I've traveled into the past. No, maybe it's Deja vu. No, most likely it's just that, often, we think in similar ways until a better description/explanation is introduced.
What am I talking about? This is very similar to what I posted, the very first time I posted here.
Time doesn't exist. It is a construct of the human mind. That's what I thought was correct. I had discussed it with people I worked with and some agreed and some didn't care.
When I posted here, time was explained to me in a way I had not considered. I was both right and wrong. I now better understand that time, the time that orders and defines an event, is an integral part of the universe and existence itself. The "measure" of time that is required for our brains to accept the reality around us, is the construct of the human mind. It, the mind...Us... needs the measurement of time. Before WE began measuring time, as kimberlyd stated...
There was a moment in history when these things were not acknowledge and yet life still existed, seasons changed.... Time itself was created by man to further understand and "calculate" those events, that does not mean it exist.
... seasons changed, the universe existed and we were mostly oblivious to why. Our concept of measuring time began to allow us to begin to understand the concept...Why?...It was the beginning of us realizing that "order" mattered. The seasons always change and we determined that planting in the spring gave a summer for growth but planting in the fall meant no crops. That is the time we use every day.The universe's time is more of a "definition". Falling from a tower...why does time matter...how does it come into play. If I actually do understand it correctly, the time/duration of your fall matters greatly. Falling from a 1 foot tall tower takes lets say 1 sec. Not much time to build up forces that will matter. Might still hurt, but not too much. Then falling from a 1000 ft tall tower takes much more time and allows for gravity to pull longer against you allowing for your acceleration to increase, maybe to terminal velocity, then the formula, K = 1/2 mv^2, and the time factor,"t", in the, "v = dx/dt", variable matters very much. It's gonna hurt...a lot.
Whether or not you "measure" the difference in the times doesn't mean it won't hurt more. Time IS a factor.
So, that's my simplified example of why time does exist.
It's the "way" we measure time that is our own construct and subject to variation should we choose.
kimberlyd, if you have ever read my first post you would see that I agree, somewhat, with you but, I was offered a better perspective on my understanding. An animal's ability to "conceive" time is a whole different matter for discussion.