earth is the time capsole


Temporal Novice
we are time traveling, the earth in its self is the time capsole. with the gravity of earth seperating us from space we create time. a 24 hour day a 365 day year. if you go into space and travel at light speed for one day and come back to earth a full year would have gone by. yet you would be only one day older so for all you startreck fans if you left on the enterprise. the earth you would come back to after traveling at light speed for ten years would be 3650 years older.but you say the moon effects are gravity, there for effecting 24 hour 365 day a year time. it does, a matter a fact it creates in essence our time triple 6 or 6 to the power of three = 216 whitch is the diamiter of the moon runs on time of earth and space trough its gravitational effect solar\lunar tugging it deforms the perect sphere of earth time creating a slight wobble. effects of wich you can see in the magnetic poles coming out of alinement. this will corect it self every 5125 years by fliping over the poles ie. the great 2012 end date, when the earth will stop and begin spinnig the other way to corect its wobble.i guess you could seee this as the end of time or just the begining of a new one. so scientificly our time does only last 5125 years till it stars over agin there for there is no rell time, time is only what your personal reality precives as the meserment of change

Thought your post was interesting. Not trying to discredit you, but are you saying that the Earth will stop its rotation in 2012, and start spinning the other way? And that this happens every 5125 years?

I have read articles (cant remember where) that states evidence has been found in ocean lava flows that the earth has reversed its poles in the past. But I dont remember it saying the earth reverses its rotation. I am no scientist but the way I understand it that would result in the loss of the earths atmosphere, unless it instantly started spinning the other way at the same speed. And I have never read anything about a disaster of this magnitude happening every 5125 years.

Again not discrediting you but where did you come across this information?
most of its from prophets manual 2012, i belive the gravity will less'n but not disapear because the earth will still be charged magneticly but it wll lesson greatly in the 24hr to 48 hr it takes to reverse.just my own theroy
I dont think that could happen wihtout some pretty drastic effects. And I dont think it has ever happened in the past, or there would be some geological record of it.

I have always wondered what would happen if the poles reversed though. North became South and South became North. There is geologic evidance that this has happened before, and is overdue to happen again if I remember right. I suspect the effects would be different depending on if it happened gradually or instantly.

Is the poles reversing what you were talking about in your first post? Or only the earths rotation reversing?

are you serious? The magnetic poles of the earth reversing are what cause the earths rotation to reverse? This is very incorrect, the magnetic poles shift every 10,000+ years or so, and I can guarantee you the earth has never changed its rotation. for that to happen at some point it would have to stop spinning, this would lead to a loss of g's and things would just kind of float. LOL your whole thread is rather lame and you dont know what your talkin about.
well whats your theory? i guss none of us will relly know till 2012 and i explained the g force because the earth is a giant magnent even stoped it would stll hold a small amount of gravity awile, the 24 to 48 hours it would take to reverse.

its more than a theory. I have proof this is almost (but not completely) impossible. you can do the math work yourself. Earth spinning at 22,000mph, take the mass of the earth, calculate the thrust required to bring it to a halt and then spin it in 22,000mph in the opposite direction. like I said im not going to do the math on this maybe someone else can. But i know we're talking about a force larger than anything anyone has ever seen, all of our nukes together wouldn't create enough power. if you somehow think this can happen through nature on its own then you must be talking about some type of impact event, no magnetic force is going to change the rotation of the earth!!!

now, in 2012 maybe the world will end, maybe it wont, but it won't happen cuz of a change in the rotation of the earth! LOL!!!!
In most of the stories and prophecies regarding 2012, I have only seen the reversing of the poles being mentioned, with alot of other theories regarding spiritual changes. To completely halt the Earth from spinning would be extremely remote as mentioned by Ren. And then to start it up going the opposite direction seems unlikely. If the Earth stopped its rotation for even a moment, I would imagine that the gravity of the Sun and other planets would have some effects.

The fact that the moon has been moving away from the Earth, and the celestial alignment that is supposed to occur in 2012 may exert forces that could have enough strength to effect Earth, and could cause the Earth to shift on its axis. But, I still dont think it would be enough to completely stop a planet the size of Earth in its rotation.

But, thats ok if it does, RainmanTime, Zerubbabel, and myself will be gone in our Merkaba. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Isn't gravity based on mass? What's all this talk about loss of magnetism will cause loss of gravity? Or stop in rotation will cause loss of gravity? The moon doesn't rotate, and it has gravity. hmmmm.
Isn't gravity based on mass? What's all this talk about loss of magnetism will cause loss of gravity? Or stop in rotation will cause loss of gravity? The moon doesn't rotate, and it has gravity. hmmmm.

well, you can have angular momentum which creates additional gravity. like taking a turn on the highway very quickly or going on one of those UFO rides at the carnival. Spinning creates artificial gravity.

You are correct, the loss of or reversal of our magnetic field has no relation to the earths rotation or gravity. If we did lose or reverse our magnetic field we would be in some serious [censored]! All the solar flares and UV radiation would come right on through.

You are incorrect about the moon rotating, it spins at a constant speed which is how one face of the moon is always pointed at us. Its spinning at the same speed as earth, otherwise we would see all of the moon at different times in its cycle.
a 24 hour day a 365 day year. if you go into space and travel at light speed for one day and come back to earth a full year would have gone by. yet you would be only one day older so for all you startreck fans if you left on the enterprise. the earth you would come back to after traveling at light speed for ten years would be 3650 years older

This is incorrect, if you travelled at light speed for one day a full year would have passed? LOL where do you get these facts. although i didn't get the exact number, if you travelled at light speed for a year and came back, possibly 2-4 years will have passed on earth. What you are referring to is time dilation and there are specific equations that give us a good idea of how much time will have actually passed but 3650 years? I dont think so!

Here's a link to an explanation of the twin paradox.
What you are referring to is time dilation and there are specific equations that give us a good idea of how much time will have actually passed but 3650 years? I dont think so!

I know there are equations to back it up, and physical evidence where high speed particles enter the atmosphere and expire exactly where they should according to these equations.

But I'm still caught in a loop over this,

person on earth waves goodbye to their twin. The ship goes speeding away at the speed of light. Exactly one day on earth passes while the twin's ship has been moving at the speed of light. The particles in the ship do not experience a full day's wear and tear because it's moving at the speed of light. But does the twin's brain on the ship experience a full day? Or are his thoughts happening in slow motion relative to the earth twin?

If our consiousness is "generated" only by small particles moving around to fire synapses, and in turn consiousness must obey Einsteins laws, that would imply everything we think and do was cast in stone when the big bang happened.

So what is the illusion? Free will, or relative time?