Discussions disappearing?


Chrono Cadet
Never in all my years of being alive have I had conversations simply just disappear.

In 2020, I went back to reread emails, facebook chats, skype logs, etc....with certain people I was having years ago about John Titor....

some original people who spoke to him, a few scientists, and TR the author of COTT....

ALL of the content is gone.

What I DO know, is this happened back when JT was here.

Why is this happening again now?

Anyone else notice this?

When TTI moved from UBB.threads to xenForo in 2011 or 2012, a converter for the private messages that existed in that old software didn't exist. Mop transferred ownership to me in 2014 when the server was on its way out and there were issues even getting to the live version of the site packaged up at all.

I have PMs in my inbox from 8 years ago though, so despite the experiments we've done along the way that stuff should be largely intact. I wouldn't be surprised if some stuff somewhere along the way got messed up, though.

Here's a link to the oldest version of the site I still have up. Content is hidden but messages should be visible if there's anything there. I'll leave this up for a week or two, feel free to log in and see what's what:


This install cannot send password reset emails, so if you need help getting in send me a PM.

If it's not in there, though, it probably doesn't exist anymore.

@Cosmo you are the best:) and Ill def give it a look!!! however, not to sound to conspiracy theory about it all hahaha BUT ITS ALL THE SITES.

even the private emails we exchanged years ago, all gone.

maybe I deleted some things but not all things. 

I truthfully do not need them for anything important...

I was gathering up notes to possibly do something w this/that info again, and simply noticed the change.

Then I remembered JT asking Pamela (back in 2000/01) if she noticed some of his posts/questions were disappearing...she said yes.

Then I asked good ole’ TR and he too had that happened.

So then, down the rabbit hole I went...again ? 

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