Delta Labs


Temporal Novice

A laser pen that was posted, that was from his so called time, was posted on the internet. Laser or anything cannot be bend at that degree its not universally possible. Not even the year 2052 could do anything like that. Reflecting is the only way to mimic a bend but not at all possible from light. With no forren objects.

Aquipment plans was not fake well what we have made out of the "GE" Unit Sofar.

END OF - Delta Labs Statement At the UWAST = University Of Wales Science Team.
Hello Jamie, thanx for the post, but there are a few holes in your hypothesis of the time machine device. I have looked at A LOT of WWII radios, and military radios in general, I have not been able to match it to the JT device. It's possible it is a radio, but before you can claim 100% positive that it is, you have to match it. I welcome you to match it exactly.

I cannot prove but I believe the JT device is a military ammo box rigged up with a custom top with dials, lights, switches, & stickers of course. I can't prove it is an ammo box as I haven't been able to match it 100%, but after looking at tons of radios and tons of ammo cans I would have to say the resemblance is closer to that of the ammo boxes.

--- Razimus
Raz' I use to be a very avid boater and I do believe that a photo of a case similar to the one which is said to be the center of the Titormobile, is in George Chapmen's Piloting Seamanship and small boat handling.

I think this same kind of case, is used for shipboard to underwater diver communications.

If you can get the number and stile off this case, you really might be able to pin it down?

Secondly' this case is the same approximate dimensions as the remote by cable attached to the Pershing Battlefield Tactical Nuclear Delivery System.

In my Quick dictionary of military technology and terms, there is a photo of two soldiers doing to pre-launch on an active Pershing.The case which is about so many yards from the Pershing Rocket, is about the same dimensions as the said case for the said G.E. unit.

Please note, that some of these cases, are a warehouse stored utility general purpose all use portable case.

So one could place anything from am ice-cream condiment server, complete with chocolate sauce pumps, as well as nuts and strawberries, for dish ice cream, to a case for dirty laundry in one of this multipurpose utility cases?

Note the anti-tank rock, the Fogg, was made from strictly off shelf components, but did not go into production.

They made an aerospace item up out of what was on-store as a supply item, instead of going to a general aerospace contractor.
What plans, I never saw any plans? Maybe the laser bend because of gravity. Where's the pic of your wwii radio in color?

Plans of John Tittors Time Machine. And no it is impossible for a laser to bend. The only way to fool a bend is to have a forren object in its way.

Testing Phase 1 "Went by the plans of John Tittors Time Machine"
Some users have had a report on my status with that test.

"Delta:51 was started up, no noise. Totally took out the labs power. A test with a human will be done sometime today."

My spelling is the worst in the world but i do not care i am happy people here do not judge my spelling /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Its hard with learning difficulty's to get along...
Delta:51 DIAL 2 10.9.2032

Is in the testing process the bluprints we are working of have been named the GE Unit by some friend that would "I think" like to be anon.

The system we have made up has some bad magnetic field problems when it comes to testing the peace of aquipment. As of the power that is needed is enourmous one test made the lab without power for 3 hours.

We do not see fit to have any of my collegues testing the system as of danger of death i suppose cous all we know about it, it could just as well be a death trap. So i see fit to test it myself when the time comes /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Hey Jamie, they are not blueprints, that drawing is specifically a cutaway schematic.

I am unclear about what you are talking about concerning tests, what are you testing? Do you claim to be testing a radio or a device based on the Titor schematics? because first of all, nobody has been able to identify what the parts of the supposed device are, if they are even real at all.

If you're going to make big claims nobody will believe you unless you back them up, that's just how it is.

--- Razimus
Sorry that is yes a drawing and they are not blueprints i cannot take a clear shot of a blueprints that picture is what the GE unit looks like cutaway drawing it can be found anywhere on the internet.

Blueprints in the UWA Science Team are strictly Eyes Only i am sorry more backing up evidence will be shown when we have done more testing.

PS: I am the worst speller in the world. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif