Dark Matter....

I think dark matter is like stretch marks in space, with all the stretching going on so fast in space some areas cant keep up, kinda like when a person gains weight too fast, some areas of the skin cant keep up so it causes deformities in the skin.
Its like the equilateral space time.
Just Forget the Dark Matter....
When "they" change the Math! you will see that the D M does not exist....

Dark Matter: Should we abandon this enigmatic concept of invisible matter that exerts gravitational attraction but is otherwise undetectable?

Last night beneath the stair,
I saw a little man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
Oh, how I wish he'd go away.
dark matter is not comprehensible by mankind at this point. That is the problem with detecting it.

The Mayans had eras of mankind, as i'm sure everyone here knows, that age is about to come to an end in 2012. Dec. 21st, from my research is off a few days, as although other important dates in mayan culture are centered around equinoxes and solstices, they do not line up exactly. Typically, the mayan dates are a few days before. I an not an expert on the mayan or aztec calanders, but from making patterns from the other significant dates in the culture, I'd say the end of mankinds current era is closer to dec.17th 2012. I studied Teotihuacan from 1998-1999 w/help from the archeologist who excavated much of the site.

Whatever the case, the end of the era, is I believe the beginning really. It is at the apex of this current era that mankind will be enlightened into the next level of existence, consciousness, and understanding. This is what I have been shown. Part of the enlightenment is being able to understand things that are currently absent to us. One such, being dark matter, or at least the verbal equivalent of DM.

That is not say the end of the era will not have tribulations, just that the passing of the era will lead to new found religion.

I'm using a good photo of El Castillo (pyramid of Kukulkan) at Chichen Itza for wallpaper. Most professional photo's aren't too sharp or close. But this shows an unfinished or degenerated side of the pyramid, and it appears that a facing was put over a basic structure of field stones. Many of the apparent monoliths of the past seem to be relatively thin facings glued (with a special compound) over walls made of smaller blocks. Do you have any personal experience in this area? Enquiring minds want to know, Lol. :D
No, I do not have any personal pyramid building experience that I can remember. I don't have the picture you are looking at, but I do a bit about the architecture.

Most of mexico is old coral reefs (geologically speaking), and hence there is a lot of calcium and lime. They (mayans/aztecs) used lime based cement to adhere face stones and usually built lighter weight wood structures on top of pyramids. The inside walls where plastered with lime cement and colored with pigments in fresco style. Animal bone glues were used in craftsmanship too, but very little of that exists today as that does not last 100's of years.

I'm not sure why you were asking or if you were just playing w/ me, but there are a few interesting facets of their architecture. Along the avenue of the dead, there was a building complex (forget the name) near the center, east side, which had a formica tiled floor. Formica was very rare and its use was unknown. Although I suspect it was being used as an electrical insulator.

Another interesting bit I discovered was that the map of the ave of dead and surrounding pyramids is rough mirror image of the stars, with dates of pyramid construction being equivalent to light years star was away from earth. Main pyramids I think were dated to 6 and 34 AD. I stumbled across this after learning how mayan hieroglyphs were mirrored on the sarcophagus lids so that the dead would be looking at them in the proper orientation. Like looking through a transparency.

More interesting was that on the sides of the sun pyramid, there are bands of harder stone stacked up on side steps that when the place was occupied were covered with the outer dressing stones, likely a softer marble. The bands of stone, which are visible today look very similar to the spectrum signitures of stars. I was never able to get ahold of sprectal data for the stars on the map that corrolated to the pyramids, so I have not been able to verify or deny my theory. I would like to compare the star spectrum with the pyramids and see if they match, thus proving that Mayans knew way more than we do about time/space.

Please take a look and let me know what you think, if you have the will, the time, and information. Pyramid is located at 19d 41'32.51" N, 98d 50' 37.18" W. Star map was taken at same location april 17th, 4 BC. I remember that date because I painted it.

A few months ago I was ATV'n through jungle on yuccatan and came across a cenote with an unexcavated temple and cave entrance nearby. I was not allowed to start exploring, but it reminded me of a decade old quest I was on to prove or dis-prove how much the mayans really knew about the the stars. I wondered if this small jungled-over temple represented a distant star in our galaxy. Maybe a portal.
Hmmm. I would have thought that gravitational lensing was the answer. I would expect different lensing effects if dark matter was actually 'there'....to what one might get if the effect was created by gravity behaving oddly at a distance. Given that gravity travels at the speed of light....I would expect a noticeable and observable 'delay' in gravitational effects within galaxy clusters if the effect is purely gravitational.

For example....take two galaxies A and B, 10 million light years apart..and equidistant from us...in a cluster. Their light reaches us at the same time. BUT, if the forces between them are entirely gravitational ( no dark matter in between ) I would expect any movement of galaxy A to take 10 million years to affect galaxy B. Whereas....if there are vast great strings of dark matter in halos and in between the galaxies, the matter is actually 'there' and the effect more immediate.

Quite a clever little trick.....and I actually believe it will tell the difference. You read it here first.
twilight, '
what makes you think gravity travels the speed of light? And you know the speed of light is relative right? I always assumed that gravitational force was instantaneous, like the so called 'ether'.
Perhaps you would like to look at a document called Subspace 2009b that is an exposition of my alternate physics view of the universe. You can find it at www.scribd.com/doc/18951208/subspace-2009b.

On page 11 (it's epaper) is "the pyramid model," taken from a diagram in the Upanishads. In my approach, all matter is expanding at the speed of light and simultaneously spinning through four phase rooms, our physical world being one of them. As the yogi's insist, only a quarter of the matter of the universe is perceptible.
I agree that all matter is expanding at teh speed of light, but I must add that the speed is different from one part of the universe to another . Certain pockets of greatly varying speeds have been discovered by NASA and current scientists view those pockets as areas on the universe that are expanding with acceleration or moving in a transverse direction.

Eventually, as one expands with acceleration, you reach the speed of light, where time in that location would stop, relative to an outside observer.

As we, on our little blue rock, careen through space with acceleration, time in our neck of the universe slows down and will eventually stop. Our 5th dimensional pyschological time frame, which we are for the most part unaware of, is a level above the 4th dimension and therefore not affected. The result is that as we grow older, time seems to go by faster and faster.
twilight, '
what makes you think gravity travels the speed of light?

That's a fundamental basic of general relativity. It would be impossible, for example, to have gravitational waves if gravity was an instantaneous force.

If the sun were to disappear right now, the Earth would carry on in it's orbit for another 8 minutes.......before flying off out into space.
I agree that all matter is expanding at teh speed of light, but I must add that the speed is different from one part of the universe to another . Certain pockets of greatly varying speeds have been discovered by NASA and current scientists view those pockets as areas on the universe that are expanding with acceleration or moving in a transverse direction.

Eventually, as one expands with acceleration, you reach the speed of light, where time in that location would stop, relative to an outside observer.

Yes, this Particular place of the Universe is not a Closed Universe, despite of the Explosion of local Black Hole...long ago!


but changed the density of particles here.
general relativity assumes gravity is the speed of light. This has never been measured directly. But because astrophys guys have observed gravitational damping on a few sets of binary stars, they assumed that the decay of the orbits showed gravitational speeds to be less than infinite.

But... the same observations from Earth would be made if the star system was being time dragged while the universe is expanding. From our 2D vantage point at this distance, the orbits look like they are decaying over time, when really our reference point in time is simply not maintaining a steady location, giving the illusion of orbit decay.

you may have heard that here first, but that doesn't mean i'm wrong.