Question Did John Titor Make Posts from 1998?

Emit 0'Levart

Temporal Novice
When researching my article, I remember reading that John Titor's post began in 2000, but then at some point 1998 posts he made showed up, as if a time glitch had arisen. I remember a reference to that he prior to that time said he was returning to 1998 for a pit stop.
Is there anything more that can be said on this? Thank you.
You don't recall anyone saying that the 1998 posts showed up after the 2000 ones, Num7? I intend to read the material again, however, I am hoping someone confirms or dismisses this before I make time to do so.
The narrative seems to be that Titor traveled from 1975 to 1998 and then stayed under the radar until he began chatting and posting on forums shortly before he "left." These faxes were not originally part of his claim as far as I can remember though. They came up later, but I don't recall when. It wasn't long though. @Darby may have a better recollection of how those surfaced.

A skeptic might say this was just someone's early test run for a larger idea they were developing, but its interesting to think there could be more to it than that. The 1998 faxes definitely feel like Titor.
The same week Art Bell recieved the 1st Titor Fax in July of 1998, he also interviewed the time traveler "Jonathon" Single 7 from 2063. Art specifically asked Jonathon if he was from 2036. Some time after the event, a letter was sent to Art warning him of Ramona's health issues (his wife). I believe that information came out on the Post2Post forum. Around 2022 a hoaxer named Rick was interviewed claiming to have purpotrated Single 7 Jonathon, but not the letter or faxes to Art, and has nothing to do with John Titor, suggesting that a real time traveler was masquerading as a hoaxer. I believe the 2nd Titor Fax to Art Bell was October 18th, 1998.

