Doppelgangers and murders


Epochal Historian
Doppelgangers and murders

Insert mythical story>I came here to tell Tom the deal for the stuff is, off.The heat's on and if we bring in that shipment, the Feds will be all over us?

Guy in the dark turns on the light and when the bringer of the deal gone bad sees him, he says, "Hey' you look just like me"!

This is when Miki also notices that supposed Tom, who is not really Tom, as a Smith & Wesson barrel poking out from under his raincoat.Now the whole width and breadth of the news to bring, it seems has gone bad.End snippet:

In reality all humankind is one big poll of shared genes.

There is no telling who what and where the milkman, as they once said, has been to whose household and gotten a quickly piece of action?

This action sent his genes around and there is now a copy of the milkman, so to speak in a gene poll that was once thought to be pristine.

On the subject of doubles, they might be found mathematically by using divisors of the number of that person's birthday.

So if a person were say born on the 24th of May, then if this person suspects that they have a doppelganger that is giving them trouble.
This is as your getting his e-mail by some stranger quirk, as remember' Windows does copy all of your persona and what you do, try dividing twenty four, by one of its primes, or constituents, so that you will get a lesser number.

This is when this number is multiplied by three and this is not always the case, then the action time, of the doppelganger who is commenting this crime, will be found.

To find where this person might be, draw a radian out from where you live, at any distance in a straight line, up to two thousand miles. Know in this instance, it must be on the same continent.

Using the news and other source, look for this person's actions and then you might find this copy of yourself.

The key question reigns, (Does the action of the doppelganger reflect or back contaminate, into the person being copied?)

Most defiantly it does.These factors of contamination cause mayhem, murder and discourse, as the nature of the one copied within the gene poll, might not always have the same temperament as the original.

Early on, in your neighborhood, or in your short ranged travel, might either see, or be introduced to a person who seems very much like you.

What is odd during these encounters, is a edginess, that one of the people meeting the other, either has sothing to hide, or might be doing something wrong.

This feeling is brought about, as in most instances, the person being like the other, in some ways.As on a deeper subconscious level, has what is known as an active intent log, which holds their own psychological animus's intents.

I have had two past instances, to where one I have from a distance seen a copy of myself and two had a person that had committed a crime, who fit the description of me. However' I was with witnesses and also had my time recorded as being there and could not have possibly done what the copy of myself was doing.

This area gets into double entondras, due to the complexities of how people travel, plus all of their intents in their actions of living.

Remember, the human gene poll at this time, is immense?

Also, how people are made, seems to be a collection of natural, say alien influenced, as well as spiritual hierarchical actions, that constitute people as they are, on this planet?

The likelihood of a person have a twin, or a made by gene poll twin, or an unknown dopple ganger, is very great.

A funny thing I always do, as I probably have more than one copy of myself walking around, is to take a restaurant receipt with me, upon leaving a restaurant.

I always do this, "well as at times", I have been reported in more than two places at one time.

I'm not a law breaker, but one can never tell when a unknown copy of themselves, will go towards more insincere motives?