DeJaVu's response to The One


Temporal Novice
DeJaVu\'s response to The One


Time Travel is possible. But not how you probably think.

Thank you for your recent reply to my post. But it seems to me that you have not clearly understood my theory. Let me clarify.


I fully understand that a lot of people say that they don’t believe in God, or even question His existence. I won’t start a debate on the existence of God because this is not the proper forum. But if you ever wanted God to reveal himself to you just ask, sincerely.

Okay lets review, the space we live in is infinite and that matter is spread randomly throughout it. Therefore, all possible arrangements of matter must exist out there somewhere—including exact and inexact replicas of our own world and the beings in it.

Now through our calculation (from previous post) we would know how far we would need to travel (just like we go to the moon) to reach exact replicas of our own “earth”.

We already are able to orientate ourselves in space using cosmic background radiation; going towards the radiation you will find older replicas “earth”(The Future). If you go away from the radiation you will find younger replicas of our “earth”(The Past). These planets would independently exist from us, just like any other planet in our solar system.

This is just the theory on how to Time Travel. The means to physically do it is another post.

I hope this has cleared my theory up for you. I really appreciate you taking time out to comment. I really hope we can continue this conversation.

Re: DeJaVu\'s response to The One

hey, your the first person to respond to me since I started talking on this forum, (3 days ago)

anyway, you say that since space is infinite, all possibilities of mass should be created? Lets think about this, according to the chaos theory. Since we can trace the universe to being created 15 billion years ago, according to the backround radiation of the big bang, and taking into account the theory of relativity, we can say that the universe is 30 billion light years in diameter. (15 billion years radius from the center). Now, to have an inexact duplicate of earth (meaning within experimental error of .1 percent smaller or larger) there has to exist a sun exactly the same size as ours with the exact same size meteors and comets with the exact same amount of ice/hydrogen/carbon/iron/magnesium ratios hit our early planet.

To explore this theory more, lets go to the "thousand monkeys with typewriters in a room" theory. It is said that if you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with typewriters, they will eventually produce all works of literature in the world. Mathmatically, that means that to produce one letter the same it is a 1/26 chance. To produce 2 letters the same is a 1/676 chance. To produce 3 is a 1/17,576. Lets say there are over 500 letters on each page of a short story. There are ten pages. Now how long do you think it will take the monkeys to duplicate that, assuming that for each possibility it takes them 5 minutes, and you only have 3000 monkeys with typewriters?

Now try that equation for the infinite number of possibilites on a quantum level that could affect the outcome of the creation of a 'duplicate' earth. There are centillions (yes, that is a number, it is a 1 followed by 600 zeros) of molecules making up this earth. Now figure the mass needed to create EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE POSSIBILITIES and compare it to the mass that we currently have knowledge of in our universe.

Now try that equation for 2 'earths', since you say there are older and younger earths also.

Also, trying to map your location by measuring the backround radiation will never work, since it comes in equally vauge from all points of the universe. The only way is to get to the edge of the universe and measure the radiation curve...


how come its so easy to disprove these time travel theories?
Re: DeJaVu\'s response to The One

"Since we can trace the universe to being created 15 billion years ago, according to the backround radiation of the big bang, and taking into account the theory of relativity, we can say that the universe is 30 billion light years in diameter. (15 billion years radius from the center)." The One
I would really like to know how you, or any scientist has traced the creation of the Earth to 15 billion years ago using radiation that you refered to as "vauge from all points of the universe." The universe, being all existance, is infact infanate. What do you suppose is 15 billion light years from the center, a huge wall. And if then, what is behind that wall, nothing perhaps? Is that not the same thing we find between our atmosphere and the moon, discounting satalites. The Universe includes areas of nothing. Another point I would like to make here is that time is infanent, even after all matter is destroyed, there is still nothingness remainging to take up time, even before all matter came to be, there was still nothingness taking up time. Space and Time have no beginning and no end. It is not an easy concept to understand, living on a planet where everything begins and ends, and being an entity with a begining and an end, but it is true.

"and compare it to the mass that we currently have knowledge of in our universe." The One. This kind of thinking is one of the biggest problems man kind refuses to correct. The assumption that our knowledge and our imagination are the boundries for reality. The old question "if a tree falls in the woods and nobody's around to here it does it make a sound? is a perfect example of this, ofcourse it makes a sound, do squirrels not have ears could they not hear it. Even when you discount animals, you need to think of what causes sound vibration in the air, sound is a physical reaction to movement, would this physical reaction not occur if nothing were around to appreciate it. Of course it would. I'll pose a new question for you, "If the universe expands at a rate unatainable forever, does it have an end? And is there anyway to prove the ends existance?"

"It is said that if you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with typewriters, they will eventually produce all works of literature in the world." This theory has always bugged me, so I have to comment on it. If you pay attention to a monkey at a typewriter, you will see that any given monkey will have favorite buttons to press, and often remain in the same row. Also monkeys do not observe correct typing rules, and will often pound on a keyboard producing such combonations as wesd and the space bar being at the bottom will be all but forgotten. In any case monkeys will not create truly random, or truly formulate papers, meaning the result will always be jibberish. If you want something to create every work of literature, by using every combonation of letters for infinite pages, a computer would be a better choice. And that is all I have to say about that.