D. Brinkley and Titor


Epochal Historian
The said Danion Brinkley from another web site, was hit by lightning and shown the future, to where he said that the U.S. would go into anarchy and from this action, split into three separate nations.

Brinkley knew Art Bell, who is a Mason.

I wonder early on, if this is where the John Titor story came from, if this was a constructed ruse?
Thanks, there could be veracity to this say?

However the country spit into three separate parts, does not make sence, for functionability.

How does one achieve standardization for the manufacture of goods and so-on?
My uncles a Mason, therefore I could be also if I wanted to be. It's not what it once was, these days people get together and drink beer, play pool, chill out. Nothing really big happens, you have a mason sticker on your car you might get out of 1 in 10 parking tickets.

It's just a stupid club, remenants of something that once held much power. I'm not doubting the existance of a secret mason branch that actually still IS just as powerful, just the vast majority of masons have nothing to do with it.
Yes, but we're talking about freemasons. A pretty crappy movie came out recently that largely involved them, you can watch it to get an idea of what conspiracy nuts think they're up to. (The movie is National Treasure)
Well I don't know what to think of masons, the guests on his show talk about secret societies and make them out to be scary. Art is my favorite radio voice. 1000 past or future, there's nothing better than sittin outside in the summer with a joint & Art Bell on the radio.