Energy - does it require an intelligent creator


Temporal Novice
The more I think about it the more I think it possible that future scientists sent a device back in time to the beginning and initiated the Big Bang.

You see, Physics says energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed.
Therefore energy, which is everything in the universe in different forms, always existed.
But I would expect the system we're in (the universe/multiverse/whatever) to have always been empty and contain no energy.
So that energy must have come from somewhere....something must have initially brought that energy into existence.
So that something is either God OR Future scientists playing with timetravel.
We know intelligent scientists exist, and intelligence is a very powerful force, maybe even the most powerful force in the universe.
So Future scientists could be candidates for creating the energy system (universe/multiverse).
Time travel is one key.
System creation is the other key.
Then the Big Bang happens, evolution takes its course, Humans are created, the scientists are born.
The result is energy is transformed into intelligence, and intelligence creates the energy.

You see, Physics says energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore energy, which is everything in the universe in different forms, always existed

That's not quite what general relativity states. It states that mass and energy are locally conserved quantities because "locally" your view of the universe is Newtonian. Time seems to run at a single steady rate and space appears to be flat and unchanging. Space and time are absolute in Newtonian physics. In general realtivity space and time can be bent, warped, stretched, spindled, folded and mutilated. Space and time, taken seperately, are relative, not absolute.

So how do we measure energy? So any units is this or that per area/volume of space per unit of time. But if space and time are relative quantities that change based on different observers states of motion how, then, can we say on the cosmological scale that energy is conserved if two of the factors used to measure energy are variables - not constants? The answer is that we can't and don't. We understand that different observers will have differing opinions about the state of energy present in the universe.

Mod Edit: Correct quote block tag.
The more I think about it the more I think it possible that future scientists sent a device back in time to the beginning and initiated the Big Bang.

Not necessary, if you read up on the latest ideas by Prof Paul Davies. His is one of a long series of 'bootstrapping' theories that follow out of the 'strong anthropic principle'.
The big bang, black holes, timelines, wormholes, etc., are all there to distract curious people from real science, which is that with which you can actually experiment. Idle speculation is the hallmark of armchair "scientists", and it leads to nothing useful.
You see, Physics says energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore energy, which is everything in the universe in different forms, always existed

That is not, strictly speaking, what science says.

One CAN, theoretically, create energy out of nothing. It is probably the process by which the universe itself was created.....and that is the distinction of energy into positive and negative. This extends beyond just things which would have 'negative mass'.

Clearly, the sum total of -1 unit of energy, and +1 unit of zero. So, you can create something out of nothing, because effectively the total amount of it still is zero !

We 'exist' on a mathematical technicality. Locally the universe is predominantly one type of energy......but to anyone who tried to observer the universe as a whole, there would be nothing there. Add up all the energy in the universe, and we don't exist !