Equator upper atmosphere


Temporal Navigator
The upper atmosphere of the Equator gets less Sunlight hours than the rest of Earths upper atmosphere.

I make this statement without proof of science to see the results ten years from now. I have never heard this and believe that it is not common knowledge. Over the years many statements get made , just well thought out observations , and people just talk as though it was always known from ever. The people that make these statements get proven correct and no credit is ever associated to them.

The hurricanes and tsunami development areas are getting less sunlight hours than the rest of the upper atmosphere. 

I wanted to be really simplistic with a statement. The visual of an apple falling from a tree as an example of gravity is beautiful.

A magnification lens can use the sunlight to be focused on a combustible material to ignite a flame. The lens can be fixed point and the material can be aligned into the area of most intensified sunlight. If you have played with a magnifying glass then you know what I'm writing here. 

this has now been allocated into off topic. Apparentley to someone out there our atmosphere and sun and the placement of the spots getting the least sunlight , out of the direct sunlight path at altitude , are not a part of time travel science. That's fine with me since I'm more of a believer in electromagnetic manipulation than utilizing an uncontrollable natural occurance. 

The upper atmosphere of the Equator gets less Sunlight hours than the rest of Earths upper atmosphere.I make this statement without proof of science to see the results ten years from now.
Continuing on with this observation. When I stir a pot of liquid with a staight stick from nothing , I must go quickly turning or persistant turning . Once it is in a spin then a quicker effort speeds turning liquid. 
Obviously I am not a science person when cyclone or even typhoon would be much more correct and tsunami would be a possible result of earthquakes , land slides , but more result. So it seems that no one is interested in the subject not even to critcise my poor writing skills so I'll just walk away from this one.

The upper atmosphere of the Equator gets less Sunlight hours than the rest of Earths upper atmosphere.I make this statement without proof of science to see the results ten years from now.
Since Earth is small compared to the Sun the planet Earth appears to transit from a distance back maintaing a line of view. It is always dark at the back away from the Sun but there is a convergence point where light meets dark. 
If we could call this point Cameron McKenna's point I might be able to track my Statement easier. 

Just a thought here that there might be an absolute point that is constant for Earth and the Sun where it is permanently night then beside that end of the cone point is permanently day . That point would be constant and mathmatically could be applied to every planet and it's star throughout our universe. I mean that the formula to calculate that point for each planet and its star could be constant.

Knowing how important light is to life and how important constants are to scientists , seems unusual that it's not a point we mention. 

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I don't know what's the point in your statement, but seems to me that an absolute point on Earth, which is permanently at night, and other one with daylight, is not possible, since we are rotating and circling the Sun, which is also spinning and moving. Any given moment, there is a place on Earth where is mid day, and other where is midnight, but it is always changing. Can you please explain where do you want to go with your idea?

Outer atmosphere.

I am a poor writer but I will try to pinpoint this location for all.

You might have to open your minds eye to know this. At a point in space at a distance past Earth is a point where if I sat in a big chair I could be illuminated by the sun while having my feet dangle in the darkness of night. At center point of the sun , the Suns east rays that intersect with the Suns west rays , north rays intersecting with south all at one point they meet at Earths cone forming night shadow. That point can be calculated as a constant formula. The size of the star , the size of the planet , the distance between the two and extend that cone shape until its intersection. This calculation can be done for every planet and star combination in the universe.

I don't know what's the point in your statement, .... Can you please explain where do you want to go with your idea?
I want this particular one place in space named for me , after me . I feel that I can follow my opening to the thread easier by having this spot as a reference. 
The revolving doesn't matter to the point in space. The orbital path is the same as Earth and extends into the distance. 

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It is strange that this spot is not commonly spoken about with all the vast intelligent llife that has lived here.

On march 21 it exactly aligns with Suns centerpoint and on september 21 it aligns exactly with Suns centerpoint.

North pole Earth aligns with the top of the Sun and South pole Earth aligns with bottom of the sun.

September 21 is a havest time in my Apple bearing area.

9 months , the term of a human pregnancy from conception until birth , later is june 21 a very noteworthy date.

March 21 , planting and sprouts , new lawns. 

9 months , the term of a human pregnancy from conception until birth , later is december 21 another noteworthy date. (possible Bible and many other writings)


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The Spot could be used for this purpose.

Take a cone shape that collects the Sunlight through the bottom then through an outlet a focused beacon laser is released at an angle 135 or a bit higher. The cone should spin counter clockwise letting the laser be seen for 10 days. 10 is how many didgets we humans have and would reflect intelligence. the next phase is 10 days of straight forwards laser pointing outwards. The timing of the straight laser should coincide with the direction Earth and our Sun is Actually headed, directionally accurate. 10 days more of the straight forwards laser off but now the 135 or a bit higher has a spin of clockwise rotation.

We are peering into space looking for transit of planets and if there is others they might catch onto this and do the same.  This would be a communication link between solar systems at a very basic level . A start needs to begin somewhere even just basic , we exist intelligent life is here.

I am just this homeless man that got advice in an email from local government that they could put me into a shelter. 40 years of working and watching the theft of a mans destiny , home , ability to provide , peerage , respect , all go away from possibility. I'm certain that what is written on this post should be criticized for its simplistic form. Really do you think science and writers have this as a priority before you read it?

The possibilty that Earth aligns perfectly true to its path of direction and the exact beacon timing pointing that direction outwards is not likely. Also doing it in this manor only allows for the frontal view to gain the insight of the moment. The side views might only get part of the rotation beam of the 30 day cycle as viewable. The complete opposite direction needs a similar signal that we are leaving away. 

Earth orbits the Sun and at the orbit path we might (will) be many degrees too high or too low to use a single laser to point our true direction. This correctional math needs displayed. I am trying to calculate this without using 2 dimensional grid thinking , because the vacuum and persistant round shapes of our life. 

I make this statement without proof of science to see the results ten years from now. I have never heard this and believe that it is not common knowledge. Over the years many statements get made , just well thought out observations , and people just talk as though it was always known from ever. 
I mentioned 9 months in this thread. We have 10 digets and ten is very easy to multiply.
10 times 9 equals 90. Take this 90 days section and then put a golden day after it then take a 90 days section and then put a golden day after it then take a 90 days section and then put a golden day after it then take an 90 days section and then put a golden day after it.

4 times 90 equals 360. The golden days , there are four , each would represent a season. 364

God took a day of rest at 365, our year.

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