deja vu


Temporal Novice
i'm doing this as a leap of faith. i'm not a quack, a freak, nor do i think i'm psychic. about 5 years ago, i had a dream about being in a bathroom in a girl. she was bent over the toilet, fixing something inside. though dreams are supposed to be b&w, i distinctly recall a beige color on the walls, though i've never seen this bathroom before. the only reason i found the dream memorable is because everything in it happened as if it were tv, and i had no control of anything, just watching everything play out, plus i saw everything through my eyes (no out of body camera angles). but more importantly, i had this "feeling", this certainty that what i saw was real and not a dream. the next dream was being in the back seat of a car, driver side, with the girl from the bathroom driving, and a girl with long black hair in the front passenger seat. we made a right turn off a highway onto a side street, with a McDonalds on the right. that's it. years went by, and i forgot about these dreams. i should note at this time that everything in these dreams are in perfect clarity except for faces. they are, for lack of a better word, fuzzy. years later, i meet a girl, and long story short we fall in love and start dating. a few months into the relationship, i'm asleep one night and i have another future dream. she and i are off the Interstate, which state i don't know. it's a bright and sunny afternoon. we park on the side of some clothing store. she tells me she's walking up the road to a restaurant, one of those TGIF type places. i tell her i'm going to look around the clothing store. as i'm looking around the store, i get this dreadful feeling that something's incredibly wrong. i quickly leave the store and walk up the road to find my lady. i walk into the restaurant, and there she is, waving to me, sitting at a table with two gentlemen. as i walk to the table, that's when it hits me. "i've been here before. I've dreamt about this place. I saw this place in a dream many years ago. wait, aren't i..." and then i'm "pulled" out of the dream and i wake up.

a short time after this, my gf and i move into an apartment together. months go by. one day, our toilet chain breaks. i tell her that i'm not sure how to fix it. she gets mad at me and decides to fix the chain. as i'm watching her fix the toilet, i notice that the bathroom walls are a creamy everything is perfect. the lights above the mirror. the shower curtain. her position kneeling on the floor. even my position is perfect. but i don't mention anything to her.

a month or two after that, we get a roommate, a girl. we go out to eat, and on our way home, we decide to take the usual route. as we make the turn onto the side street, i notice the mcdonalds outside. then i notice the roommates long black hair, and know the rest. that's when i had to tell my gf about these unorthodox dreams. i tell her about the first two, and she believes me. then i tell her about the interstate dream and tell her to never forget, never forget. usually, the future dreams i have are about nothing, tiny little moment in time. almost as if i'm reminding myself that it's still there. i have had a couple of dreams though, that scare the crap out of me.

at this time i must get some sleep. i'll attempt to check this web site tomorrow but i will say this. if anyone would like to read more about my situation (serious inquiry, i'm not here to be ridiculed), i'd be happy to share everything. i'm very afraid and wish to stay anonymous though.
a polygraph (or a hundred polygraphs) would prove that i believe what i say 100%. which means i'm either completely insane (and functioning), or that i do dream about the future.


P.S. One hint about the future. At some point between 2012-2016, giant gas signs you see on the interstate will not advertise prices. They'll simply say "Yes" or "No". Yes means maybe, and no always means no.
Actually no, I haven't had any dreams about coming to this site and sharing my story. Since I detected no sarcasm in your post, allow me to ask this...I've been thinking about how these dreams could be happening, and I've come up with only one even semi-possible theory. Since tachyons are (theoretically) able to travel faster than light, this means they travel backwards in time. According to Eric Weisstein's World of Physics, it is possible for tachyons to have real mass. Could it be possible to bond something to a tachyon? It would have to be something small. A person or even a small device would be in the highest order of improbability. But perhaps single cells could. Neurons, to be exact. Could sequences of neurons forming a short "experience" be bonded to tachyons and sent backwards? How would the tachyon beam make it to the same brain in the past the neurons came from? I don't know.

lol you are all confused let me straighten things out for you.

you didn't have a dream, your set of choices and personality are so ingrained that all the eventually choices leading up to your dream coming real had pretty much all fallen into place and unlocked the future to you. Its a talent and not many people can do it, if you would like to learn more lemme know.

Good try, friend! Good try, except...first of all, allow me to reiterate the first dream. In the bathroom dream, I saw very distinct details. The shower curtain was a distinct burgundy color. There were four light bulbs (Reveal brand) above the mirror. The placement of the sink and the style of the faucet was unusual. Even the pj pants the girl in the dream was wearing (Tweety bird). Now, fast forward to the deja vu. All of the stuff in our bathroom came with the apartment. The shower curtain, the Reveal bulbs, all furnished by the landlord. My gf bought the Tweety pants two weeks before the deja vu. I'm really not trying to say that your idea is wrong, it's just that the attention to details is uncanny. Almost as if they're a marker to let me know I haven't set everything up subconsciously. Plus, I haven't shared my dream about 2012-2016. So I ask you this...if my ability were only limited to my subconscious setting up these situations to happen in such perfect detail that I'm not even aware of it, involving factors completely beyond my control, does that mean that when I see dozens of hovercraft flying north over mountains, that's just my brain's way of saying that hovercraft technology existing soon is a reasonable explanation? And that a nationwide sterilization scare would probably be bound to happen?
Not to mention personal force fields...

