/dev/null The Programing Language of John Timeline


Dimensional Traveler
"A few years ago, a time traveller came by and gave me a copy of the most popular programming language from around the year 3254. He asked me to take a look at it and after I did, he asked me what I thought of it. I typed "mv FuturePL /dev/null" and promptly pressed the "Enter" key. Then I looked at him and said: "That's what I think of it." True story! He said his name was John Titor and that he was looking for an IBM 5100 portable computer."
end quoted

The Programming Language of the Future is in /dev/null

Someone from the future came by and told me that the article in question tells big fat fibs. True Story!!

Also, Spaceheroes.org is a hoax plain and simple. Hell, not even a particulatly imaginative one at that.

Go back and read that article again. The guy who wrote it was ridiculing software development theories by using "time travelers" from the future, specifically John Titor and his IBM 5100/5110, who bring us stories of needing software written in sequential executing code as examples. He's saying that that's nonsense.

He then goes on to ask about how the development of future coding will evolve. His bottom line is that sequentially executing instructions isn't the future. Thus the reference to Unix's "/dev/null/" where, in this case, all silly future software theories are dumped into the junk pile.
Ah... :oops:

Thought the tone of the opening paragraph was weirdly cheery and matter-of-fact. Alas, my knowledge of software programming is almost precisely nil, so failed to detect the thick vein of irony running through the piece.

Couldn't see the wood for the Linux, I guess. Thanks for clearing this up.