Dr. Jacques Vallee on C2C tonight


Quantum Scribe
Usually this would go in the UFO and Aliens section but I do plan to fastblast a question whether spacealiens could use a sort of time travel to space travel.

Monday Sept. 17, 2007

He may not have an answer, may just be guessing, but perhaps the spaceship would be in its own SpaceTime. If there are UFOs, then it reasonable to preclude that it is also reasonable to assume that they must have a form of SpaceTime travel that involves both Space and Time.

I wonder what kind of answer he might give.

Time to gear up the VCR and stick in a tape and see if he reports on how he would think they could travel the vast distances of SpaceTime.


Perhaps the broadcast will be interesting for once.

Dr. Jacques F. Vallee (not to be confused with the Canadian Astronomer with the same name) usually is thought of as being one of the original people like Dr. Allen J. Hynek in the UFO field and has written books also on the subject. During that period of the '70's Al Klass was also one of the people that was more skeptical about the subject, and Dr. Hynek has passed away also at the time being involved in Project Bluebook somewhat and UFO cases back then.

I am not sure what the radio broadcast will actually be about, but since I never read his books back then, or even now, I am sure that it should be interesting.

Time to connect some cords up so the show is VCR'd since I have to stay up to record it anyway or at least listen to a portion of it and review it later also if nothing else.