Chrono Cadet
Or a battle ground for RMT and Herc?
RMT wrote:
Well I looked it up on google and I found this:
So what is it?
Who knows????????
I quote from the same url:
"Dark energy: the suspects
• Cosmological constant (w = -1)
Originally introduced by Albert Einstein, it was later suggested by Yakov Zel'dovich that quantum vacuum energy would produce a constant energy density and pressure. However, theoretical predictions yield a cosmological constant that is 120 orders of magnitude higher than the observational value. Regardless of cosmology, quantum vacuum energy exists. Whether the cosmic contribution is in fact zero, or finely tuned, is one of the outstanding challenges in physics.
• Quintessence (w > -1)
A form of energy with negative pressure that varies with space and time. Quintessence is dynamic, unlike the cosmological constant, and its average energy density and pressure slowly decay with time. This feature might help to explain the tuning and sudden onset of cosmic acceleration. Modelled as a scalar field, quintessence predicts particle-like excitations with a mass of about 10-33 eV (see Caldwell and Steinhardt in further reading).
• Other vacuum energy (w < -1)
Unless we are the victims of a conspiracy of systematic effects, w < -1 is the sign of really exotic physics. In one model, quantum effects of a quintessence-like field lead to modifications of general relativity, while other models suggest that the dark-energy density actually grows with time, possibly causing the universe to end in a catastrophic "big rip". Other novel ideas include an exotic field that causes a cosmological-constant-like acceleration but that varies in space.
• Modification of general relativity
Various attempts have been made to modify Einstein's general theory of relativity, and therefore avoid the need for exotic matter to drive the accelerated expansion. While some are difficult to distinguish from quintessence, many predict violations of the equivalence principle (which is the bedrock of general relativity) or departures from the universal 1/r gravitational potential."
So what you are saying (in Nitescott laymen terms) is this: ... in a few years science will get a handle on this stuff and when we do, we will understand lots of other stuff that is entwined with dark energy like time and space as well as other stuff not yet thought of!, and accordingly that will result in the next spark in human "mind evolution" to the point that we become smarter, better, happier and perhaps even spiritual.
Is that whatcha meant Rainman?
RMT wrote:
Have you heard of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, nitescott? Are you aware of the fact that Dark Energy is, by far, the dominating force of Energy in our universe, and that normal, baryonic, gravitating matter is only about 4% of total Energy? Well, it is my opinion that as we come to understand the nature of Dark Energy that this will be the "trigger" which will lead to a wholesale abandonment of the strictly reductionist approach that has held science in its grasp for so long. I also believe that it will solidify the central role of consciousness (aphysicality) in the forces that shape Massive SpaceTime. All the pieces are in place, and there are many people who are continuing in their research and development of complex systems (i.e. chaos theory). They will bring the tide that washes over all of the compartmentalized forms of science. The next great story of human emergence will be a result of INTEGRATING the currently compartmentalized disciplines with a better understanding of the impact that consciousness has on physicality and observation.
Well I looked it up on google and I found this:
So what is it?
Who knows????????
I quote from the same url:
"Dark energy: the suspects
• Cosmological constant (w = -1)
Originally introduced by Albert Einstein, it was later suggested by Yakov Zel'dovich that quantum vacuum energy would produce a constant energy density and pressure. However, theoretical predictions yield a cosmological constant that is 120 orders of magnitude higher than the observational value. Regardless of cosmology, quantum vacuum energy exists. Whether the cosmic contribution is in fact zero, or finely tuned, is one of the outstanding challenges in physics.
• Quintessence (w > -1)
A form of energy with negative pressure that varies with space and time. Quintessence is dynamic, unlike the cosmological constant, and its average energy density and pressure slowly decay with time. This feature might help to explain the tuning and sudden onset of cosmic acceleration. Modelled as a scalar field, quintessence predicts particle-like excitations with a mass of about 10-33 eV (see Caldwell and Steinhardt in further reading).
• Other vacuum energy (w < -1)
Unless we are the victims of a conspiracy of systematic effects, w < -1 is the sign of really exotic physics. In one model, quantum effects of a quintessence-like field lead to modifications of general relativity, while other models suggest that the dark-energy density actually grows with time, possibly causing the universe to end in a catastrophic "big rip". Other novel ideas include an exotic field that causes a cosmological-constant-like acceleration but that varies in space.
• Modification of general relativity
Various attempts have been made to modify Einstein's general theory of relativity, and therefore avoid the need for exotic matter to drive the accelerated expansion. While some are difficult to distinguish from quintessence, many predict violations of the equivalence principle (which is the bedrock of general relativity) or departures from the universal 1/r gravitational potential."
So what you are saying (in Nitescott laymen terms) is this: ... in a few years science will get a handle on this stuff and when we do, we will understand lots of other stuff that is entwined with dark energy like time and space as well as other stuff not yet thought of!, and accordingly that will result in the next spark in human "mind evolution" to the point that we become smarter, better, happier and perhaps even spiritual.
Is that whatcha meant Rainman?