Temporal Novice
There is much to be said about the connection of electromagnetic fields in relation to thier association with Time~Travel, but first we need to examine the properties of electromanetic fields, and cuurent research in this arena.
To begin, let's examine how electromagentic fields can influence structures of mass, in order to levitate them. Below are some examples, and their corresponding links, please feel free to add more, if you find any others pertaining.
Thank You.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX http://www-hfml.sci.kun.nl/hfml/levitate.html
*It is possible to levitate magnetically every material and every living creature on the earth due to the always present molecular magnetism. The molecular magnetism is very weak (millions times weaker than ferromagnetism) and usually remains unnoticed in everyday life, thereby producing the wrong impression that materials around us are mainly nonmagnetic. But they are all magnetic.
*How do they do that ? Is it levitation ?'
'No, they have Tara on their waists and Litolac in their hands. These produce certain vibrations which neutralise the cold magnetic force of the planet, allowing for neutralisation of the gravitational force. Even a weight of millions of tonnes compares with that of feathers. Then, by other vibrations, resembling those of ultra-sound, they can steer themselves precisely to wherever they choose, as they are doing now. On this planet everyone wanting to travel some distance uses this method ... Illustrations. Having no doors nor windows on these buildings is extraordinary in itself, but once inside, it was stranger still. As I have mentioned before, the overall impression was of still being outside. The startling beauty of colour was everywhere in the greenery; the branches of the trees dissecting the blue-mauve sky above.
*Barry's Magnetic Levitation
These coilguns with control circuits are great! Now... How can you use them for magnetic levitation?
This is slightly off-topic from coilguns, but magnetic levitation has many common design principles and is a little easier to build!
*Additiional Links..........
<This message has been edited by Time_02112 (edited 17 July 2000).>
<This message has been edited by Time_02112 (edited 18 July 2000).>
To begin, let's examine how electromagentic fields can influence structures of mass, in order to levitate them. Below are some examples, and their corresponding links, please feel free to add more, if you find any others pertaining.
Thank You.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX http://www-hfml.sci.kun.nl/hfml/levitate.html
*It is possible to levitate magnetically every material and every living creature on the earth due to the always present molecular magnetism. The molecular magnetism is very weak (millions times weaker than ferromagnetism) and usually remains unnoticed in everyday life, thereby producing the wrong impression that materials around us are mainly nonmagnetic. But they are all magnetic.
*How do they do that ? Is it levitation ?'
'No, they have Tara on their waists and Litolac in their hands. These produce certain vibrations which neutralise the cold magnetic force of the planet, allowing for neutralisation of the gravitational force. Even a weight of millions of tonnes compares with that of feathers. Then, by other vibrations, resembling those of ultra-sound, they can steer themselves precisely to wherever they choose, as they are doing now. On this planet everyone wanting to travel some distance uses this method ... Illustrations. Having no doors nor windows on these buildings is extraordinary in itself, but once inside, it was stranger still. As I have mentioned before, the overall impression was of still being outside. The startling beauty of colour was everywhere in the greenery; the branches of the trees dissecting the blue-mauve sky above.
*Barry's Magnetic Levitation
These coilguns with control circuits are great! Now... How can you use them for magnetic levitation?
This is slightly off-topic from coilguns, but magnetic levitation has many common design principles and is a little easier to build!
*Additiional Links..........
<This message has been edited by Time_02112 (edited 17 July 2000).>
<This message has been edited by Time_02112 (edited 18 July 2000).>