
Rift Surfer
This thread is for all things Doctor Who.

How is everyone feeling about Capaldi? I think he is a good enough actor, but the writers have made The Doctor very dark and he kills a lot more than he used to. The Doctor used to solve problems by talking to the species, not killing. Recently, he regained some of his memories from that funny looking thing with two snouts. (I don't remember what they are called). So, I'm hoping that will bring some of his humor and kindness back. I don't like the dark Doctor quite as much as the fun loving one!!! I always thought timelords retained their memories, BTW, but I could be wrong... ???

Many other Who fans hate it when I say this, but he's not my favorite doctor. I can't get use to his accent and he mumbles a lot. He doesn't speak clearly. Also, the writers have made the doctor very dark and negative this season. I'm not sure why. Another issue I am having is that although Clara has been a fun character, I think it's time to move on. She has been on for a very long time.

When the Doctor first found Clara, she was inside a Dalek and she never really "got out" of it. I'm not sure if this was a writing mistake or if all these episodes still exist INSIDE the Dalek's "head".

You're entitled to your own opinion about Capaldi, so it doesn't bother me any.

I suppose that they are going to have a climax of some sort where the Doctor will get out of his "dark phase" . Think of all he has been through, over 1000 years of travelling time and space, being the only Time Lord, other than the Master/Mistress and Jenny.

As for Clara, I'm not much a fan of her myself. 2 and a half seasons, it's time to go. I personally liked Amy, though I have a thing for redheads. As for Clara being in a Dalek, I'm not to sure about all that myself.

I'm a big geek and I'm in to a lot of nerd stuff. I tried watching Doctor Who once but...I don't know if I saw the wrong show but, the first episode I watched on Netflix was VERY lame. Mannequins running around and replacing people, some cheap ass animation of some kind of a talking lava alien thing, which made me not want to watch that kids show again.

Is it supposed to get better with the other episodes or is this how the series goes?

I'm a big geek and I'm in to a lot of nerd stuff. I tried watching Doctor Who once but...I don't know if I saw the wrong show but, the first episode I watched on Netflix was VERY lame. Mannequins running around and replacing people, some cheap ass animation of some kind of a talking lava alien thing, which made me not want to watch that kids show again.Is it supposed to get better with the other episodes or is this how the series goes?
My first experience with Who was on Netflix way back when - I thought the exact same thing.
The first season of "New Who" is extremely campy, but it definitely gets better story-wise and the show's budget goes up a LOT - Remember the current show runner is the same guy who runs the Sherlock series.

I've not kept up with Capaldi Who yet, but the two seasons prior are definitely one of my favorites. Absolutely worth powering through Season 1.

Season 1 was very serious. They lightened up a bit with Tennant and Smith, and now they are getting a bit more serious with Capaldi. Fans get mad at me when I say he's not one of my favorite doctors. Shrug. Being a fan doesn't mean I have to blindly accept and like everything, you know? He's growing on me, but I have a hard time understanding what he's saying.

I don't like Capaldi because there is no chemistry. The chemistry between the Doctor and his companion has always been there. And now it's gone.

I don't like Capaldi because there is no chemistry. The chemistry between the Doctor and his companion has always been there. And now it's gone.
I agree with this - But that may be because I'm not a fan of the current companion. Rose and Amy were the best.

I don't like Capaldi because there is no chemistry. The chemistry between the Doctor and his companion has always been there. And now it's gone.
You make a very good point.
I'm finding that Clara has been on long enough. It's time for a new companion.

Well, since I am living in the United States and don't get BBC I can't judge the new incarnation of the Doctor. I have however now seen the earlier years of Dr. Who on an over the air antenna network called Retro TV, which is airing the show up to the seventh incarnation. We are now currently on the fourth doctor who was played by Tom Baker. I have learn that with each incarnation of the doctor there is a new personality. Yes, its a recast of the character, but also different attributes that are added to the character over all I guess a way to show that thisi s a new regenrations. So, far as far as the Doctor that I have seen, I did like William Hartnel, hw was the first after all, and our introduction to the character. I liked Jon Pertwee in the role as third doctor, he seem to give more of a compassionate side to the character. I am also liking Tom Baker for his comic wit that he brings. I have no real feeling on Patrick Throughton in the role of the second doctor, why because most of his episodes are lost due to film erasing, from what I saw I wasn't too impressed, sorry to say.

The 12th Doctor is intentionally different from the last few. Casting an older actor (Capaldi) and giving him more of the curmudgeonly personality is a way of harkening back to the First Doctor. If some of you recall, the First Doctor wasn't against putting people in mortally dangerous situations just to prove a point.

11's personality is what makes him my favorite. The 10th Doctor was more of, shall I say, a counselor kind of guy. 11 was the mad professor sort. Outgoing, spontaneous, but always just a little reserved. A bit emotionally immature, in my opinion. 12 is more of the scientist sort - reserved, analytical etc.

I can definitely see why this latest Doctor is kind of a polarizing figure. He's not really my favorite either, but he's still an interesting character. For all his coarseness you can tell he relies on Clara. Have you ever seen any Doctor be so quick to take commands from a companion? 11 was really stubborn, but when Clara tells 12 to sit down, he sits down.

Incidentally... Clara's got to go. She's outlived her purpose. She was The Impossible Girl, but now her mystery is resolved.

Your right, having recently seen the first Doctor he could be a bit disconnected with humans. There were times when he seem down right indifferent and not caring to his companions. I tihnk the only thing that saved him from me not liking this version was William Hartnel's performance he knew how the give the character the amount of depth he needed not to make him look too cruel.

Maybe the 12th doctor being more like him is trying to tell us something story wise. In the earlier episodes Dr. Who it was mentioned that the doctor had the ability to regnerate 12 times. If this is still the case then his life span will be coming to an end soon. Maybe the writers have come up with a way to make its seem as if instead of having his life come to an end its repeating itself, so that he is now going through a second regeneration cycle. Maybe I am pushing here, because the fact that he could only regenrate 12 times was only mentioned once. But its amazing how people remembered this even those who haven't seen the early episodes it quite sometime.