I like your idea. I really do. It means that there's nothing extraordinary about my unfortunate condition, and anyone could do it. You're probably right.

Dreams are not supposed to be in black and white. They are in color. Very vivid color, I might add............. also Deja Vu does exist, but just for a moment in reality not in a dream. I've had it happen to me 3 or 4 times and it's very surreal. When it occurs to me, I feel like i'm in a trance, then see it all happen, then back to normal again. I also get this type of vibration during this episode. Apparently it happens to a lot of people or we wouln't have the word deja vu to refer too....................can't explain it, but don't think it has anything to do with time, unless you are reliving a former life and at times some leaks through that you have been there before.....................
Actually vegas dude you would be incorrect. There are people who dream in black and white, and others who dream in color. A Correlation has been tried to have been made concerning a link between intelligence and dreaming in color, however I have not seen any proof regarding this yet. So it is safe to say that Human beings do dream in color AND in black and white.
Also it is true that Deja vu can happen in dreams. To claim otherwise is nonsense and unfounded.

I've caught this out a couple of times, I've had a deja vu tried to examine where it is from and tracked it back to a dream.

sometimes and i dont know a lot of others that get this....But i have deja vu about having a deja vu.

Sometimes you have to track back months to remember where that original viewing first took place. Usually in a dream form.

When you are asleep the (un)consciousness is prone to higher data streams that eventually will connect with sources about time/space dimensions.

If you have a dream 8 months - 1 year ago. You'll no doubt forget it. Apart from really you don't theres always a subconscious part of your mind that remembers everything.

when an event happens that you've learnt about months or perhaps even years ago in a dream...your conscious mind won't recall it as such, but something will trigger. And you'll shrug it off as, "weird, i swear i've already experienced that event".

your conscious mind is limited and cant work it out.

In fact the deja vu is the best evidence of there being higher information levels and dimensions outside of time. That time is not linear.

Some people claim its just your brain circuitry processing things twice. I think this is very narrow minded, and these people havent yet realised the dream factor involved. They wont work out what it is until they learn this.
Deja Vu cannot happen in dreams. Deju Vu is experiencing an exact experience in reality, knowing what is coming next. You pause, knowing what is coming and wait for it. You can't do that in a dream, because if you did, you would experience that you are sleeping, having that exact dream knowing your asleep and knowing what is coming next and being totally aware of this can't do all of this in a dream............anyone that has truly experienced deja vu will tell you this. Otherwise you are not experiecing deja vu, but perhaps an out of body experience...........
No, you haven't read my first response properly.

you have deja vu when (As you say) you are experiencing a moment and suddenly in your perception, you realise that you have experinced this before and already know the 'event'.

You dont deja vu in a dream - thats not what i said.

I said that the event in question IS experienced twice in 'linear' time. However the first CAN and most likely is often within a sleep state when the mind connects with higher data streams that are above space/time.

Often this can include perceptions of moments of now that are yet to occur.

When you experience that moment again in a waking state......perhaps months to a year after. You get a sense of a double take, which you label as a deja vu. As obviously - you can no longer remember the original (un)conscious perception from months back. You just know something is amiss.
Watch the movie "Waking Life" ... you will understand what I meant in my first post.
Really good movie that gives dreams a totally different point of view.
this is probably the most interesting forum i have seen to date. the thing is that i too have this happen to me, mostly when i was very young.

my mate liam shrugs it off as "self fulfilling proforsees" but i'm not so sure.
the first thing i have to add is that when i experience the deja vu, i briefly remember the dream and get a feeling of falling, you know... that imploding feeling in your stomach and i have to take a quick breath. but you do get used to them after years of them (one time i even dreamt i had experienced deja vu over and over... which then came true as well!)

additionally, waking life is an amazing movie. i saw it with liam early this year... about the same time i descovered fight club. i especially like the bit where they link heaven to the six minutes of dreams just before you death.

it is possible that when we dream an event, our subconsious tries to make it real by influencing our choices and interactions... but in saying this, the whole deal with your girlfriends pj's and the fittings of your flat is pretty uncanny.

just a question, i dream in the first-person. this allows me to experience the dream as a "show" but it means (i think) that i'm unable to have lucid dreams. how do you guys dream? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
it is possible that when we dream an event, our subconsious tries to make it real by influencing our choices and interactions

Interesting idea. Its certainly likely that you could be downloading information from your higher self, that is pushing you on to events that you deem necessary to learn from.

I dream in both first and third person.