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I have always felt there is a connection between the coiled structure of DNA and the structure of an inductive solenoid coil. Where electric current passing through the solenoid coil generates a magnetic field coincident with the center of the coil, I have always felt that the "axis" of DNA would have some sort of similar electromagnetic effect at its center. Well, it turns out some other people have been investigating this with some interesting results!
The following comes from this web link:
"G. Rein proposes that DNA functions as antennae for quantum fields of consciousness. In the case of DNA, quantum coherence has been measured experimentally by virtue of the time decay of the photons it emits (Popp FA, Ruth B et al. Emission of visible and ultraviolet radiation by active biological systems Collective Phenomon 3: 187-214, 1981) . Furthermore, electron propagation down its center axis has been measured at superconducting speeds (Clery, DNA goes electric Science 267: pp. 1270, 1995) . Another unique property of nucleic acids is based on recent electron micrographs showing DNA in the tertiary structure of a toroid (Hud NV, Downing KH, Balhorn R. A constant radius of curvature model for the organization of DNA in toroidal condensates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92: 3581-3585, 1995) . A mechanism is proposed for the resonances between energy fields of consciousness and the energetic template of DNA. Such a mechanism is supported by recent experimental evidence for an energetic template of DNA using laser correlation spectroscopy (Poponin V The DNA phantom effect: direct measurement of a new field in the vacuum substructure J. Nanobiology, 1998 (accepted for publication)). Individuals who could generate different intentional states of consciousness focused their intention to either unwind or wind the two strands which make up the DNA helix. Conformational changes were measured by standard biochemical methods using UV absorption spectroscopy at 260 nm. For a typical experiment eight aliquots of human placental DNA (Sigma Chemical Co, St. Louis) were transferred to identical sealed test tubes giving a final concentration of 20ug/ml distilled water. Four aliquots were measured before treatment and four aliquots were measured immediately after a 15 minute treatment. Control experiments were done exactly the same except the tubes were left on the benchtop instead of receiving a treatment. Control samples showed a natural tendency to unwind with an increase in absorption of 1.09 % +/- 0.8. Samples treated with the conscious intention to unwind DNA caused a larger increase in absorption from 2-10% depending on the experiment. Samples treated with the intention to wind DNA produced a decrease in absorption from 2-5 %. These effects, which are statistically significant, indicate that DNA is sensitive to the informational content of consciousness and support the hypothesis presented here."
I also find parts of this research interesting with respect to my research and theory on how information and energy are related to one another.
The following comes from this web link:
"G. Rein proposes that DNA functions as antennae for quantum fields of consciousness. In the case of DNA, quantum coherence has been measured experimentally by virtue of the time decay of the photons it emits (Popp FA, Ruth B et al. Emission of visible and ultraviolet radiation by active biological systems Collective Phenomon 3: 187-214, 1981) . Furthermore, electron propagation down its center axis has been measured at superconducting speeds (Clery, DNA goes electric Science 267: pp. 1270, 1995) . Another unique property of nucleic acids is based on recent electron micrographs showing DNA in the tertiary structure of a toroid (Hud NV, Downing KH, Balhorn R. A constant radius of curvature model for the organization of DNA in toroidal condensates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92: 3581-3585, 1995) . A mechanism is proposed for the resonances between energy fields of consciousness and the energetic template of DNA. Such a mechanism is supported by recent experimental evidence for an energetic template of DNA using laser correlation spectroscopy (Poponin V The DNA phantom effect: direct measurement of a new field in the vacuum substructure J. Nanobiology, 1998 (accepted for publication)). Individuals who could generate different intentional states of consciousness focused their intention to either unwind or wind the two strands which make up the DNA helix. Conformational changes were measured by standard biochemical methods using UV absorption spectroscopy at 260 nm. For a typical experiment eight aliquots of human placental DNA (Sigma Chemical Co, St. Louis) were transferred to identical sealed test tubes giving a final concentration of 20ug/ml distilled water. Four aliquots were measured before treatment and four aliquots were measured immediately after a 15 minute treatment. Control experiments were done exactly the same except the tubes were left on the benchtop instead of receiving a treatment. Control samples showed a natural tendency to unwind with an increase in absorption of 1.09 % +/- 0.8. Samples treated with the conscious intention to unwind DNA caused a larger increase in absorption from 2-10% depending on the experiment. Samples treated with the intention to wind DNA produced a decrease in absorption from 2-5 %. These effects, which are statistically significant, indicate that DNA is sensitive to the informational content of consciousness and support the hypothesis presented here."
I also find parts of this research interesting with respect to my research and theory on how information and energy are related to one another.