deja vu


Temporal Novice
well i'm able to see into my future in my dreams as unnoticable sencery... then you see in real life and its deja vu... yes you can see into the future but you cannot change the future... the way i see it there is the
past-past, past-present, past-future, the present-past, present-present, present-future, and the future-past, future-present, and future-future, there for we live in the future-past and the past-future which mean we live in the present-present. but we cannot see the the future-future or past-past nor the present-past. only the present-future...

i get deja vu's all or nearly all the time or like once a day or more... and one of my quotes is (why am i living this life again) well i had 2 deja vu's all at once so i lived that life 3 times all ready that was the most deja vu's i ever had i hope i never get any more deja vu's all at once...

has this happen to any one else besides me i would like to know...
no matter where your at
there you are

<This message has been edited by big_bad_john01 (edited 02 December 1999).>

<This message has been edited by big_bad_john01 (edited 02 December 1999).>