Dr. Ori is closing in on the HourGlass


Quantum Scribe
Dear friends of EarthTR125.0121

I was perusing through one of the many search engines of our beautiful little old planet Earth and found this on the Yahoo news section.

""Ori's latest research suggests time machines are possible without exotic matter, eliminating a barrier to time travel. His work begins with a donut-shaped hole enveloped within a sphere of normal matter. We're talking about these closed loops of time, and the simplest kind of closed loops are circles, which is why we have this ring-shaped hole, Ori explained. Inside this donut-shaped vacuum, space-time could get bent upon itself using focused gravitational fields to form a closed time-like curve. To go back in time, a traveler would race around inside the donut, going further back into the past with each lap. The machine is space-time itself, Ori said. If we were to create an area with a warp like this in space that would enable time lines to close on themselves, it might enable future generations to return to visit our time.""

What do you know, they are describing the form of the non existing, never created, all too dismessed Hour Glass Proyect.

Until later becomes now.
I'm glad to see scientists are realizing that time travel isn't about complicated machines with complicated processes and huge amounts of energy. Instead, it is about using the "rules" or laws to their own advantage. Simple enough to be made, but clever enough to work.
What is this "hourglass" I've heard about so much here?
Friend Transient,

Sometimes it's more interesting to read what the scientist had to say in the original paper rather than what the magazine writer had to say in a pop-sci publication.

Here's a significant statement by Dr.Ori in his paper:

Two other important open questions should be mentioned here:
1. It may turn out that the evolving spacetime includes a black hole, and all CCCs are imprisoned inside the event horizon. In such a case the formation of CCCs might still have crucial implications to various aspects of the internal black-hole physics and geometry (e.g. singularity formation), but nevertheless the external universe will not be influenced.
2. In our present construction, the initial data on S involve strong (though finite) gravitational fields. Is it possible to create a TM spacetime of this kind starting from weak-field initial data on some earlier initial hypersurface? Rephrasing this question: is it possible to create such a TM spacetime by sending weak gravitational waves (from past null infinity) and diluted dust shells (from past timelike infinity) in the inward direction?

This is the link to the paper on ArXiv



Dr. Ori isn't talking about a simple low energy input system in this paper. It's quite the opposite. He's talking about a "time machine" spacetime that requires the energy of a black hole to create. As the paper indicates, he isn't even sure if such spacetimes can be created, if they can be created whether they are stable or whether such spacetimes would be trapped inside the event horizon of a black hole where they are of no use to us.

When Dr. Ori uses the term "time machine" he's not talking ab out a physical gadget that you climb aboard. He's talking about regions of spacetime that contain closed timelike curves. The gadget required would be the machines necessary to create the conditions that cause the TM region of spacetime to form. Specifically, in this case, he's talking about regions of spacetime where the CTC's are artificially created rather than by the Big Bang or the gravitational collapse of a massive star. As he further states, creating these regions requires extreme precision otherwise they are unstable and of no use.

This isn't something that a tinkerer will ever create in his/her garage. (Well, unless the garage is a multi-billion dollar physics research lab complete with a ring collider.

Thanks for clearing that up, I was sort of confused. But I must mention that I did read somewhere about a man whose proposed time machine involves, (if I remember correctly, and once I find the source I will post) mainly, a vortex of lasers spinning fast enough to bend time. It's a bit blurry in memory, as I read this long ago. I'll find it eventually, but the internet is so huge...
I wish I could just travel back to when I first read it.
But I must mention that I did read somewhere about a man whose proposed time machine involves, (if I remember correctly, and once I find the source I will post) mainly, a vortex of lasers spinning fast enough to bend time.

You're probably refering to Dr.Ron Mallett at UConn Department of Physics.

Here's his paper:

The Gravitational Field of a Circulating Beam of Light

It was published in the journal "Foundations of Physics" in 2003. I don't know if he's withdrawn the paper because I can no longer find it on ArXiv. He received some hard to overcome peer criticism in a response paper by Olum and Everett that casts doubt on his theory.

Here's their paper on ArXiv:

Can Circulating Beam of Light Produce a Time Machine?