a new set of learning and social acceptance patterns begin to emerge in that adjustment.

Social archatypiture, over accepted ways, will always be paramount.However adiposity seems to portray issue of adjustment understanding, this as opposed to adjustment facility of use, in regards to how humans deal with change?

Because of population size, disease patterns in respts to some pathogens understanding the treatment, have made it to where the pharocoligist, must always peruse the best optimum angle of attack, on new forms of sepsis, yielded from colds, flu and secondary infections.The mers-a-line resistant forms of staph, are almost epidemic in the jail systems and these faculties must be constantly cleaned.

Prostitution for the need of this item of social fixcntion has not been legalized albeit with said two places in Texas and Nevada.This is not a moral technical say, however with the constant need, the utilization of state level cleanliness servant agents, has not been established for humans?

There is not, at this time, it seems a half way house, for understandings between humans and said aliens, for free associations, if they desire, even in controlled environments?

>This had been a round category of happenings, at this level of posting period.
If your notes are good to add to this event list, then please come to me, and I will see if we can add to this list?

Thank you very much.

HP computers, have institutured the newer of its systems.It is suspected that this system also self configures?
The Longhorn self configuring to suet relational system, has not been released from Microsoft as of yet.

Hewllet Packard has outletted a greater percentage of its service on-phone ability to the Continent Of India.
*Note in some cases, I feel that this was a very wise and prudent move, as most of the Indians are very well trained and spoken as well.

Holo-life utilization for difficult to utilize, has not been realized as of yet.>This is why self intelignet system for the users, were so very inportant to get out to the users?
This opportunity is still based on hit or miss potentials.*The understanding that more modern androids, facilitate through some personality problem clashes, has not be realized in this society.