Different Ways To Go Back...


Temporal Novice
Hello all, my first post here. Kind of time travel fan myself and found the site.

I was thinking about this and wondered if it had been discussed to death...

It seems like there are different types of time travel one can picture.

One type is where a person gets a chance to relive their past, with the knowledge they have now. "Peggy Sue Got Married," the film, is a good example here.

The other is where you, as you exist now, are transported back as Michael J Fox was in "Back to the Future.'

And yet another would be an ability to VIEW past events as they happened, with no one in that time able to perceive your presence, as in the story "A Christmas Carol," with the ghost of time past showing Scrooge his boyhood.

All of these are intriguing, and I wonder which you would choose if you could?

Tom H