at the time of the big boom all matter was distributed across the universe but once the matter all joins back together in the big cruch and we are back at square one with a point in space containg all the matter of the universe since it is belived that the mater in that point and thus the same configuration as during the last big bang it would be safe to assume that during the next big bang all the matter will distribute it self over the universe in the same pattern being that it started with the same point in space as the first big bang and since the matter is distributed in the same exact pattern all the same planets are probably also prone to form annd thus the earth will form again and esentially all the events after the last big bang will reocure in the same order since we started with the same point in space(ie life will form people will form JFK will be shot and so on) therfore if such is true it is safe to assume if we want to go back in time we meerly need to go VERY far a head of time.
Now this raises a new issue since when ANY planet is formed the chance of atoms randomly coming together to even form the simpilest of life would be IMPOSSIBLE even thou we may have MILLIONS of plants the odds are that life will not form on any of them cause the odds of the atoms RANDOMLY joing to for m life.... therfor WHY ARE WE HERE. if time doesnt repeat as i propose it does then what mostlikly happened is the big bang/big crunch occured unimaginable number of times till eventually life was created which will die out by the next big crunch ... but if time truly does repeat itself then we shouldnt really be here unless there is more to the universe like a supream being or some thing we cant fathom!
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Now this raises a new issue since when ANY planet is formed the chance of atoms randomly coming together to even form the simpilest of life would be IMPOSSIBLE even thou we may have MILLIONS of plants the odds are that life will not form on any of them cause the odds of the atoms RANDOMLY joing to for m life.... therfor WHY ARE WE HERE. if time doesnt repeat as i propose it does then what mostlikly happened is the big bang/big crunch occured unimaginable number of times till eventually life was created which will die out by the next big crunch ... but if time truly does repeat itself then we shouldnt really be here unless there is more to the universe like a supream being or some thing we cant fathom!
please e-mail to comment or ICQ me at 10171249