Do you think aliens would visit us peacefully?


Temporal Novice
We've all seen these movies at TV, those where everything that's being trodden by aliens is completely destroyed, and usually everything starts in the US, haha.

Anyway, if these kind of movies are continuously being made, there's surely a certain degree of concern around humans since these producers must fulfill a demand, so people do ask themselves what would the aliens do if they visited us. So there goes my question, too: Would aliens visit us peacefully, or destroy absolutely everything they sense?

I'm personally stuck between a yes and no since we've never seen aliens actually interact with us ( well, at least not me ) and I can't provide a sure answer since I have no background with aliens, haha.

What do you guys think?

I think the aliens are to cowardly to show themselves. Probably because they know we will hunt them down to extinction.

It depends on their own psychology, as well as morality. Especially relative to our own - who knows, an alien race could consider destruction the ultimate art, or a game, or even a simple greeting. A plot line in one of my favorite games touches upon this sort of “blue vs orange” morality. We have no idea what aliens might be like, so until we encounter them we’ll never know for sure. Aliens that fit our definition of war-like certainly do make for fun action films, though ;) And it's also entirely possible that an alien race could avoid us because they view us as aggressors.

Alien technology would be so far ahead of ours, that unless the aliens had a sadistic streak in them and got pleasure from wiping out other species they would just leave us alone. Pretty much there is nothing we can offer aliens of any value besides being a curiostity. If the alien culture allows pets that might cause a problem. If the alien population was large and every alien wanted a human pet then this could limit our population. Besides being a human pet to an alien I can't see what value we would have to them.

That's some quite nice question that anyone would like to know the answer. I admit that I would pretty scared of someone that comes from the nowhere to visit us. I think that they would have bad/war intention because if you travel that long that's for sure not a travel for pleasure or stuff like that but instead for conquest and expand what can be a planet based empire.

That most likely depends on why they are visiting Earth. Perhaps their planet is destroyed or full of pollution and they might see Earth as an alternative to live in. It's questionable if they will be fine with humans living here. There are so many different variables which would change the way they (and us) behave in such situation that it's close to impossible to predict.

Would aliens visit us peacefully, or destroy absolutely everything they sense?
This is a very hard question to answer.This is because in probability there are already aliens here; but they are part of a contract.There is also the issue involving to where some aliens want to make Earth-based mankind a hybrid creature, using their genes and our.I do not recommend this.Theoretically, there could be a type or style of alien out there that is markedly advanced over Earth humankind and aliens here, that would have no compassion for anybody here and more or less overwhelm us.

The reason that I say this, is because how Earth is run is more or less a racket.And odds are when you run a racket for too long, it usually becomes busted.We dont know all there is to know about who lives in space.We know by reports, just a few beings from out there, which is not much.Pinter

Depends on the race and how they wish to approach us, everything in the universe is different and should there be an alien race that approches us peacefully and friendly, there will be one that will approach us hostility.

I just hope and bank on that the peaceful ones find us first.

The humans as pets idea is another possible angle, which is a bit unnerving. I mean, I can think of more than a few people who wouldn’t mind being taken care of like a pet, but there are many others who don’t particularly enjoy being subjugated. Although that does make for an interesting approach to possible colonization...

edit: I can has good English :LOL:

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It's really hard to predict what will higher IQ creature do when meeting human since we've never experienced that. Humans as pets sound really bad to be honest. :D

I always had this idea that aliens are way smarter than us. I believe aliens have already been visiting the Earth and have no intention of harming us or destroying our planet....yet. Haha. Maybe the aliens are still studying how we move about and the way we think.Then they report back to their planet and gather findings and when they feel like they can take over, then maybe they will.

I think it would most likely start peacefully. Afterall, human beings are pretty much the only species on our planet that attacks without having a good reason to. So chances are that most species on other planets would be the same as most on earth. We, humans, would probably figure out a way to break the peace though.

Great answers, and very good ideas, haha. I can see you guys could perceive this situation as a very hard one to give an assumption for, but I personally don't see things that complicated.

In my opinion, given the potential technological advancement they possess, they would use it against our planet to show us humans their supremacy (No, I haven't seen enough alien movies, haha), but an impediment interferes: It's very well known that aliens wander around our planet for quite some time, but they haven't decided to invade it until now. What are they waiting for? It really bugs me.

It's very well known that aliens wander around our planet for quite some time, but they haven't decided to invade it until now. What are they waiting for? It really bugs me.
Perhaps they’re waiting for us to tear ourselves apart more than we already are, so they'd be ensured of success since we'd be too weakened. I like to think that as selfish and entitled as I feel many humans have become, we’re still capable of banding together - so maybe they sense that we’d still be too formidable a foe as a whole. I could be giving us far too much credit, though :LOL:

Our TV shows and movies have done nothing but to brain wash us and there for that is why most think that Aliens are bad and that they would not want piece and only war. Well here is my answer to that I believe that we have and still are being visited by other beings all of the time and from the beginning of time and to go farther God is an alien as well and he was not here to start war and yes God is an alien because he was not from earth. Now here is the other part of my answer.... We are the ones that thinks of nothing but war and we are the ones that would start a war with them and who's to say that we have not already started one with them because the Gov and all those in high power keeps every thing a secret from us. The reason that we would start a war with them is because humans are the kind that if they do not understand it then they must destroy it because it is bad. So my answer is not Aliens are not all bad not saying that there would not be some that might want to kill us off and take over our planet but that they are the same as us and wants to know what other beings are out there and to study them as we want too and they would not want to kill us at least not right off until they see how stupid we are and that we are violet beyond all else if we were to go off on them then yes it would start a war beyond all other wars.

This is an impossible question since it relies so much on things we can't know.

We cannot assume to know what their social norms are, and they aren't going to be a caricature of singular human idiosyncrasies like you see on Star Trek (i.e. war-like Klingons, overly logical Vulcans, greedy Ferengi, etc). Just like all of those traits are present in our society, all of those (and more) could be present in another society.

Look at how different American culture and customs are from Japanese culture and customs - We're from the same planet and they have a very different way of thinking. Extrapolate that to a species who evolved and progressed under completely different circumstances and you'll see why we can't begin to fathom an acceptable answer to this that isn't clouded by our own preconceptions.

If these 2 statements:

"Intelligent life is common"

"Interstellar travel is not too hard"

Are both true, then I would expect all available planetary resources in the galaxy to be consumed by exponential growth. So as the solar system has not yet been strip mined, I think one or both of those statements are false. So I will be highly surprised if aliens visit Earth. If they did turn up then I guess it would mean we just happen to be around during the short period when an interstellar civilization expands across the galaxy. These frontiersmen would used to moving into a new solar system and and staking a claim to all the best mineral resources and habitable worlds. Earth life would likely be seen as a nuisance spoiling a good habitable world, maybe the first few generations will ignore in in favor of easy to seed worlds around nearby stars but as this region of stars gets more settled it will become increasingly worthwhile to get rid of these pests on valuable real estate worth while doing an extermination, or perhaps ship off all the humans to sell as curiosities to the zoos of more civilized parts of the galaxy.

If human history is any indicator of the actions of advanced cultures anywhere else in the Galaxy, we are in a poor position. In Earth history, every time... a more advanced culture encounters a lesser... the lesser is destroyed, displaced or assimilated into the advanced. Beware the Borg... :alien: :eek:
