Please note, that former creedo299, is now restricted FROM the subject of time travel on this board.I am permitted other catagories.I can only appear back in time travel, upon request, for special apperances only, for certain issues?
Please note, that the contrast within Barbra Marcianck's works as opposed to expert Time02112's claims are as follows.
Marcinack, as well as Randolph Winters through Pleiadean channeling had told of an object that is comeing towards Earth's vicinity.
I could not extract within both of what nature of charicter this comeing disturbanmce is?
I would only like to breifly mention that Time02112 has said, within the Magi Tap-ten posting board, as well as this about.timetravelinst.com's board, certan statments concerning the Earth and our central sun, traveling INTO the photon belt.
I had checked with emaritus expert in astrophysics, Pat Whiler, of Askme.com, concerning the nature of the photon belt.
Pat had said that all infreances as far as conventionality to the photon belt, were manufactureus and not slid evidence.(See main heading page, SCIENCE, then click INTO physics subheading, or serch for expert locii, within physics)?
I am wondering in absence of more solid edivence, such as negative particle evidence contrast flux.This would be via the Chandra orbiting observatory, is there by negative contrast, a possable photon belt, within other dimensions, which is also effecting the sun?
The sun, FROM what I have found out, enacts as a central frequency point, to the many worlds concept.
So since light or C, is transint local, to only one real time frequency, "whatever that may be", then photons of other sorts must also be inhearent within thoser other supposed worlds.
In other words, could a said or supposed photon belt, be inhearent to another realm or dimension and this said photon belt within length, be effecting our central sun, if not this Earth, only via negative shadow contrast other frequncy-space presure?
Very truly creedox9
Please note, that the contrast within Barbra Marcianck's works as opposed to expert Time02112's claims are as follows.
Marcinack, as well as Randolph Winters through Pleiadean channeling had told of an object that is comeing towards Earth's vicinity.
I could not extract within both of what nature of charicter this comeing disturbanmce is?
I would only like to breifly mention that Time02112 has said, within the Magi Tap-ten posting board, as well as this about.timetravelinst.com's board, certan statments concerning the Earth and our central sun, traveling INTO the photon belt.
I had checked with emaritus expert in astrophysics, Pat Whiler, of Askme.com, concerning the nature of the photon belt.
Pat had said that all infreances as far as conventionality to the photon belt, were manufactureus and not slid evidence.(See main heading page, SCIENCE, then click INTO physics subheading, or serch for expert locii, within physics)?
I am wondering in absence of more solid edivence, such as negative particle evidence contrast flux.This would be via the Chandra orbiting observatory, is there by negative contrast, a possable photon belt, within other dimensions, which is also effecting the sun?
The sun, FROM what I have found out, enacts as a central frequency point, to the many worlds concept.
So since light or C, is transint local, to only one real time frequency, "whatever that may be", then photons of other sorts must also be inhearent within thoser other supposed worlds.
In other words, could a said or supposed photon belt, be inhearent to another realm or dimension and this said photon belt within length, be effecting our central sun, if not this Earth, only via negative shadow contrast other frequncy-space presure?
Very truly creedox9