Curious ???


Super Moderator
Since there may be a few here that have experimented with Tesla coils, I thought I'd throw out a question or three here.

What do you think would happen if one was to fire up a Tesla Coil that was within a tank of water ?

I realize that I may be neglecting to mention specific numbers/info regarding the structure of, and the amount of juice.


What kind of temp's do you think the water could reach ?

Would a pressure relief valve be appropriate ?

Do you believe that a solar system would generate enough power for batteries to juice up the Tesla Coil with some heavy duty voltage ?

Would be interesting to read you're answers...just as a fun for thought kind of thing.
Hello, Again.

If the tesla coil were immersed in water, it would undoubtedly short out between the leads and no current would pass through the coil.

If the leads and the coil itself were water-proofed--who knows what if anything would occur besides the water warming up a little.

What I find more of interest at the moment is the problem besetting the CERN Collider.
I think their problem arose from firing up the machine (how can you use a machine for a scientific test if it hasn't been dry run, first?)

Apparently a switch failed and an electromagnet used to contain the beam was not switched on, so the beam was not curved around but continued on a tangent to the collider ring. The result, I think, would basically be a particle beam that would blast a hole through everything in its path until the momentum of the protons was lost. Hence the loss of pressure. It occurs to me that if a means of curving the beam into a vertical path was developed one might have a powerful weapon capable of destroying a satellite in orbit.

When we think of "electromagnetism," we think in terms of positive and negative electricity, but actually only negative (electron) electrical effects are involved--more or fewer electrons.

But what of "protomagnetism," in which only more or fewer protons were involved? If fewer electrons is "electropositive," then are protons positive in the same sense? :D
Since there may be a few here that have experimented with Tesla coils, I thought I'd throw out a question or three here.

What do you think would happen if one was to fire up a Tesla Coil that was within a tank of water ?

I realize that I may be neglecting to mention specific numbers/info regarding the structure of, and the amount of juice.


What kind of temp's do you think the water could reach ?

Would a pressure relief valve be appropriate ?

Do you believe that a solar system would generate enough power for batteries to juice up the Tesla Coil with some heavy duty voltage ?

Would be interesting to read you're answers...just as a fun for thought kind of thing.

With out the numbers it is hard to say. With low current not much besides maybe shorting out depending on the design. With a lot of current then things may get interesting like smoke and fire and arking. What ever happens this is not an experiment you would want to perform. One little mistake besides getting burned could put you into cardiac arrest and fry your brain. If you survived your nerves may be so damaged that you never be the same again. Water is only as conductive as the impurities in it so the water will act as a resister and water makes a real good resister. Tesla used water as a resister on his Tesla coils but in a totally different manner than what you are talking about. The electricity would separate the water into hydrogen and oxygen and with a good spark there could be an explosion but it might take a while to create enough gases to explode it. The water could boil also creating steam but most likely what would happen is your power supply would be shorted out and burn up which would kill the juice to the Tesla coil so you might get disappointed. Either that or you would blow a breaker. What ever the case I really hope your not considering trying this.
Hello Packerbacker !

I'd imagine that many developments of devices may have been the result of an accident. If such an accident occurred at CERN, you could almost bet that the military has perked up a tad and has taken notice.

Assuming that they haven't been involved in such experiments already, which they probably are.

Would be fun to be a member of the CERN team and see that scenario unfold.

I use to live in San Clemente, California...and there is some sort of space-laser testing program facility near-by. Every so often, our televisions and radios would hiccup, as though some sort of energy "pulse" had passed through the area.

The televisions would also have barely discernable "waves" appear on the screen. Our television was an antenna type. I was wondering what the government was going to do with the frequencies that will no longer be "available" next year, since all analog televisions will cease to function.

Maybe there is a link to some sort of space-laser program and those particular frequencies, eh ?

Wonder what type of laser they were playing with at that facility to cause an effect on the televisions in the area ?
Yeah, I figured this to be the case. There are alot of variables missing from my questions. The results of such a "run" would depend on many un-mentioned variables.

I was assuming that the components would be matched up for optimal performance.

What goal was I hoping to achieve ?

I have taken an interest with Geothermal energy as a method of producing electricity. This project is only in its beginning phase, more along the lines of thought, than actually being at a point of building anything to run experiments at this time.

