End of the Universe


Temporal Novice
Have you ever wondered if the universe we live in ever has a end or a point it stops? We know its vast, dark, cold and full of stars and planets but does it have some kind of end or somehow loops into the starting point.

I try to fathom it sometimes but can't really wrap my head around the concept. Specially if we found the end and what would happen.

Yes, I absolutely believe the universe will come to an end at some point. Of course, no one could tell when and how it'll happen but I'm guessing the end is a few hundred years away. Our world is advancing into modern technology and nature on the other hand is slowly seeing its end through destruction. There is already an alarming imbalance and when the time comes when it goes completely out of balance, it's gonna be the end.

Dunno, but I’d like to visit the restaurant there ;)

As far as finding a point where the universe ends, it seems unlikely, if it’s indeed true that the universe continues to expand. Not only that, but we seem to have limited capacities to find out for sure. The universe coming to an end? I know there are quite a few theories surrounding this, but I do have some trouble wrapping my feeble little mind around them. All I can say is that the end of our world as we know it is probably more imminent than the end of the universe - and considering how vast the universe is, the destruction of our world won't have much of an impact.

There's some thought that because our universe is expanding, we're still on the early side of its lifespan. One day, it'll reach an apex, and then begin to contract eventually returning to a point where it will be as small as it was when the Big Bang happened, thus meaning our universe exists in cycles of expansion and contraction.

Science and the most of the famous scientist say that the universe is infinite and I believe it. Why? If the universe has limits, first of all where are them? Secondly, what should be there on other side of the "wall"? Eventually, how come that this "wall" was formed and of what materials this wall is compound?

Maybe the univese is like a multidimensional loop. So it is like a sphere, if you walk in one direction you can keep on going because you are going around in a circle. But somehow this loop is in multiple dimensions so no matter which way you travel you will eventually wrap around. The stars within this universe are moving we could get the illusion that the universe is actually expanding when it is not.

Our world is advancing into modern technology and nature on the other hand is slowly seeing its end through destruction. There is already an alarming imbalance and when the time comes when it goes completely out of balance, it's gonna be the end.
That's often the attitude of people, still young, that live in a big city or accept all the doom and gloom the main street media dish out daily. If that fits you, or anyone else reading this and feeling the same way, take some time... get out of the city. Far out... away from the suburbs... out into the country... God's country. Get to know a farmer... see how we live out in the boonies. You'll see the real problems are mostly confined to the cities. The Earth is doing fine and some day... if mankind... and womankind... disappear from the planet, any scars we left, such as Chicago, Detroit, Los Angels, and the rest, will heal very nicely. The Earth and the Universe have been here for billions of years before we got here. There is no reason to think they won't after we are gone. There is no reason to think we could harm them. On the scale of the planet, we are ants. Ants with big bombs maybe, but still ants. Our bombs won't hurt the Earth to any great extent. On the cosmic scale we are less that microbes. Sure, there are things that need fixing and I did some fixing in my time, but I didn't miss any fun because I though my carbon emissions might harm the planet. You're still young. Enjoy your life without worrying that you're gonna break something.

Maybe the univese is like a multidimensional loop. So it is like a sphere, if you walk in one direction you can keep on going because you are going around in a circle. But somehow this loop is in multiple dimensions so no matter which way you travel you will eventually wrap around. The stars within this universe are moving we could get the illusion that the universe is actually expanding when it is not.
One interesting model I've seen for the universe takes a toroid shape, and the implications for that are interesting. It's kind of hard to visualize but it would have many of the same 'infinite' effects but at the same time have a definable shape and boundary. Something to think about at least.

I like the torus shaped Universe also. Visualize it like a smoke ring. Prior the Big Bang there was infinite "nothing". At the BB expansion a shock wave or, leading edge, expanded away from a single point, in the "nothing". Since "everything" could be considered to have moved away from this single point, it would also have a trailing edge. If there was a finite amount of the "everything" that expanded in the infinite "nothing", (the Law of Conservation seems to imply this) the resulting torus shape, to maintain a finite volume, would thin as the leading edge diameter increased until the point at which the diameter would be so large that the remaining thickness would be less that the diameter of an atom and... the end of the Universe.

Or, the above could be complete bunk, but it's cool bunk. :cool:

Just a point to make. According to thermodynamics in simplistic understanding the reason for anything happening is heat imbalance. So basically its exactly the opposite. When universe balances the heat across entire space it all comes to an end. Thats what physicist call heat death i think.

It's some kind of gravitational, radiation pairing that ends with all the mass existing at the same time. This reflects off the opposite universe and a big bang type event still occurs. They say gravitation is not strong enough to pull it back together, but I just don't think this is an observable event yet.

Indeed, and there is that whole thing where the Universe is compressed into the size of a basketball. I would see how it would be hard to observe such an event

Friends of EarthTR125.0121

We live in one of many, many universal mainframes. Most universes exist in complex geometrical arrangements, some others are self-standing. Most universal arrays are only separated by very thin membranes which keep these colossal giants from colliding. Also, these membranes keep them from contact from one another. Although physical laws are very similar for these arrays, they might vary in other universal mainframes.

Our universal array is comprised of six stable universes and approximately 48 alternate stable realities. Each universe has approximately 44 dimensions, although the first 16 are really stable for our form, comprehension and experience. After the 17th dimension everything becomes simpler and simpler and instead of big, it begins to contract into quantum spaces. The higher dimensions might be inhabited but we might never know, since we can not communicate with 3rd, 2nd and 1 dimension beings which might exist right inside of us.

The most wonderful thing about this is it is not science fiction, it was all explained by Gogberashvili, Thorne and Wheeler decades ago in the scientific community. But we need to read, learn as much as we can so that our minds could think properly and they can come up with the good stuff. But if we keep searching for internet videos of time travelers we might be wasting precious learning time. Read about brane cosmology, M theory, String and Super String Theory and of course all about Archibald Wheeler and Wormholes' theories. You will not believe your eyes.
