Just to finish up -
Toronto has a salmon derby fishing tournament. It has been running for many years. Right in front of all those living here and they still don't see what is gone on. The sustenance that the fish brought and the environments protection by those that lived here , repeated a cycle of life that existed for thousands of years. The exact lands that were where the rivers of running hatchery
https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=thackery park etobicoke (these lands and south) were stacked nose to tail with fish 30 pounds in weight unable to pass over each other . I can't describe more as the only camera picture I have ever taken is gone and had too much reflection without filter on the lens. Don't be mistaken, the lands were occupied for good reason and taken for greed .
I am going broke staying in this motel. I am token. Only I , only one around. I get on the bus and look around but again I am all there is around. This motel attracts many and even today I just spent a short pleasant time talking with two very nice people except they live 20 hours north drive and the grandmother is even further flight only and deliveries only during winter on frozen ice road. When you realize the harshness of the lands they live ( rivers run north ) , the amazing place that Toronto is becomes clear. The calm winter and the abundant fall , these are necessity for survival and the upper-handed legal document persuaders pursuers , they got the job done.
I stand lonely , but so what , I am no one , just a man with open eyes and not respected enough to have an opinion of merit.
When it turned out that the actual settlement of claim was not completed until 2010 , I was the only one living here. If I was to accept inclusion I would want peerage throughout the commonwealth to be granted. The deal was with the Monarchy , Royalty , and as such as I was born before the conclusion of the purchase and prior to the constitution (without referendum as I recall) . Yes , peerage is important. The reason as I see that it never happened is the , Who should ceremonially and distinguish upon someone "title" such as Viscount or Baron or even knighthood. Now I watched the companies leave due to bilingual reasons , including the canadian space and aerospace industries. There is no bilingual in the treaty. The peerage could be extended only to those of DNA that belongs of these treaty areas.
Sorry to have taken my story into your thread. It's just that I did not know your concerns for original people of north america existed. We get a lot of American television and what I endured throughout my lifetime , due to depiction as not so wonderful peoples , I kind of suffered prejudiced intolerance. Thanks for your time. I really do hope that the future people read our time travel forum to understand some things that are being changed in print to desceive the education and those reading up trying to find facts. an example of this is
for some money,
gun flints, 24
brass kettles, 120
mirrors, 24 laced hats, a bale of flowered
flannel, and 96 gallons of
rum." on one page and another mentions peppercorn . Then another goverment page states "and for the consideration of ten shillings of good and lawful money in hand paid ....
There is another that is talking maybe 6,000 dollars or close to that.