I've only recently joined this forum but I have read quite a few passages already and am happy to say that there are a handfull of people that are truely science minded. Ofcourse the pranksters/numskulls outnumber the scientifically grounded.
Myself I am an engineer, with one of my hobbies being physics. But for the following "debunking" I will use strictly logic. As a computer engineer my logic skills are fairly keen, I am sure that there will be rebuttals to several points, but over all the theory I believe holds water. If nothing else, it would be nice to receive feedback into what some of the holes in it might be.
If time travel will ever be possible it would already being occuring now and would be popular knowledge.
So we have all of these people that will randomly claim to be from the future. Some provide "scientific" information about how they are able to travel through time, others try to prove they are genuine by performing meaningless tasks intead of providing true show stopping proof.
My theory is an expansion upon already existing logic used when dealing with these nut cases.
So somewhere in the future time travel becomes possible. This does several things, first it effectively removes the timeline. The timeline is removed because now any point in time is effectively "now" for the original time traveler.
The time traveler is able to go anywhere in time he desires. In doing so the possibility exists with each jump for a mistake to occur and the time traveler to be found out. Not found out as in a nut case claiming without evidence that he travels through time, but found out as in someone or some foundation witnesses a portion of the event with ample evidence.
This possibility of being discovered, truly discovered, becomes infinity. Why? Because even if the original time traveler never slips or shares his secrets the next person to discover it might, and then the next, or the next...etc. There is no limitation to the time line into the future and therefore no limitation of the number of people/groups that will discover time travel. I suppose for all intensive purposes there is at least a time line for this planet, I believe in 6 billion years our sun will swallow our planet, but not necessarily for humans. As the possibility of someone or group slipping and being discovered approaches infinity it becomes only a matter of time....ha but it doesn't! Once the first slip occurs and the secret is out the time traveling epidemic spreads further. Eventually the possibility of someone bringing the knowledge and capabilities to time travel further into the past becomes greater. Since the timeline has been removed this means that by now it has already occured.
In summation, eventual time travel means that it already exists. If it already exists it has infinite time to continue to exist. With infinite time the possibility of a traveler being witnessed and evidence being recorded approaches infinity. As the possibility of being discovered approaches infinity along with the number of travelers reaching infinity the possibility of time travel being done in any year becomes infinite.
I have only ever gotten two rebuttals that were mentionable. First, if the energy required to make jumps limits the distance the jump can cover than only a certain range of years would be included in the range and therefore be capable of "eventually" having time travel. My counter point to this is that with infinite time into the future eventually new methods of gathering the necessary energy will be discovered. Thus once again creating a possibility that approaches infinity of jumps being able to go far enough back with newly found energy sources.
The other rebuttal was that any slip that does occur can be erased with more time travel. My counter point here is that first, there is still the infinite possibility that the slip is unknown and therefore is not erased. Secondly, in order for these events to be erased the actual neuron connections in the brain would have to change. There seems no reasonable way that one persons travels through time could effect the physiologies of people that have not been effected by any time travel.
This line of thought did bring me to one interesting idea which unfortanately sounds semi Matrixy. Deja vu could simply be the brains reaction to receiving inputs that appear to be overlapping in time due to a close proximatey time jump. But that is mostly just sci-fi and I don't subscribe to it much at all.
Myself I am an engineer, with one of my hobbies being physics. But for the following "debunking" I will use strictly logic. As a computer engineer my logic skills are fairly keen, I am sure that there will be rebuttals to several points, but over all the theory I believe holds water. If nothing else, it would be nice to receive feedback into what some of the holes in it might be.
If time travel will ever be possible it would already being occuring now and would be popular knowledge.
So we have all of these people that will randomly claim to be from the future. Some provide "scientific" information about how they are able to travel through time, others try to prove they are genuine by performing meaningless tasks intead of providing true show stopping proof.
My theory is an expansion upon already existing logic used when dealing with these nut cases.
So somewhere in the future time travel becomes possible. This does several things, first it effectively removes the timeline. The timeline is removed because now any point in time is effectively "now" for the original time traveler.
The time traveler is able to go anywhere in time he desires. In doing so the possibility exists with each jump for a mistake to occur and the time traveler to be found out. Not found out as in a nut case claiming without evidence that he travels through time, but found out as in someone or some foundation witnesses a portion of the event with ample evidence.
This possibility of being discovered, truly discovered, becomes infinity. Why? Because even if the original time traveler never slips or shares his secrets the next person to discover it might, and then the next, or the next...etc. There is no limitation to the time line into the future and therefore no limitation of the number of people/groups that will discover time travel. I suppose for all intensive purposes there is at least a time line for this planet, I believe in 6 billion years our sun will swallow our planet, but not necessarily for humans. As the possibility of someone or group slipping and being discovered approaches infinity it becomes only a matter of time....ha but it doesn't! Once the first slip occurs and the secret is out the time traveling epidemic spreads further. Eventually the possibility of someone bringing the knowledge and capabilities to time travel further into the past becomes greater. Since the timeline has been removed this means that by now it has already occured.
In summation, eventual time travel means that it already exists. If it already exists it has infinite time to continue to exist. With infinite time the possibility of a traveler being witnessed and evidence being recorded approaches infinity. As the possibility of being discovered approaches infinity along with the number of travelers reaching infinity the possibility of time travel being done in any year becomes infinite.
I have only ever gotten two rebuttals that were mentionable. First, if the energy required to make jumps limits the distance the jump can cover than only a certain range of years would be included in the range and therefore be capable of "eventually" having time travel. My counter point to this is that with infinite time into the future eventually new methods of gathering the necessary energy will be discovered. Thus once again creating a possibility that approaches infinity of jumps being able to go far enough back with newly found energy sources.
The other rebuttal was that any slip that does occur can be erased with more time travel. My counter point here is that first, there is still the infinite possibility that the slip is unknown and therefore is not erased. Secondly, in order for these events to be erased the actual neuron connections in the brain would have to change. There seems no reasonable way that one persons travels through time could effect the physiologies of people that have not been effected by any time travel.
This line of thought did bring me to one interesting idea which unfortanately sounds semi Matrixy. Deja vu could simply be the brains reaction to receiving inputs that appear to be overlapping in time due to a close proximatey time jump. But that is mostly just sci-fi and I don't subscribe to it much at all.