Wow!! I've only been familiar with the Titor saga since late last year, but I've read more drama and intrigue on this real life forum, than I have in most novels.... Really is amazing, this ongoing story....
And Mylo, my friend, the "amazing" part really isn't all that complicated. For your benefit I'll again post what happened:
MOP is not Titor. MOP is not part of Group Titor nor a part of the John Titor Foundation. He operates several websites. All but one, this site, are commercial vertures for actual businesses and one client is Disney. Disney Corp. originally owned Celebration, FL. Disney Corp built the town. A huge part of Disneyland and Disney World is "Tomorrowland" - Walt Disney's view of the world of tomorrow. Celebration, when it was built, was to have every modern electronic convenience - a planned community for tomorrow. The Internet was hardwired into every building. It was to have one of the original Segway outlets. It needed a community website and BBS, SysOP and SysAdmin. MOP already ran sites for Disney. He was pegged to set up run the Celebration website and admin/moderate the community BBS. On the BBS he had a hot link to this site. That's the connection. Not very amazing but that's what happened. A resident of Celebration found the link on the BBS and logged in here.
It was easy enough to find the address of the John Titor Foundation. It is a Florida LLC and the information is readily available on the Sunbiz (Florida Dept of Corps) website. So finding Celebration as Larry Haber's office location was straight forward. Discovering that Larry was the very first person to move into Celebration was discovered on the community website (Larry Haber was called Celebration's "First Person"). A perq of being, at the time, a top executive of Disney.
What was not anticipated by the John Titor Foundation is that we would find a back link leading from here
back to Celebration. I found that link, quite by accident, on the old TOS/Privacy Notice page. It lead to Magical Mouse
The Magical Mouse . MOP runs that site. There was a link to the Celebration website on Magical Mouse. On the Celebration BBS home page was a hotlink back to this site. The old Celebration BBS is long gone. Only the website itself remains. The hotlink to that site
Official Website of the Community of Celebration| Located next to Walt Disney World | Celebration, FL. is at the top of the Celebration USA page on the Magical Mouse.
This is the original website that was contained in the hotlink on Magical Mouse. It, apparently, is no longer the "official" community website:
Real Estate For Sale and Rent in Celebration, FL 34747 (
(34747 is the Zip Code for Celebration)
You'll probably notice that the site is no longer a general community website. It is now a local "Real Estate for Sale" site.
The original site was also cross registered as and The Dot Org is now a restricted site and back-ups on the Internet Archive (from 2005) indicate that it is a private website owned and operated by the City of Celebration for the internal business of the City (the back-up, though restricted, indicate City Council meeting minutes).