Darby, New Information (Chip)

John Thomas

Temporal Navigator
There is a guy on god like productions dot com with the handle of Chip Member ID 31999.
He recently became a forum moderator on that site and is actively looking to ban all members with the name of Ren.
Why? Because Ren claims to be John Titor.
This guy is sure of his beliefs in such a way as to make me believe that he is telling the truth.
He claims to know Pam. "I know Pamela...you are a turd. STFU and go back to your cave."
He claims he was one of the original posters when John Titor was active.
He has made comments about Ohio in the past that lead me to believe he is from there.
I think that your recent speculations about Pamela are correct. I think that she and her friend in Ohio have a lot to do with this John Titor story.
When you told me the story of how "the secret song" myth got started, I started to do some investigating in that area.
Members, we've got a guy here with a history of comments that give us further clues and evidence as to just what is going on here.
You sure are enamored with the Titor drama. Can't you let it go, or do you get your jollies from this kind of mindless drama?

Why not go read (or write) a romance novel? At least the drama there leads to good ole fashioned effin! :)
Man, this Titor stuff is so OLD. Could the mods consider a sub forum just for Titor things.. so the rest of the site is not poisoned with it. All Titor obsessives can go play there and keep the main boards free for genuine discussions.
So you're not opposed to discussion about time travel but you are opposed to discussion about John Titor.
Why not warn everyone that posts here that if they mention the name John Titor, they will be banned.
Put it right up there in the light blue field.
"Time Travel Institute has been upgraded, courtesy of Mop's wallet and Cosmo's lack of social life! Feel free to explore the new features, one of us will post an announcement thread with a few highlights later tonight. If you mention John Titor, you will be banned."
but John, discussion of Titor isnt a discussion about time travel is it? Its a discussion about a pretty bad, very old news, hoax. The problem is that this Titor stuff has built up such a self sustaining mythology that its kept alive ad nauseum, when really the facts make it clear its not worthy of it. I dont think Im the only one who doesnt want have to have every disccussion Im participating in clouded by discussion and information based on a of a non-existant person that was topical mabye 5 years ago... but is now a really irrelevent, reptitive, clique-ish, conversation killing, bore.

By the way, Im certainly not suggesting it shouldnt be discussed by people who enjoy the mythology of the Titor story, but perhaps it could be given your own sub-forum to do so, so that the main board can become a bit more contemporary and open for new perspectives without constantly being dragged back to this old tale.
but John, discussion of Titor isnt a discussion about time travel is it?

You've caught on, my friend. The John TItor threads had nothing to do with time travel. They were entirely about politics. Time travel was just a "hook" to get the discussion going.

I don't mind having the occassional John Titor discussion here. But I have no interest at all in re-investigating the John Titor Saga. It is something that started 15 years ago, went online 12 years ago and has been jaw-boned to death. Interest in the story is almost zero. If you look at Google Trends and search "John Titor" you'll discover the facts. It has a couple of peaks years ago that coincide with RAI showing the "investigative" TV piece in Italy. Other than that it has trended down steadily since 2004. What little Internet interest that is left is almost wholly confined to Italy and Indonesia. The instances of peak interest were wholly confined to Italy. Worldwide interest bottomed out in 2005. It doesn't even register in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia-New Zealand or Europe.

The vast majrity of posters are tired of the story. They are tired of people claiming to be Titor, people claiming to have the "inside scoop" (on Pamela, The Song, the JTF, Boomer) and they are tired of bickering over it. Most of all they are tired of their threads being hijacked into becoming a Titor thread. They are so sick and tired of the story that they simply no longer care who played the part of John Titor.
Thanks Darby, I'm glad that you have found peace in just ignoring all this. It's for the best.

No problem, my friend. And always keep in mind that what I posted above is just my opinion (other than the Google Trends data). It is based on feedback but an opinion nonetheless.

You're obviously always welcome to post anything on any topic that pleases you, including Titor. That's why we call this a discussion forum. :)

PS: I really haven't found peace by no longer being terribly interested in the topic. That is principally because I was never disturbed by the Titor Saga thus I've always been at peace with it. It was interesting and most of all it was entertaining. It was never anything that I took as being serious in the sense of the silly time travel "physics" proposed by Boomer, global thermonuclear war, revolution by armed militias, or a threat to national security subject to survelliance and intervention by alphabet soup government agencies. Those parts of the story, in large part embellishments on the original story, were made up by posters and not JT/TTO. Good for a few (many) eyes rolling chuckles.

Talk to you soon.

So, Darby. Do you have a link to the C2C ? Or do you not want to talk about it? Is this old news?

C2C the radio show? No. I haven't listened to a broadcast there since 2001. I appeared as a guest one time in 2004 or 2005 (it may have been later - I don't recall) but I'm not a fan. If you mean P2P (Post-2-Post) the original forum was shut down by Art Bell and Premiere Radio in 2001. I haven't even looked at the current C2C forum (if there even is one) in well over ten years.
Someone linked your interview on Coast 2 Coast. Interesting stuff. If you're bored. You can research me.

Maybe you misunderstood. I'm not bored. The topic of John Titor is boring. I've probably made 5k posts on that topic alone. There's nothing more to be said. There's nothing left to research, discover or ponder. His science was silly. The social commentary was possible though not probable. Not a single topic that he brought up was new. Everything that he brought up was a hot topic on many boards at the time that he brought them up.

If you want to do research by all means do it. You certainly don't need my participation or permission.

As to researching you; research what? There's nothing about you of any particular interest for me (and no disrespect intended). The photo that you chose for your avatar pretty much says it all for me - late teens, college frosh stoner; not to be taken seriously because he (you) doesn't take himself seriously. Sorry - I didn't choose the photo. You choose that particular photo with a purpose in mind and that's the impression that you've made on me by so choosing.

(No - changing photo won't alter the first impression.)
Sorry - I didn't choose the photo. You choose that particular photo with a purpose in mind and that's the impression that you've made on me by so choosing.

(No - changing photo won't alter the first impression.)

Late teens? I'm about 28 when this photo is taken.
Late teens? I'm about 28 when this photo is taken.

Impressions. That's the impression that you left. Saying that you were approaching 30 yrs old when the photo was taken does not enhance the first impression. It leaves the feeling that someone hasn't grown up and still feels comfortable advertising, "I'm a kewl young stoner, dude" to the public at large. Most people as they approach age 30 have young kids in 3rd or 4th grade and being a cool stoner is not the impression that they want their children to have of mom and dad.

Look at the damned photo, John.

All that being said I can also say that from all appearances you seem to be a pleasant enough person. Its the game playing. It comes across as insincerity thus it detracts from credibility. For some reason you seem to want to intice me back into the Titor game. Fair enough, though as said, I'm not interested. But if I was interested, based on your past (apparent) attempts to pose as Titor, then backing away from the posture, dropping hints that on such and such date you'd post information then don't, why would I even consider the proposition?