Don't want to sound like a number 23 movie fan

Re: Don\'t want to sound like a number 23 movie fan

When I am driving, checking before or after sleep and whenever else I see 9:11 or 7:11. But if it were displayed in Military time it could also be 21:11 and 19:11... No schedules around these times for me to notice so occasionally today. The only conscious relation to the digits and I is 7:11 because, that was my estimated time of birth and had weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. That's my input, bye for now.
Re: Don\'t want to sound like a number 23 movie fan

#1 - No swearing please.
#2 - This post is not about time travel, so it doesn't belong here.
#3 - This post will be moved to the Conspiracy forum sometime tomorrow, given the contents of the link you provided.

Please post in the appropriate forum for your subject matter. Thanks,
Re: Don\'t want to sound like a number 23 movie fan

but every time I'm driving and I look at my clock I see the 9:11 more than any other time.

And if you were born in the early 1900's you'd see "12:07" an/or "10:29" more than any other time. If you were born in the early 1700's to the 1750's you'd see "7:04" more than any other time. Those would be Pearl Harbor Day, Black Friday and Independence Day,

The real question is are you seeing the time more than any other time or are you mentally noting it more than any other time and not noticing "uninteresting times" because you have a traumatic experience linked with the iconic date 9-11?

In the case of combat related PTSD the evidence heavily suggests that PTSD isn't related to long-term combat stress. Rather, it is related to single especially traumatic events resulting in obsessive-compulsive behavior. Obsession with the date and some other symbol/icon related the the event is very common.
Re: Don\'t want to sound like a number 23 movie fan

i see 3:57 more than any other time. that is because my mother was shot in the head with one. but in reality, i dont see it more than any other time. it just feels that way because those are the times that i remember because it makes me reflect on the past. in all actuality, i look at a clock at least 20 times a day and theres only twice it can be 3:57.

if you believe its some kind of trick, you can always do it the scientific way. make sure 9:11 only lasts a minute. if it does, it blows that out of the water.
Re: Don\'t want to sound like a number 23 movie fan


i see 3:57 more than any other time. that is because my mother was shot in the head with one. but in reality, i dont see it more than any other time. it just feels that way because those are the times that i remember because it makes me reflect on the past. in all actuality, i look at a clock at least 20 times a day and theres only twice it can be 3:57.

Exactly. A single, traumatic event that is related in your mind to an iconic symbol - .357.
Re: Don\'t want to sound like a number 23 movie fan

Moved to Conspiracies Forum, as promised. Carry on, one and all.
