Deja vu


Temporal Novice
Just wondering what all your thoughts are about Deja vu.. Have you ever experienced it?

I've experienced it a few times & not really sure what to make of it. There was a feeling of being in the exact situation already & it almost felt like something was being changed, an alternate path.. The mind is a weird place for sure. Almost seems like it's natures way of letting us correct in spirit/current time line what the body didn't do in the physical/past time lines.

Some interesting things out there regarding this topic:

Déjà vu provides a plot point in The Matrix... The protagonist, Neo, glances at a black cat and comments that he has just experienced déjà vu. Those with a knowledge of 'The Matrix' and its internal workings state that déjà vu means something within the Matrix was altered from its prior state and is referred to as a "glitch".

Déjà vu as caused by a person having a brief glimpse of an object or situation, before the brain has completed "constructing" a full conscious perception of the experience. Such a "partial perception" then results in a false sense of familiarity.Scientific approaches reject the explanation of déjà vu as "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather explain it as an anomaly of memory, which creates a distinct impression that an experience is "being recalled".This explanation is supported by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are uncertain or believed to be impossible.

One theory is the events are stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.However, this explanation has been criticized that the brain would not be able to store information without a sensory input first. Another theory suggests the brain may process sensory input (perhaps all sensory input) as a "memory-in-progress", and that therefore during the event itself one believes it to be a past memory.
I experience dejavu a couple times a month, with some experiences being stronger than others, but I can say for sure that for me, the really strong experiences of dejavu are almost always situations that I dreamed about before. I usually remember some dream when I wake up. I have such interesting dreams that ones that i have that aren't too unreasonable I tell my wife about when I wake up, as a log of sorts to refer back to. I really should write them down but my life is too busy as most of ours are.
One particularly interesting dream I had was several years ago when I was working at my first real job, a semiconductor company. I did capacity, productivity, & efficiency analysis on a repeating monthly cycle. I was guaranteed to be able to forecast what I would be doing the next month with certainty. While working there I had a dream I was analyzing lease costs for office rentals. I thought it odd that my job would ever have anything to do with office leases as to me, this seemed like mundane stuff that should be done by bean counting finance people, "work beneath me". 3 years later while working at a different company, during an economic slump, because I speak Chinese, they sent me to Asia to relocate 15 of our sales offices there, and one fateful day I was looking at the total yearly savings associated with all the moves, and whammo! - dejavu, I was analyzing office lease costs exactly like I remembered in the dream from at least 2 years prior. I have even dreamt of people before I met them.
Ah, Déjà vu. I get it once and a blue moon. Most times though I can find the cause of it. One time I was looking up the difference between single and muli core processors. I was doing research on a new computer I wanted to buy. When I was browsing through the websites I got a feeling I had done it before.I just ignored it. Later I tried to recall the reason for it and remembered I did similar research when I bought my phone. I believe deja vu is just your brain trying remember something that you forgot. You only have bits and pieces and can't form the memory. I don't really get it much because I am young and I can recal it because of that. As you get older you forget more. So as you get older you have more déjà vu. That's just my take on it.