Dear Titor Parents


Quantum Scribe
Hey yall,


You raised a fine kid. Your still raising a fine kid. Your experience is no doubt one of the weirdest. I have no doubt yall check on this place from time to time. No doubt that the regulars here will say many a thing on this posting of mine. Ignore them.

I just wanted to thank yall...
Because I went to walmart tonight. For the first time in many years I saw a bike tire manufactured in the USA. SLIME tires. Self sealing bike tires. You may not be familiar with slime but being in the building materials trade I know them well. They make good stuff. seeing that they have moved on into the manufacture of bike tires...well that warmed my heart. Because that means things have changed.

I still have my guard up. Don't get me wrong. But things have changed. And for the better I think.

So kudos to yall.

You did good.

Our timeline has taken a radical alteration. But yall did good. We live in interesting times.
So let me get this straight. Despite the massive evidence that Titor was a believe in him because some company is sealing bike tyres ??

I take it, then, that the nuclear war wipes out every single bicycle tyre repair kit in the known universe, and that nobody can figure out the sheer complexity of using the one remaining such kit that someone fortuitously stored in a garden shed at the University of Florida just so Titor has a bike to ride.

I mean...figuring out how to get the inner tube out and stick a damned piece of rubber to it must be way beyond the capacity of mere mortals and needs someone with experience of dual spin singularities...huh ?