Documentary Subjects


Temporal Novice
Hey guys,

I'm posting because i'm looking to speak with some people about the John Titor story. In the spring i directed a film called Obsessed & Scientific, a short documentary about three time travel enthusiasts. This film dealt with the Titor story to a degree, featuring interviews with Larry Haber and Oliver Williams. There's been alot of interest in the film and at this point it looks like there's a chance i may get to make a longer version, focusing more on the Titor side of things.

I've recently met with Chocolate Box Entertainment, a Canadian documentary production company. They've expressed interest in working with me to create an hour long version of my film, focusing on the Titor aspect of the story. It's in very early stages, and i'm currently at work on the proposal and treatment. Once they're happy, the film will be pitched to Canadian television stations in hopes for distribution and funding.

Right now i'm looking for some people to talk to and possibly feature in the film. Specifically, i'm looking for the non-believers. If you or anyone you know can properly represent the John Titor story from the other side of the coin, please get in touch with me.

Please contact me as soon as possible at [email protected]. I am also looking in to opening an msn messenger account to contact and chat with people interested in the film.

Thanks for your time,
why don't you try looking at some other alleged time tavel cases. I know Titor is an easy one because theres nothing to it......but well, thats the problem, theres nothing to it. Its either the most least interesting time travel event ever, or its the most least interesting story made up ever.

If i were watching a documentary on timetravel and 'John Titor' came up - i would turn over.

the way you have to see it - is that you are featuring a very shakey time travel claim from an internet forum, and nothing more. Viewers will bore of this as anyone can do it.
You have GOT to get an interview with Creedo. Not because it would pertain that much to the JT saga, but because I want to see who he is in real life. LOL!