My primary problem is getting the water to the appropriate temperatures to create steam ( energy ) that would then operate the generators.

The system would need to be completely independent of any outside power sources...a self contained, supplied, operated and self producing...all by itself.

How does one utilize multiple technologies to heat water ( create the energy required ) enough to power the generators ?

In doing the research, the link below provides the basic parameters needed for the various methods for geothermal production of energy...

Geothermal Energy

I was thinking that if one started with solar energy to heat the water, this would be an inexpensive way in heating water to the required temperatures.

We have Point of Use water heaters on the market now...however, the required input of power is excessive, and still does not provide the required temperatures needed to drive a generator.

Once I saw that the water temp has to be up to 700 degrees, I knew that there is not any solar system capable of heating any water to that degree.

However, if we placed something in the line that could rapidly heat the water and produce the appropriate temperatures, what would that "something" be ?

It occurred to me that "maybe" a Tesla Coil could do exactly that. A controlled explosion, as it were.

If high voltage was applied to a chamber of water, would it be capable of vaporizing the long as the voltage was powerful enough...and then channel the release of energy to drive the generator.

In the thought arena, would a specially designed Tesla Coil, able to operate within a water chamber, be capable of creating the release of enough energy to move the generator ?

Containing the seems there is too much of a chance of having everything fall apart. The chamber itself would need to be able to withstand the rapid increase of energy, either voltage and/or expanding water/gases.

Also, I don't see it being a stable system, as the Tesla Coil would not be supplying a consistent power supply, only quick pulses of energy, more than likely not enough in a manner that continues to drive the generator.

I also was "not" considering any possible "blow back" of the flow of energy.

There are many, many flaws in this system.

Solar system to batteries ----> batteries to Tesla Coil-----> Tesla Coil to Water Tank----> Water Tank to generator.

Any geothermal system currently operating, is using energy from the Earth for its source of my initial question is if there is a way to attain the power via a source while NOT tapping into the mantle of the earth to attain the same ?

The time seems appropriate to research alternative energy systems, and funding for such research seems as though it will be available as never before. I would hate to see an opportunity pass by...

...thus the gears within the noggin are churning.

Keep in mind, this is only in the thought stage at this time...considering "possibilities". So I will not be blowing myself Tomorrow..? Who knows.
Keep in mind, this is only in the thought stage at this time...considering "possibilities". So I will not be blowing myself Tomorrow..? Who knows.

think about
<font color="red"> Solar energy reflector-collector [/COLOR]
A system including a non-tracking reflector-collector for the concentration and collection of solar energy. An energy-collecting plate is disposed upright along a substantially horizontal axis substantially coincident with the east-west direction of the earth. The collector plate is positioned within a semi-tubular reflector having parabolic sidewalls. The reflector surfaces on opposite sides of the collector plate are parabolic surfaces, each having a focal point approximately coincident with the upper terminal edge of the collector plate. The axes of the parabolas which define the respective surfaces are rotated about or diverge from their common focal point at a substantial angle. The reflector sides are of laminated construction having a base portion of a lightweight rigid plastic sheet, an underlayer of plastic corrugated board and a reflective film on the interior surface. The collector plate receives energy entering the aperture between the reflective surfaces. In one of the preferred embodiments, the plate elevates the temperature of a heat exchange medium flowing therethrough. The heat exchange medium provides for storage and use of the collected energy. In a second embodiment, the collector plate receives solar energy which is converted into electrical energy for storage and use.




Parabolic Trough: Solar power plants use parabolic troughs to make super heated steam and generate electricity because their fabrication and tracking equipment is less expensive than the dish. A simple parabolic trough may be made with a sheet of cardboard lined with a piece of aluminum foil. I've heard of people using this device to roast hot dogs. Both solar reflectors can be used as cookers, but we won't be cooking hot dogs with our science projects. Right? To be scientific and collect meaningful data we should control as many variables as possible. For this reason we should construct our solar reflectors with the aid of a carefully constructed template.

Trough Construction:
MATERIALS: aluminum flashing 20"x 4', 1x8x4, 1/2" copper tube 5'long, drywall nails
TOOLS: jig saw, hammer, drill, 3/4" bit

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