I must interject here about dreamstates and the "Realness" of this states.
Mankind has the ability to reach other states of reality in dreams. The ancients knew this, and some groups of peoples have retained these truths in their cultures, usually groups that have been isolated from the "Great Religions", the "organized" religions of man, which have sought to intercede betixt individuals and thier conceptions of "god", so as to control civically their loyalties and to increase the power and wealth of of those in the upper hierarchies. This is the history of human civilization, and with it has come organization and improvements, in technology, communication, medicine, mathematics and sciences, etc. But the downside has been the orphanization of man from his spirituality and the inherent power of his thought. So there are upsides and downsides. It is all a journey that we are apart of.
But in reference to mankind's ability to reach beyond our physicality in our dreamstates, this is historically evident.
And, one can study and be an apprentice to expanding our capabilities in the dreamstate. One can reach a certain vibration of the soul, and go in to the state in which you can travel outside of your body (astral projection) or to simply allow your conscienciousness to "view" the beyond (remote viewing). Works for the present, the future, the past. The boon of it all is controlling it. Or focusing it.
Some people are more inclined toward this state than others. Or maybe some are just more open to the ideas of it.
I have been "seeing" things all of my life. Like I meet someone, and from a look in their eye or a countenance, I "see" a sad moment of their life, or something they regret doing. I can find people, wherever they are, especially if I am really upset or concerned about them, or have a strong connection to them. It has taken me years and years to understand for one thing that others do not usually have this ability, and another to understand that it freaks people out. So I don't talk about it alot, so I feel weird "seeing" something about the personal life of an acquaintance, things I wish were just there for them to share if they wished, but it isn't.
Anyway, dreams can be like that. But also dreams are also just dreams, when our brains organize and "compute" the experiences of our lives, and if we watch them, they can tell us what our subconciousnesses are up to, etc.
But, if your have a particularly clear dream, one that has such detail for things that you have never seen, or that speaks to you like a beloved parent from the heart, it's probably more than a simple dream.
I have probably said too much..se la ve
The appropriateness of chance is astounding.