
I agree with many things said on the first video. Disarming regular citizens is a recipe for disaster. In my country, for instance, crime rates, especially with regards to gun related manslaughter, has been on steep increase since they started doing that. In fact, it is now the first in the world when it comes to absolute number of homicides.

I still have some doubts, however, as to whether people should be allowed to have military grade weaponry, and not just pistols, carabines etc. Perhaps in their homes but not out of it. It's an important question.

Wow, you weren't kidding:

In Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25. It is generally illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit granting the right to do so is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers. To legally own a gun, an owner must hold a gun license, which costs BRL R$1000, and pay a fee every three years to register the gun, currently at BRL R$85. Registration can be done online or in person with the Federal Police. Until 2008, unregistered guns could be legalized for free.It is estimated that there are around 17 million firearms in Brazil, 9 million of which are unregistered. Some 39,000 people died in 2003 from gun-related injuries nationwide. In 2004, the number was 36,000. Brazil has the second largest arms industry in the Western Hemisphere. Approximately 80% of the weapons manufactured in Brazil are exported, mostly to neighboring countries; many of these weapons are then smuggled back into Brazil. Some firearms in Brazil come from police and military arsenals, having either been "stolen or sold by corrupt soldiers and officers."
In 2005, a majority of Brazil's population voted against banning the sale of guns and ammunition to civilians in a referendum. However, the Brazilian Department of Justice (Ministério da Justiça), which performs each individual's mandatory background check (which is made prior every gun acquisition, and every three years after it is acquired, which allows gun confiscation at the discretion of authorities), have been forbidding almost every citizen from buying guns, based on the Executive Order # 5.123, of 07/01/2004 (Decreto n.º 5.123, de 1º de julho de 2004), which allows the Federal Police to analyze the given reasons for owning a gun, under which "self defense" is not considered a valid reason because there are allegedly sufficient public police officers to maintain nationwide security.

Thus, disarmament is effectively happening in Brazil, as are massive gun confiscations, notwithstanding its refusal by Brazilian people (at the referendum of 2005). Some argue that this will increase gun homicides. Other research shows that there is a decrease in firearm deaths correlating with disarmament. However, 2012 marked the highest rate of gun deaths in 35 years for Brazil 8 years after a ban to carry handguns in public went in to effect.
Is this something that people discuss there? What do they say? I can't imagine what would happen in the USA if they tried that here... Probably nothing good.

Wow, you weren't kidding:
Is this something that people discuss there? What do they say? I can't imagine what would happen in the USA if they tried that here... Probably nothing good.
As far as the bulk of the population is concerned, most people just complain about criminality but wouldn't go as far as arguing the gun ban is the problem. Some even think that crime would be worse if civilians had guns, saying it would become an "all out war". However, most who know about the crime statistics are against the gun-ban. This pro-gun sentiment is gaining a lot of strength recently, especially on the internet. In a recent online poll (I don't remember where), the majority turned out to be in favor of guns coming back. Indeed, it is an urgent matter. Crime and homicide rates are just ridiculous now, but there are other causes as well. We have a whole other problem concerning our judiciary system and how it treats bandits as victims and the victims as bandits.

Wow, you weren't kidding:
Is this something that people discuss there? What do they say? I can't imagine what would happen in the USA if they tried that here... Probably nothing good.
The US has an even larger population. Banning guns would cause a rise in crime, since gun-bans only really prohibit the everyday folk from owing a gun, while gangsters and wrongdoers will get theirs from the black market.

The US has an even larger population. Banning guns would cause a rise in crime, since gun-bans only really prohibit the everyday folk from owing a gun, while gangsters and wrongdoers will get theirs from the black market.
All I know is that my gun has never jumped out of its safe and I've never had any urges. It is there for protection, only.
If you ban guns, then only criminals have guns and normal citizens are defenseless.
