Dimensional Topology: A Question to ponder


Super Moderator
Please check out this cool, toroidal Java applet and feel free to answer the following poll question:

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1111726894RainmanTime">

If the shape of our universe is, indeed, toroidal, where on/in the toroid do you believe we exist?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />I think we live on the toroid surface outside the throat
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />I think we live inside the throat
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />I think we live inside the surface of the toroid
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Of course, feel free to expound upon why you think as you do.
Shapes are a human concept. If we have to look at the universe as some kind of shape, I'd suggest we take simplest the shape we can imagine. The more complex you make it, the more human it becomes...
Shapes are a human concept.
Are you sure about that? If shapes are just a human concept, it sure is a strange coincidence how specific shapes are the fundamental building blocks of so many universal elements and arrangements that are NOT human.

I'd suggest we take simplest the shape we can imagine. The more complex you make it, the more human it becomes...
Sure... how about the Platonic solids? They seem to be pretty widely accepted, in both science and spirituality.
And oh, are you onboard with the fact that complexity arises out of combinations of simple forms? (i.e. Chaos Theory) The universe is that way: Complexity that has arisen out of some very simple rules, shapes, dimensions and relationships.

BTW the toroidal model of the universe is popular with quite a few theoretical physicists, and then there is the relationship of the toroid to the geometry of black holes.
The nature of lines of magnetic electrical forces, through a black hole, is up for conjecture.

It is thought that in the standard black hole phenomenon, that only the inner parts of the atom, exist.

There is virtually no valance orbital or repetitive moment phase to atomic structures, within a black hole.

It is known however, that there is a magnetic north and south pole to black holes.

The production of Hawking Radiation, is the product of any stellar matter, being drawn into the near equatorial belts of a black hole, to where this matter and energy is crushed and the components are striped of their orbital.

The martial is then said taken into a series of manifolds, some probably multi-dimensional and the product is expressed a type of particle fountain, near the relative poles of any black hole.

There is tremendous heating during this process and some of the production rays are x-rays, some gamma and a noted microwaveic signatures, as a result of this expression and ingestion of raw galactic matter.

In any man-made contrivance, if two black hole clusters were joined and then their event horizons pushed away, which is a black hole, would equal about a half a light year, the said Hawking-like radiation would occur some eight feet away, or wherever the extrapolated event horizon would be.

A Kerr's black hole phenomenon, is a nonspecific locality, due to the fact that the exterior event horizon shell, is not fully vested.

So the expression of energy from such a natural phenomenon, may be in sporadic episodes, not the same as a regular black hole.

The lines of force from any black hole, may , or may not be tored, as this expression would tend to follow the infinite mass density rule in space.This is where locality said of a black hole, is really nowhere in space, as the black hole slips by the guidelines definitions of any planetary body which conforms to space and time.

Black holes are there, for a reason.

They take in raw matter and energy and convert it to others form of matter and energy expression.

The hardest part to understand about a black hole, is the proposed redistribution of matter and energy via a log-phased universal constant.

If one watches a lightning storm, or has ever been so lucky to have observed a lighting storm in the Midwest plains, they will have observed large dark clouds coming in and hovering over the land, for moments at a time.

Forks of lightning will issue from the bottom of the cloud, for from the ground up, to the base of the cloud.

This is so, as the universal energy constant is being observed, so the process of lighting acts as an energy equilibrium machines, is the redistribution of energy.

White hole tendrils, the same occurrence is thought to occur in the hidden black hole manifolds.

This process is where both raw refined matter, as well as energy are transportrted thousands of light years, to appear as temporary white hole tendril occurrences, depositing their energy and matter around any large body in space.

*Thoughts as planets only?

The phenomenon of the singular white hole, is not concurrent in fact, as a large inversed equal to a black hole, unless one were to be in an energy universe, that may be negative in structure.

So the best candidate for white holes, would be fast appearing tendril white holes, that occur at sports shutter speeds, which is one one thousandths of a second.

If you follow duality, as I do, then one two, two thousanths of a second, which is similar to dual occurring worm hole time.

The time taken for a white hole in the fashion described to have occurred, is infinite, as the occurrence of the tendril white hole, is always recorded in the history time of the universe.

So the departure from a black hole area, to around a planet, such as Earth, is relativity infinite, for only a short time.

This is meant to say, in a humans observance of this white tendril hole appearing seems almost instantaneous to a human, however in twin dual times, as a semi-wormhole phenomenon, the time lags.

This is because these sorts of worm holes, are servile in nature and must deposit both goods and energy.Goods being fine particle and any one time.

Their frequency occurrence, would be very often and always functioning, as black holes function most of the times.

They are not a problem to anyone in say a plane of low spaceship, as the transient phenomenon of a tendril white hole, cuts through the sub-fabric of space, so therefore acquiesced through the aether-space of solid object, as a sub-space un-noticeable phenomenon.

Without white holes, black holes could never function.

Dark matter is not black hole matter.

Dark matter is thought to be jellified compressed bizarre matter, which has undergone intense pressure from glatictical creational episodes.

Dark matter may also exist side by side ordinary matter, as dark matter is a matter unto its own right.

Hasd differing requirements, so is not matter as we view matter to be.

It may be in some fashion, that dark matter is a hot tripe of matter radioactively, however does not always correspond to gravity, nor magnetic request by conventional space time.

Dark matter may be thought of as something aking to the density of steel, however with a syrup-like consistency, to where very odd behaviors are noted in dark matter.

All dark matter seems to be, is the lost more dense and bizarre twin, of conventional matter, which got most of the dramatic compessional effects from giant galactic creational moments

All of what I've said here, fits togheater as a scenario, when starting to understanding the creative dynamics of how the universe is put together..
It is known however, that there is a magnetic north and south pole to black holes.
And the poles define an axis, and the central axis is common to all forms of Creation in our universe, not only black holes. Our planet has a polar axis, as does our human form, as does our DNA, as does..... etc.

This polar axis aligns with the helically coiled throat of the 3,10 torus knot. And this also relates to the design of the Merkaba with its occupant inside, as discussed in the "Inter-galactic Space/Time map?" thread.
