Hi Darby,
I found this diagram/equation on the net, someone claimed that this is the Higgs Boson mechanism.
Do you understand it? If yes, please explain.
Darby and Trans, this diagram and equation is an attempt to apply a golden ratio spin to sub-particle physics. The guy is trying to say that a field created by a Kerr black hole is shaped like a sea-shell. At least, that is how I interpret this.
A Higgs Bosson is a particle/wave/force that pushes on heavier elements more and lighter particles such as electrons and positrons less. Or maybe my description and understanding of it is wrong.
John, do you mean seashell like this?
Golden ratio discovered in quantum world: Hidden symmetry observed for the first time in solid state matter
The question wasnt directed to me but I dare say its not. The Higgs Mechanism is a rather more complex system. Thye Higgs Mechanism is the way in which all particles acquiere mass in space and are capable to exist within the multilayered hyperdimensional fields of each universe. They acquiere mass by being excited into a particular critical event which can be found everywhere in space, but not the same way around. The diagram above seems rather crude and simple. But then again it could be the simplifications of an ingenious mind.
Phi (golden ratio)
What does this number do with the 4 planes???
Darby and Trans, this diagram and equation is an attempt to apply a golden ratio spin to sub-particle physics. The guy is trying to say that a field created by a Kerr black hole is shaped like a sea-shell. At least, that is how I interpret this.
A Higgs Bosson is a particle/wave/force that pushes on heavier elements more and lighter particles such as electrons and positrons less. Or maybe my description and understanding of it is wrong.
There's nothing there to understand. It's a graphic with a simplistic equation and no explanation - even the terms are undefined. And where in that graphic do you see anything suggesting a Kerr black hole? I see no angular momentum, charge or mass indicated anywhere. Spin is not rotation. Spin is a quantum state of a particle that has no classical equivalent.
Where is the link to the source of the graphic?
Thomas I beg to differ on your proposal of dimensional causation. First we might define what a
Just a thought!!!
Thanks for the link.
No, he's not describing the Higgs Boson. He attempted a simple way to derive alpha^-1 (which he defined - the fine structure constant, 1/137). The math works out approximately correct but the math shown says nothing about the fundamental strength of the electromagnetic force.
a^-1 = e^2/c * h-bar = 1/137 where
c = speed of light
e = charge on an elecron
h-bar = Planck's Constant/2Pi
That means the electrical charge on an electron is connected to fine-structure constant
Higgs constructed a model in which a quantum field (Phi) plays the role of the order parameter in Landau’s theory. He realised that if the potential energy of his new field was defined to have exactly the same form as in Landau’s theory, then it would provide a symmetry breaking mechanism that could be applied to the fundamental forces in particle physics. Higgs wrote down the following expression for this potential energy at a given point:
Here syands for the value of the field at the point.