Re: DogHead

At the time of writing this he/she has 77 posts.

Take a look through them and I think you'll notice a trend. A very negative person.

I disagree with this generalization. He does not like BS when it comes to believing and/or supporting things that have no extant evidence, and there is a lot of it around here. I am the same way.

One could always say a "debunker" is a negative person. But in reality they perform an important service which is very positive (helping people ferret-out BS).

Re: DogHead

To the original poster:

Well I don't know whether to be flattered to have my own thread or disappointed that it is an ad hominem attack.

Considering I used to be the "spooky mulder" when I worked for the government, my old colleagues would be literally laughing out loud to hear me called a debunker. Far out.

As for being negative- I hate to break it to the moonbats and self-indulgent types here (or anywhere) but sometimes tough love is the only way to reach you. People wallowing in magic thinking, if they think at all, are truly dangerous, to themselves, those around them, and our civilisation.


Because all that whiffle and bunk is drowning out any proof that might be out there. All that neurotic ego mass stroking - and don't get me started on the Legion of Einsteins - is a side effect of poor education, sloppy thinking and a lack of backbone. It's a cop out. There is no excuse for it at all in our civilisation. The answers are all around us.

I will never back down on this. Never.

As for why I post here- I ask myself why you cultists post what seems to me to be lunacy here every day. But it's a rhetorical question because I know the answer. Like Grandpa Simpson, you just want attention. And, you want to find somebody- ANYBODY- who will confirm or support your weak and decadent world view. Victims. Aren't we all.

Instead of drowning in bad science fiction, take a look at what real science is doing. It's magnificent. Absolutely awe-inspiring. Technology has given us pretty much 90% of the powers ascribed to the ancient gods... Doesn't that count for anything?

Far out.

You've made this post about me because you are threatened by me. And you are threatened by me because deep down some unfragmented part of you is concerned- about yourself, naturally. I, like all the rational posters here, am a fire alarm in a smoke-filled room. Ignore me, and the other much more senior and much more patient rational posters here- at your peril.

I would be delighted, thrilled, to see a working time machine, or cogent evidence of time travel, or any other phenomenon on the list. I have seen some things that others might not "believe in". I totally understand why they would be skeptical. The beauty of evidence is that it supports rationality, and when evidence is presented to an open mind the mind adapts, expands, grows. But when people believe in so many fictional aliens, false science and false conspiracies- they will never find the real ones.

And to me- nothing is sadder than that.
Re: DogHead

i dont think anything is wrong with him. he just seems like a confident person thats been around the block a few times.
Re: DogHead

I asked RMT to remove the thread because in retrospect, I was finding myself involved in 'personal' drama relating to the other gender.
It appears I was perhaps 'looking for an argument' - and Doghead appeared able to give one perhaps.

Thanks for the reminder about 'drama' - I've found myself being sucked in more than once - reflecting it upon another is not the answer...but sometimes finding an get the gist.

RMT also reminded me - even though he is a MOD here, he's not here to 'fix' anything...that's up to each of us.

Cheers. (original post removed).
Re: DogHead

I really appreciate stand-up people who can find solutions to the little bumps in the road. Makes my "job" of "ensuring domestic tranqulity" around here so much easier. Rodney King would be proud of you guys! ("Can't we all just get along?") :D
